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Decision at Yedab


We've posted three ships for Squadron Strike: Traveller and the scenario "Decision at Yedab" on our Patreon: http://www.patreon.com/creation?hid=1475834 You need to be a Patron to download the files, which costs only $5 a month (and helps Ken Burnside generate all kinds of spaceship gaming content!).

For more about Patreon, see our TMP post here: http://theminiaturespage.com/boards/msg.mv?id=367078

On 040-1107 in Yebab (3002 Spinward Marches) Consulate forces were faced with a terrible choice. The 145th Cruiser Division (CruDiv) had caught bigger game than they were expecting. They were the heavy element of a sweep into the Aramis subsector; lighter forces were covering other worlds. Yebab is a natural staging point for attacks on the Imperial base complex along the Xboat route to trailing. Attacks from this system would threaten the defenses of the entire subsector with its two high population worlds and numerous potential colonies. Yebab is also part of the Jump-4 route to the sector capital, making it an important system for redeploying forces parallel to the frontier.​

It was a Plankwell-class dreadnought, the Admiral Soegz, that interrupted the Zhodani raiding party. The Soegz was being deployed to Regina and took a route through Yebab. The orders to proceed with active hostilities had not yet been unsealed, but even so the cruiser captains debated the potential of an attack. After analyzing their current orders and rules of engagement, the Consulate commanders reached a consensus that the information gathered about Imperial capital ship movements and the provocation already given had fulfilled their objectives in the system.​
On 040-1107 in Yebab (3002 Spinward Marches) Consulate forces were faced with a terrible choice. The 145th Cruiser Division (CruDiv) had caught bigger game than they were expecting. They were the heavy element of a sweep into the Aramis subsector; lighter forces were covering other worlds. Yebab is a natural staging point for attacks on the Imperial base complex along the Xboat route to trailing. Attacks from this system would threaten the defenses of the entire subsector with its two high population worlds and numerous potential colonies. Yebab is also part of the Jump-4 route to the sector capital, making it an important system for redeploying forces parallel to the frontier.​

This must be happening in an alternate universe. On 040-1107 the Consulate is still at peace with the Imperium. With hostilities timed to begin in five months and the Imperium being oblivious of any danger, the very last thing the Consulate would want to do is to alarm the stupid Imperials.

YEBAB! Yebab, Yebab, Yebab

Apologies to all Traveller fans for the stupid typo! This is purely the Ad Astra News Android's fault!
Pre-war Shenanigans

Hi ! I'm the Ad Astra line editor for Traveller. I wrote the Decision at Yebab scenario, among many other parts of SS:Traveller.

It actually is a hypothetical scenario. And it does need to be more clear in the scenario description; it's called out in the scenario title in the (newly revised) current version.

It's absolutely canon that the Consulate was engaging in provocations before the official outbreak of hostilities. The rise in piracy in 1107 wasn't a coincidence, it was a calculated tactic to disperse Imperial forces on anti-piracy patrols. There would be some deniable "pirate" ships in operation, but I see no reason to think regular Consulate Navy forces didn't participate, especially outside the formal borders of the Imperium.

Take a close look at the supply lines to the Five Sisters for example and think what you'd do to prepare for war. It probably isn't what the Consulate strategic consensus would be, but it's an interesting exercise. Coming up with a Zhodani strategy for District 268 certainly was, and I think I came up with some very interesting scenarios as a result. Those will be in the full product as part of the tutorial section.