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Do my eyes decieve me? More Reprints?


Absent Friend
Do my eyes decieve me? I see Challenge, Atlas of the Imperium, and Aliens reprints coming out in 2003! Can it be true? Does anyone know what the pricing and release dates are going to be? Are any going to be released at 2003 GenCon? Will there be an actual TravCon this year?
What's more interesting is something listed under the explanations of all the different traveller versions. There's a logo for Traveller 5 there, meaning it's still being worked on.

While the reprints are nice. I'd like to see some fresh material with a more modern format and pacing. As a new player and a busy man, I don't have time to decipher CT.
Does anyone know what the pricing and release dates are going to be?
If you click through the Traveller portion of the site, you'll find pages for the Survey and the first Aliens book, which providethe following details:

Survey: $32, mid-2003
Aliens 1: $32, elsewhere listed as Jan-2003
Considering the number of 2002 reprints that are still MIA (T2000, T2300 and I don't know what else) I wouldn't hold your breath.
Originally posted by Uncle Bob:
Considering the number of 2002 reprints that are still MIA (T2000, T2300 and I don't know what else) I wouldn't hold your breath.
Hmmmmm....guess I shouldn't try to pre-order the upcoming stuff, then?
Originally posted by Mysterion:
Hmmmmm....guess I shouldn't try to pre-order the upcoming stuff, then?
I wouldn't. To my knowledge, nothing has shipped on time in years. Most of the stuff that actually made it out last year was well over a year behind.

Personally, I wait for it to come out on e-Bay. There are a few on-line game stores that use it to sell their wares, and a couple of them carry the CT reprints. Usually save a couple of dollars on the price too.
Originally posted by MichaelL65:
</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Mysterion:
Hmmmmm....guess I shouldn't try to pre-order the upcoming stuff, then?
I wouldn't. To my knowledge, nothing has shipped on time in years. Most of the stuff that actually made it out last year was well over a year behind.

</font>[/QUOTE]Well, bummer, that. I guess paitience is a virtue.

I will say, though, that they are VERY prompt about shipping the stuff already released. I mailed (snailed) an order the Saturday before Christmas, and had the books in my hands the following Saturday.
I had a brief e-mail exchange with Marc yesterday and he had the proofs ready for the printer next to his PC. He expects ALiens 1 and 2 back in 3-4 weeks from now.

Originally posted by Shane Mclean:
I had a brief e-mail exchange with Marc yesterday and he had the proofs ready for the printer next to his PC. He expects ALiens 1 and 2 back in 3-4 weeks from now.

OUTSTANDING!!! These and the Grand Survey book are the ones I'm most wanting to have in my own two hands! (maniacal laughter) Ahem.
fasa reprints ? YESSSSS ! does anyone know when ? ive been trying to get hold of "legend " for ages .
anyone who doesn't know the fasa material should check it out at the earliest .
im so exited i think i may just ref "ordeal by eshar" for myself again . theres still a couple of my characters who don't know the plot .
Just looking again...

I see they have the paypal stuff up, but not the snail mail form. I really could use the snail mail order form.
i also just checked the Far Future Net...looks good...lots of goodys headed our way...just wondering when....and how much.
Originally posted by plop101:
Just looking again...

I see they have the paypal stuff up, but not the snail mail form. I really could use the snail mail order form.
Under Traveller Quick Order, there are order forms you can print out to order by snail mail.
any one out there hear any new "news" about the reprints??? any dates of release????. anything about prices?....ANY GOOD NEWS????? ;)
So does that mean that Aliens 1 has shipped???
Probably hasn't shipped. Presumably there will be an update on the Far Future site when it does. It would be REALLY REALLY NICE if a) said site made a lick of sense and b) we could rely on it for product news.