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deck plan website

I like to draw deckplans but don't play any RPG, although I did play Classic Traveller back in the day.

Anyway, my ships aren't done using Traveller rules but I thought people might want to use them/modify them.

Some nice designs there - thank you for sharing that link! And very impressive trek blueprints!

I'm going to dig in and check out your designs a bit more.
Feel free to use and abuse to your heart's content.

I am still working on the trek plans; the lower hull is giving me nightmares! LOL

I have a scout and a marava but they are in need of major revisions before I post them.
Very nice. I've always approached my own deckplans from a game-specific source. I like the idea of the gun and pilot's licenses. We need more minor props like this - they remind me of the old ID cards for TNS, the Imperial Marines, etc. that came out in a CT supplement (12, Forms and Charts?). The idea of having good art for such props, pictures of varios character fashions and weapons, cityscapes, and of course deck plans for cool stuff like shuttles (nice Raptor!) and space stations all helps to aide in the visual aspect of the game and in immersion.

The only thing I had an issue with is a Federation designed privateer. Clearly a 'Mirror, Mirror' project....
Thanks for the comments.

I think most deck planners approach from a specific game. My first plans were for Classic Traveller and used those rules. But I haven't played in decades but still enjoy doodling, so I wanted my plan to reach the widest audience possible.

Yeah, lots of people don't like the trek ship because it isn't a trek ship, if that makes sense. It's just based on a trek ship.

Glad you like the Raptor, it's my personal favorite project.

I plan to add more non ship props at some point: guns, more buildings and vehicles.
Bravo, very nice. I particularly like your yacht. I found the same drawing a while back at Mr. Bruce's site and have attempted to pencil plans many times without success. Again, a hearty bravo!
Originally posted by Ran Targas:
Bravo, very nice. I particularly like your yacht. I found the same drawing a while back at Mr. Bruce's site and have attempted to pencil plans many times without success. Again, a hearty bravo!
He has a website? I found it through a google search for ships but when I googled him nothing came up. Strange.

Glad you like it. We (the SWDA) are working on a shaded exterior version for more realism. That will get posted sometime in the next decade! (shading is a #@$%#)

Scetchup is interesting and I would love to learn 3D modeling at some point. But for my deckplans,a 2D program means they can be easily altered by anyone with a basic graphics program to fit their game or vision. Don't like my yacht's lounge? Change it. Want to add guns (not sure where you'd put 'em)? Go ahead. Don't like the color? Paint it. I originally used MSPaint to modify someone else's work and then I slowly moved to using PS Elements (gotta love working in layers) and doing original stuff.

Feel free to stop over at the SWDA website as well. Although their focus is Star Wars, they have a couple great light freighters and and some other ships in the gallery.

SWDA Gallery

If you want to alter anything in my drawings, we have templates at the SWDA for furniture, mechanicals, etc., or you can create your own. My ships are a mishmash of templates and original stuff.
Thank you for sharing Kenposan.

Your scifi ships could be converted into Traveller-styled ships with minimal modification.

Your scifi vehicles could be used as Traveller vehicle sillhouettes without much modifications at all! They look like the kinds of vehicles (like air rafts) that could already exist in the Traveller rules system. It's just a matter of giving appropriate Traveller stats to them.

And finally... your floorplans. Well done! These are very useful as is. They can be used in just about any modern/futurist game. The brownstone apartments I would probably find useful in a Call of Cthulhu campaign game (where New England brownstones are very common residences in that setting). Your futuristic villas are the kind of "mansions" that my Traveller players would love to retire into! Complete with a carport garage that can house a couple of anti-grav vehicles/speeders! Well done!

Glad you like the floorplans. What I noticed when I started doodling was that, while there are lots of websites for ships, there are few dirtside floorplans. And to be honest, they are easier to draw!

When I drew the brownstone I was thinking along the lines of Shadowrun (dark, urban setting) but it would work great with Cthulhu as well. Hadn't thought of that one.

And forget the characters retiring, I want to retire to the first one! It's my dream house.
Originally posted by Kenposan:

Glad you like the floorplans. What I noticed when I started doodling was that, while there are lots of websites for ships, there are few dirtside floorplans. And to be honest, they are easier to draw!
For me, I see it simply as a matter of practicality. Floorplans are actually far more more useful for a Game Master.

If a GM has access to things like a floorplan of a futuristic Starport Bar... chances are good that the players will end up having a ball with bar-room brawls in many many game sessions!
Exactly. It's nice to know what your ship looks like, but how much actual play takes place there?

I am going to do the docking bay from Tatooine at some point. Maybe that will my next distraction to avoid returning to the Phoenix. LOL

I added a docking bay based on West End Game's Hideouts & Strongholds. It is part of a larger starport that I don't like so I am going to create my own. That will take a while. LOL Won't be to this scale, obviously. In fact, it probably won't be to scale, just a representation.

It's in the Buildings section.
