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Dangerous Combinations


What type of in-game characters are a bad mix? Are there racial/political/religious combinations that are likely to be difficult to manage in a Traveller environment? Obviously a pirate isn't going to rub shoulders with a lawman or bounty hunter. And again, I know I need to go back and re-read all the material I have, as well as look at the new stuff but a few hints on combos to avoid would be appreciated. :D
Originally posted by Loki:
What type of in-game characters are a bad mix? Are there racial/political/religious combinations that are likely to be difficult to manage in a Traveller environment?
A K'Kree/Vargr party is unlikely to be successful.

Obviously a pirate isn't going to rub shoulders with a lawman or bounty hunter.
Why not? Remember the old adage, "Set a thief to catch a thief." That quite plainly presents an opportunity for rogues and the lawmen to adventure together in relative peace. For inspiration read some Stainless Steel Rat books.

And that bounty hunter could just as easily be interested in a bit o' piracy if the situation presents itself as in the comparatively paltry reward for some pirate's scalp.
Or a penal crewed ship hunting pirates for the Imp navy on Q-ship duty on the eve of the 5th Frontier war-see ISS URSULA, on random static page...

Mike Rourke,
the cook of
and site mgr.
A K'Kree/Vargr party is unlikely to be successful.
You can throw the Aslan into that also.

IMTU, LLeylleuloly and or Hresh with K'Kree don't work real well either, but for slightly different reasons :eek:

Hmmm, a Vargr/Hresh combo could be interesting: Dogs like trees ;)

If one does the D&D in Traveller thing, then the Darrians and Suerrat probably don't get along well with the Geonee.

As far as classes/careers, that really depends on the situation. I could see a Contact and Liasion Office Scout being annoyed with Belters strip mining; on the other hand, a Surveyor Scout might help the Belters. A Scientist might like a Hunter because that person can get specimens; A different, more environmentally inclined Scientist, might abhor the practice.
I dont think that there are any "bad" combinations. at least in the beginning of your game.....but things can get weird if a new charecture breaks into the middle of a campaign....and their is no "mix".
Originally posted by trader jim:
I dont think that there are any "bad" combinations. at least in the beginning of your game.....but things can get weird if a new charecture breaks into the middle of a campaign....and their is no "mix".
A definite Ithklur-K'Kree combo is a no-go. One sees the other as a threat, the other sees his next meal. (Nice shot, Mr Wolfe!)
But we speak of alien races here, some of which are antipathic to each other.
Look at TNE- the Hivers contacted humans, not the K'Kree...Not Aslan or vargr (too warlike to be worth an effort, carnivores, etc).
Lets us also add in decent hard working GM, and a bunch of munchkins..
does he kill them all? (and quit playing a game he loved?)
does he succumb and go Monty-Haul?( for lack of serious gamers)

Or does he educate his gamers, vet his gamers, and groom them to be worthy to turn loose on a Tournament at a Con and take all comers down?

some thoughts for ye all to consider as GM's..
heretically yours,
Now let us consider this from the players point of a bad combo:

Decent player wants to do more than hack n slash? or more than run a free trader making credits on a losing scale..
GM is too tight fisted to rules, or it's "his way or the highway"? doesn't accept input, critiques of HIS/Her GM-ing...

does the player quit the game he loves?
does the player take up another game master?
Or does the good gamer try to educate his GM where he feels he needs improvement?

some heretical thoughts for you to ponder today... ;)
Bad combo: A noble amongst, what he considers, his lessors, but he actually has no authority over them what so ever.
Originally posted by Maspy:
Bad combo: A noble amongst, what he considers, his lessors, but he actually has no authority over them what so ever.
Or worse yet, stuck amoung what he considers his lessors, only to find out he is not the big fish in the pond?
Maspy, Blacklight:
True enough. But, it does provide for conflict & character interplay. (the noble example above fer the readers, is the same one btw). And a headache to GM, I might add, or keep from harms way in what might be a player to player misunderstanding as opposed to GM-player understanding.

Good examples, both of ye(but then again, I've come to expect it of ye both! ;) )