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Death becomes you


SOC-14 5K
Could resist the use of a pun the for a discussion on Remnants in the TNE universe. What role would they play in 1248? As we know in Mk1 they form classic bridges between the different eras.

These people unless the Cold Sleep was really good would have been considered dead once and they would simply have to die again to be reborn in the 1248 era.
I can't speak for MJD, but my operating assumption would be that there are no remnants in 1248. Sure, the referee may install one for the purposes of a story, but, as a "class of people", there are no remnants.

Besides, there is no need for remnants in 1248.

They were a necessary artifice for TNE to help referees allow players to "bridge" from the Rebellion into the New Era. It allowed old characters to quickly move into TNE without completely starting from scratch. Remnants were, like Survival Margin, a tool used by the game to help move from the old to the new.

In 1248, there is no need for such a "bridge". It is the base assumption that players will be starting from scratch. There doesn't need to be that drawing forward provided by remnants. Either you are interested in 1248 and you start up there, or you aren't interested in 1248 and the whole point is moot. Either way, remnants are unnecessary.
I dunno, the person out of time will always have a certain appeal from Role Playing perspective to me. And I don't see why there couldn't be the odd bank of cold sleep chambers floating around 1248, waiting to be opened.

Finally, it could provide some decent 4I hooks. What exactly happens when the 'rightful' noble of a 4I planet is revived after more than a century's worth of slumber? Does he or she have any title to their old holdings? And how would this change if the current title holder is unpopular with one of the 4I's factions?
What about the idea of tying the Forbidden Projects of the Second Imperium with the last days of the Black War projects of the Third Imperium. Scientists who were disparate to see their vision of the future maintained have set the Cold Sleep modules to arise when something like TL D (4I's TL, I think) fusion drives are activated. Most die, but, they are committed to ultimate bootstrap project in Faction X's name.
Originally posted by Sigg Oddra:
Ooo, Black War Projects of the Shattered Imperium.
I'll shelve the box next to LucasArts' Secret Weapons of the Luftwaffe.

I think in any campaign remanants could have some interesting role to play. They don't always have to be in Cold Sleep. Perhaps some have used anagathics?

Here's some ideas:

* The Vandervecken. Because everyone loves a conspiracy with fanatic assassins, wealthy backers, and private armies, right? A pact of pro-development nobles on anagathics from the Third Imperium who studied history and evolution and concluded that big empires only lead to stagnation and spectacular losses of life with little gain. Small empires are better and the competition they foster speeds development along. Some have given up their titles. Others pull strings the strings of their descendants from the shadows of their noble houses. No few are nearly mad. Their goal is to consistently sabotage any large-scale effort to reunite the former TI. Remanant PCs could recognize one of the members, or be a defector.

* Omega. Killer robots! The shadow of the Ancients! During the Black War on some remote research station in Vland Sector, a group of scientists from the Third Imperium era found a way to repair and reactivate the stupendously destructive and resiliant robots left over from Grandfather's final war on Vland. When Vland seceeded from Lucan's Imperium a defector informed the Restored Ziru Sirka (RZS) about the development. A detachment of elite Vlandish commandos attacked the station to kill all the scientists there, but the scientists managed to activate one of the robots before the end. Even the partially activated robot was more than a match for the commandos. The robot's been repairing itself and reactivating its bretheren ever since. After years of living anonymously (as he or she narrowly avoided an execution order placed by the RZS to tie up loose ends and is still paranoid) in the backwaters of known space, our defector and remanant begins to wonder what happened to those robots. You can have great fun along the lines of Saberhagen's Berserker or even weirder plots like psionically aware robots following orders older than the history of civilization of the current races to hunt down Droyne...and anyone who gets in their way. The robots would be individually powerful, but no match for the armies of 1248. So they'd engage in subterfuge - the perfect kind of thing for PCs to combat. Perhaps some of them look like humans now...

* CruRon 1446. Cliche, but fun. During the Black War, a BatRon featuring bleeding-edge Disintegrator spinal mounts, antimatter missiles, and highly experimental J6+ drives were sent out by one of the factions (Dulinor or Lucan most likely) to perform a decapitation strike. Adjust the technology to make their attack successful if the players fail (or at least very likely to succeed). The mission was considered to be a long shot suicide mission and only the most fanatic were chosen. The drives fail of course, and instead of misjumping through space, they misjump through time. They reappear in 1248 (or whatever year) with strange technology, intent on unleashing anti-matter bombardment on a world that's wealthy, peaceful, and totally unsuspecting. You can combine this with the Vandervecken scenario above. Perhaps the Vandervecken found out about the fleet and decided it was a perfect tool, but the fleet was stuck in JumpSpace. In the patient way of men and women on anagathics, they've plowed Megacredits and decades into clandestine research into a way to make the experimental jump drives precipitate back from JumpSpace into RealSpace in a time of their choosing - or they've quickly put together a plan with only a few years and lots of talking to unrelated JumpSpace researchers on different worlds. Regardless, they've found what they think they need to know. Their assassins have killed all the physicists and military historians who know about the CruRon 1446. But no santitation job is ever complete, and a police inspector, a university TA, and a few military vets begin to piece together what's going from leftover lab notes and a trail of strange murders...but will it be enough to stop the Vandervecken and their Jump Lens? And what's to say something horrible hasn't happened to the crew of CruRon 1446 in the decades spent in JumpSpace?
Originally posted by Cad Lad:
I dunno, the person out of time will always have a certain appeal from Role Playing perspective to me. And I don't see why there couldn't be the odd bank of cold sleep chambers floating around 1248, waiting to be opened.
As I said above, the referee is always free to plant remnants as he sees necessary to tell his story. That said, I still seriously doubt there will be an appreciable number of them, as there were in TNE.

Finally, it could provide some decent 4I hooks. What exactly happens when the 'rightful' noble of a 4I planet is revived after more than a century's worth of slumber? Does he or she have any title to their old holdings? And how would this change if the current title holder is unpopular with one of the 4I's factions?
I would say the 'rightful' noble is SOL. Popular or not, the current ruler is the current ruler, and the revived antique is not.

That is not to say the revived noble can't play to his audience. Depending on what is going on, it is entirely possible for him to become a celebrity, and leverage that into money and/or power. Of course, if he is openly challenging the current rulers, his new career could be amazingly short. Alternately, he could work with the current rulers, and milk it for all its worth.

Either way, he is but a living historical footnote. How he plays his resulting celebrity will determine how successful he becomes.
Remnants should also be viewed not only those with higher intentions. It ought to be remembered that in the Far Future many penal systems used the Cold Sleep possibly combined with a Mind Wipe as systems of cheap incarceration. Now, the Virus wipes out the Mind Wipe software but activates the Criminals. Hundreds of TL F savvy criminals let loose on a TL A world could do a lot more damage. Just look at what happened in the former Soviet Union, when criminal could get Mercedes and the cops were stuck with Ladas. Even a TED would have to tread lightly.
To steal the Idea from RL Salvatore's Forgotten Realms work:

Gandulag Battlehammer great, great, great, great grandfather of Bruenor Battlehammer returns. And now he's king.

The noble may be SOL, unless he's the legitimate predecessor, and the masses prefer a new leader, in which case an uprising is not out of the question.