Dain Aakhen Thrangar,
Imperial Scout pt 1.
Systems, books, and stuff used:
CT Books 1 and 6, MT Players Manual, TNE Rule book and Survival Margin, T4 Rule book and Milieu: 0 source book, GT Rule book, GT First In, GT Far Trader, GT Compendium 1, GT Conversions by Bob Portnell and David P Summers, Central Casting: Heroes for Tomorrow by Paul Jaquays, Certification for Player Characters by William Hostman (available at Freelance Traveller web site), Farquhar McPhar by Mark Ayres and Kylor Dukagen by Walter G. Smith, both available at Freelance Traveller web site, Milo Mills by Eris Reddoch, available at the TML archive, MT character sheets by the Mad Irishman, available at the Mad Irishman web site, and a whole bunch of other stuff I can’t remember right now.
Traveller Character Sheet CT/MT
drawn from the “Mad Irishman” web site
1. Date of Preparation
2. Campaign: Spinward Marches Golden Age Classic
3. Player Name: Dan Roseberry
4. Character Name: Dain Aakhen Thrangar
5. Rank: O4 IS-13 Group Administrator
6. Noble Rank: not applicable
7. UPP 8888C6
8. Home world and Location: Inthe SM2410
8a. UWP B575776-9
9. Hits: 4/5
10. Armor Value: 5
11. Armor Description: cloth
Career History
12. Career: Imperial Interstellar Scout Service
13. Branches: 1 term Operations Office/Scout Fleet, 1 term Operations Office/Base Branch,
1 term Technical Office/Education Branch.
14. Terms: 4 (1 term University of Regina, 3 terms Scout Service)
15. Final Rank/Position: O4 IS-13 Group Administrator
16. Retired? no
17. Retirement Pay: not applicable
18. Name and Location of Discharge World: Inthe SM2410
18a. UWP B575776-9
19. TAS Member? no
20. Awards and Decorations: University of Regina Honors Graduate
21. Special Assignments: 1 year special mission (Interdiction Probe to Djinni SM2111)
22. Experience: Sum of Int+Edu: 20
22a. Determination: Sum of Int+End:16
skill and level
pilot-1 admin-1 brawling-1
navigation-1 leader-1 submachinegun-1
ship tactics-1 carousing-1 vacc suit-1
engineering-1 computer-1 electronics-1
air/raft-1 ground vehicle (wheeled)-0
23. Species: Human (Solomani)
24. Birthdate: 327-1071
25. Apparent Age: 34
26. Actual Age: 34
27. Sex: Male
28. Height: 1.78M
29. Mass: 80kg
30. Hair: brown
31. Eyes: hazel
32. Appearance: average looking, always wearing tinted eye glasses, usually dressed in green T-shirt, green cargo pants and Rebike tennis shoes.
33. Personality: Very curious, always dependable, works well with others, takes pride in his achievements.
Occasionally experiences periods of melancholy over being rejected by childhood friend.
33a. NPC Morale: 3 (has not received any ground combat training)
PC Morale: per Striker, has high initiative. Will retreat if the Scout ship is seriously threatened, otherwise will fight it out.
34. Background and Personal History:
Dain was born in 1071, at the local general hospital on Inthe. He grew up in a very middle class Imperial family. His father, Aakhen Ariiren Thrangar, was a Merchant serving with Oberlindes Lines, and was often away from home. His mother, Alethea Annette Maris-Thrangar, was an artist, and concentrates on making decorative ceramics. Being an only child, and with his parents being busy a great deal of the time, Dain turned to television, spending several hours a day watching the local programming.
One day, while watching a documentary on Terran music, Dain heard the unmistakable sound of the King. He became a Elvis Pressly fanatic, wanting to know everything there was to know about the great one. When Dain reached the age of 12, he went to visit the Graceland Temple of St. Elvis on Inthe (the temple being an offshoot of the Orange Catholic Church and the Society of Humaniti, pledged to “spread the works of the TRUE ST. ELVIS”. Dain was ridiculed by his friends who, as he would put it, “just don’t understand the ways of the King.”
His devotion to St. Elvis was causing trouble with his school grades. Eventually, his parents intervened, saying that there would be no more studying of this “Elvis person” until he improved his studies. This Dain did with abandon, becoming a honor society member at his local high school. His parents encouraged his efforts, with his father eventually scrapping up enough money to by a Naasirka model 128 hand computer for his birthday. Dain eventually received an academic scholarship to a prestigious prep school on Regina, where he went to complete his pre-collegiate education in 1087.
While on Regina, he pursued Gamm Khaasira, a very cute looking blonde high school friend from Inthe. She did not return his affection, however, preferring instead to be “just friends”. Dain was crushed, and spent half a year recovering from her rejection. He vowed at the time never to love another. While he would later date other women, he still has melancholy memories of Gamm.
In 1088, Dain received admission papers to attend the University of Regina. He accepted enrollment and began his academic career in the fall semester of that year. In his sophomore year, he first met Dr. Kylor Dukagen, who was an instructor in a basic astronomy class that Dain is taking. They become good friends, often having discussions of the early days of Solomani space travel. Dain spent most of his time in the study carrels of the University Library. He avoided joining the college fraternities, preferring instead to be a GDI (Gosh Darn Independant). He did, however, join the University of Regina chapter of the Phi Alpha Theta historical honor society, principle to gain contacts with people who studied the early space faring period of Terra, and to learn more about St. Elvis of Earth. In 1092, Dain graduates with honors from the University of Regina, obtaining a Bachelor of Arts degree in Political Science.
Dain decided to join the Imperial Interstellar Scout Service because he wanted to follow in the exploits of the ancient Terran astronauts. His academic performance helped him obtain the rank of Administrative Trainee, after he completed Operations Office Initial Training on Hefry (SM1909). He was then sent to serve in the Imperial Scout Fleet. In 1094, Dain received Flight Wings after completing pilot training at the Regina Scout Base for a exploratory mission into the neutral zone, which required supervision by the Operations Office. He completed this mission successfully, and was promoted to the rank of Junior Administrator. He also received a General Services Medal for his contribution to the Scout Service. While operating out of the Regina Scout Base, he met Mrs. Sirtie Agamolin, a SPA clerk working at Regina Down port. Sirtie knows all the local star port gossip, and has an almost eidetic knowledge of ships schedules and arrival/departure times. This friendship assisted Dain in his efforts to keep track of ships in the Scout Fleet.
In 1095, Dain was sent again on a mission requiring supervision by the Operations Office, this time involving a Interdiction Probe to the Djinni system. The probe focused on system geography and orbital mechanics, with a particular emphasis on rogue asteroids and the systems Oort cloud. Dain thought it was odd that Djinni itself and most of the worlds in the inner system were not part of the probe study. He dismissed the unusual nature of the probe, and concentrated on his duties. After a year of activity in the out system, Dains ship was relieved by a Scout ship who had apparently arrived to conduct a survey of Djinni itself. The two ships met and docked, and the crews gave themselves a liberty between missions. It was during this period that Dain met Farquhar McPhar, who had come to Djinni to work in the charting mission.
In 1097, Dain was able to transfer to the Base Branch of the Operations Office, and return home to Inthe. Working at the Scout Way Station on Inthe, his achievements at the Inthe Scout Headquarters Unit won him a promotion to Administrator. He also received two medals, the Defense Meritorious Service Medal and the Imperial Organizational Excellence Award.
Dain received the Imperial Organizational Excellence Award for a second time the following year, continuing his excellent achievements for the Scout Service.
The Scout Service was so impressed with Dains performance that they transferred him to the Education Branch of the Technical Office in 1101, so that he would pass on his abilities to new scout recruits. Dains new training unit received the Outstanding Unit Award that year. In addition, he achieved some fame after winning third place in a martial arts competition, something unheard of in a competition dominated by local army troopers. Dain claimed he just got lucky. In 1103, Dain was promoted to Group Administrator and placed in command of the Inthe Scout Base. His work as Base Commander helped him receive the Imperial Service Medal. He also received a third Imperial Organizational Excellence Award.
1104 proved to be a bad year for Group Administrator Thrangar. The trouble began innocuously enough. Dain was tasked by his superiors to find ways to cut costs in the Scout Base budget. Dain instituted a low bidder policy for the purchase of supplies and materials, regardless of their manufacturer. This is how Dain discovered a young Milo Mills, self-described “Master Merchant,” who was offering dynamic link panels for star ship computers at ridiculously low prices. The panels, it turns out, were of Vargr “manufacture”. Some were actually made in the extents under lax workmanship standards; others had been “acquired” by the Vargr through their raiding, repackaged as new, and sold on the market. Naturally, when these panels were put into scout ships at the Inthe Base, problems developed. While no casualties occurred, the problems were of a serious enough nature to cost the Scout Service several million credits. It was decided by the Scout Service Bureaucracy that Dain should be mustered out, but should be allowed to keep his rank and other privileges, due to his exemplary career prior to these unfortunate incidents. Dain left the Scout Service in late 1104, determined to regain his reputation, and explore the universe.
35. Cash on Person: Cr1151 (10-hundred Cr notes, 7-twenty Cr notes, 2-five Cr notes, 1-one Cr note)
36. Cash Balance: nil
37. Monthly Upkeep: Cr1500
38a. Weapons: 9mm submachinegun
38. Other Possessions: 1x Detached Duty Type S Sulieman Class Scout Ship “Shinarrow Vulcan”
It is armed with a Dual ships turret equipped with a Beam Laser and Missile Rack. It also has a ground defense turret equipped with a six barrel 20mm auto cannon.
39. Notes:
39a.Goals, plots, and ploys:
Dains immediate goals are 1. acquire weaponry for the Shinarrow Vulcan, 2. gain either level 2 navigational proficiency or Sensor Operations-1 proficiency, thus qualifying him for rated tickets in Pilot and Navigator, 3. acquire programming for the Shinarrow Vulcan’s computer, and 4. acquire wealth.
Long term goals: Restoring lost reputation. Dain would like to get back in the good graces of the Scout Service. Traveling. Dain wants to see the universe.
PC’s that are without a star ship and are in need of one can turn to Dain for assistance.
Dain is especially interested in prospecting and would look favorably on having a Belter aboard.
No more than 6 PC’s can be aboard the Shinarrow Vulcan; Dain demands privacy and will not
tolerate having anyone in his stateroom. In addition, Dain only has life-support aboard for four
individuals, so the PC’s will have to contribute if they have more than 3 to go aboard.
Dain is very pro Imperial, so he will take a dim view of anyone suspecting of anti-Imperial attitudes.
39b. Contacts:
1 Academic Contact: Dr. Kylor Dukagen (usually reliable, quite available)
1 Scout Service Contact: Ex-Scout Farquhar McPhar (somewhat reliable, available fairly often)
1 Trader Contact: Milo Mills (somewhat reliable, available fairly often)
1 Government Contact: Mrs. Sirtie Agamolin, SPA Clerk (usually reliable, available fairly often)
Imperial Scout pt 1.
Systems, books, and stuff used:
CT Books 1 and 6, MT Players Manual, TNE Rule book and Survival Margin, T4 Rule book and Milieu: 0 source book, GT Rule book, GT First In, GT Far Trader, GT Compendium 1, GT Conversions by Bob Portnell and David P Summers, Central Casting: Heroes for Tomorrow by Paul Jaquays, Certification for Player Characters by William Hostman (available at Freelance Traveller web site), Farquhar McPhar by Mark Ayres and Kylor Dukagen by Walter G. Smith, both available at Freelance Traveller web site, Milo Mills by Eris Reddoch, available at the TML archive, MT character sheets by the Mad Irishman, available at the Mad Irishman web site, and a whole bunch of other stuff I can’t remember right now.
Traveller Character Sheet CT/MT
drawn from the “Mad Irishman” web site
1. Date of Preparation
2. Campaign: Spinward Marches Golden Age Classic
3. Player Name: Dan Roseberry
4. Character Name: Dain Aakhen Thrangar
5. Rank: O4 IS-13 Group Administrator
6. Noble Rank: not applicable
7. UPP 8888C6
8. Home world and Location: Inthe SM2410
8a. UWP B575776-9
9. Hits: 4/5
10. Armor Value: 5
11. Armor Description: cloth
Career History
12. Career: Imperial Interstellar Scout Service
13. Branches: 1 term Operations Office/Scout Fleet, 1 term Operations Office/Base Branch,
1 term Technical Office/Education Branch.
14. Terms: 4 (1 term University of Regina, 3 terms Scout Service)
15. Final Rank/Position: O4 IS-13 Group Administrator
16. Retired? no
17. Retirement Pay: not applicable
18. Name and Location of Discharge World: Inthe SM2410
18a. UWP B575776-9
19. TAS Member? no
20. Awards and Decorations: University of Regina Honors Graduate
21. Special Assignments: 1 year special mission (Interdiction Probe to Djinni SM2111)
22. Experience: Sum of Int+Edu: 20
22a. Determination: Sum of Int+End:16
skill and level
pilot-1 admin-1 brawling-1
navigation-1 leader-1 submachinegun-1
ship tactics-1 carousing-1 vacc suit-1
engineering-1 computer-1 electronics-1
air/raft-1 ground vehicle (wheeled)-0
23. Species: Human (Solomani)
24. Birthdate: 327-1071
25. Apparent Age: 34
26. Actual Age: 34
27. Sex: Male
28. Height: 1.78M
29. Mass: 80kg
30. Hair: brown
31. Eyes: hazel
32. Appearance: average looking, always wearing tinted eye glasses, usually dressed in green T-shirt, green cargo pants and Rebike tennis shoes.
33. Personality: Very curious, always dependable, works well with others, takes pride in his achievements.
Occasionally experiences periods of melancholy over being rejected by childhood friend.
33a. NPC Morale: 3 (has not received any ground combat training)
PC Morale: per Striker, has high initiative. Will retreat if the Scout ship is seriously threatened, otherwise will fight it out.
34. Background and Personal History:
Dain was born in 1071, at the local general hospital on Inthe. He grew up in a very middle class Imperial family. His father, Aakhen Ariiren Thrangar, was a Merchant serving with Oberlindes Lines, and was often away from home. His mother, Alethea Annette Maris-Thrangar, was an artist, and concentrates on making decorative ceramics. Being an only child, and with his parents being busy a great deal of the time, Dain turned to television, spending several hours a day watching the local programming.
One day, while watching a documentary on Terran music, Dain heard the unmistakable sound of the King. He became a Elvis Pressly fanatic, wanting to know everything there was to know about the great one. When Dain reached the age of 12, he went to visit the Graceland Temple of St. Elvis on Inthe (the temple being an offshoot of the Orange Catholic Church and the Society of Humaniti, pledged to “spread the works of the TRUE ST. ELVIS”. Dain was ridiculed by his friends who, as he would put it, “just don’t understand the ways of the King.”
His devotion to St. Elvis was causing trouble with his school grades. Eventually, his parents intervened, saying that there would be no more studying of this “Elvis person” until he improved his studies. This Dain did with abandon, becoming a honor society member at his local high school. His parents encouraged his efforts, with his father eventually scrapping up enough money to by a Naasirka model 128 hand computer for his birthday. Dain eventually received an academic scholarship to a prestigious prep school on Regina, where he went to complete his pre-collegiate education in 1087.
While on Regina, he pursued Gamm Khaasira, a very cute looking blonde high school friend from Inthe. She did not return his affection, however, preferring instead to be “just friends”. Dain was crushed, and spent half a year recovering from her rejection. He vowed at the time never to love another. While he would later date other women, he still has melancholy memories of Gamm.
In 1088, Dain received admission papers to attend the University of Regina. He accepted enrollment and began his academic career in the fall semester of that year. In his sophomore year, he first met Dr. Kylor Dukagen, who was an instructor in a basic astronomy class that Dain is taking. They become good friends, often having discussions of the early days of Solomani space travel. Dain spent most of his time in the study carrels of the University Library. He avoided joining the college fraternities, preferring instead to be a GDI (Gosh Darn Independant). He did, however, join the University of Regina chapter of the Phi Alpha Theta historical honor society, principle to gain contacts with people who studied the early space faring period of Terra, and to learn more about St. Elvis of Earth. In 1092, Dain graduates with honors from the University of Regina, obtaining a Bachelor of Arts degree in Political Science.
Dain decided to join the Imperial Interstellar Scout Service because he wanted to follow in the exploits of the ancient Terran astronauts. His academic performance helped him obtain the rank of Administrative Trainee, after he completed Operations Office Initial Training on Hefry (SM1909). He was then sent to serve in the Imperial Scout Fleet. In 1094, Dain received Flight Wings after completing pilot training at the Regina Scout Base for a exploratory mission into the neutral zone, which required supervision by the Operations Office. He completed this mission successfully, and was promoted to the rank of Junior Administrator. He also received a General Services Medal for his contribution to the Scout Service. While operating out of the Regina Scout Base, he met Mrs. Sirtie Agamolin, a SPA clerk working at Regina Down port. Sirtie knows all the local star port gossip, and has an almost eidetic knowledge of ships schedules and arrival/departure times. This friendship assisted Dain in his efforts to keep track of ships in the Scout Fleet.
In 1095, Dain was sent again on a mission requiring supervision by the Operations Office, this time involving a Interdiction Probe to the Djinni system. The probe focused on system geography and orbital mechanics, with a particular emphasis on rogue asteroids and the systems Oort cloud. Dain thought it was odd that Djinni itself and most of the worlds in the inner system were not part of the probe study. He dismissed the unusual nature of the probe, and concentrated on his duties. After a year of activity in the out system, Dains ship was relieved by a Scout ship who had apparently arrived to conduct a survey of Djinni itself. The two ships met and docked, and the crews gave themselves a liberty between missions. It was during this period that Dain met Farquhar McPhar, who had come to Djinni to work in the charting mission.
In 1097, Dain was able to transfer to the Base Branch of the Operations Office, and return home to Inthe. Working at the Scout Way Station on Inthe, his achievements at the Inthe Scout Headquarters Unit won him a promotion to Administrator. He also received two medals, the Defense Meritorious Service Medal and the Imperial Organizational Excellence Award.
Dain received the Imperial Organizational Excellence Award for a second time the following year, continuing his excellent achievements for the Scout Service.
The Scout Service was so impressed with Dains performance that they transferred him to the Education Branch of the Technical Office in 1101, so that he would pass on his abilities to new scout recruits. Dains new training unit received the Outstanding Unit Award that year. In addition, he achieved some fame after winning third place in a martial arts competition, something unheard of in a competition dominated by local army troopers. Dain claimed he just got lucky. In 1103, Dain was promoted to Group Administrator and placed in command of the Inthe Scout Base. His work as Base Commander helped him receive the Imperial Service Medal. He also received a third Imperial Organizational Excellence Award.
1104 proved to be a bad year for Group Administrator Thrangar. The trouble began innocuously enough. Dain was tasked by his superiors to find ways to cut costs in the Scout Base budget. Dain instituted a low bidder policy for the purchase of supplies and materials, regardless of their manufacturer. This is how Dain discovered a young Milo Mills, self-described “Master Merchant,” who was offering dynamic link panels for star ship computers at ridiculously low prices. The panels, it turns out, were of Vargr “manufacture”. Some were actually made in the extents under lax workmanship standards; others had been “acquired” by the Vargr through their raiding, repackaged as new, and sold on the market. Naturally, when these panels were put into scout ships at the Inthe Base, problems developed. While no casualties occurred, the problems were of a serious enough nature to cost the Scout Service several million credits. It was decided by the Scout Service Bureaucracy that Dain should be mustered out, but should be allowed to keep his rank and other privileges, due to his exemplary career prior to these unfortunate incidents. Dain left the Scout Service in late 1104, determined to regain his reputation, and explore the universe.
35. Cash on Person: Cr1151 (10-hundred Cr notes, 7-twenty Cr notes, 2-five Cr notes, 1-one Cr note)
36. Cash Balance: nil
37. Monthly Upkeep: Cr1500
38a. Weapons: 9mm submachinegun
38. Other Possessions: 1x Detached Duty Type S Sulieman Class Scout Ship “Shinarrow Vulcan”
It is armed with a Dual ships turret equipped with a Beam Laser and Missile Rack. It also has a ground defense turret equipped with a six barrel 20mm auto cannon.
39. Notes:
39a.Goals, plots, and ploys:
Dains immediate goals are 1. acquire weaponry for the Shinarrow Vulcan, 2. gain either level 2 navigational proficiency or Sensor Operations-1 proficiency, thus qualifying him for rated tickets in Pilot and Navigator, 3. acquire programming for the Shinarrow Vulcan’s computer, and 4. acquire wealth.
Long term goals: Restoring lost reputation. Dain would like to get back in the good graces of the Scout Service. Traveling. Dain wants to see the universe.
PC’s that are without a star ship and are in need of one can turn to Dain for assistance.
Dain is especially interested in prospecting and would look favorably on having a Belter aboard.
No more than 6 PC’s can be aboard the Shinarrow Vulcan; Dain demands privacy and will not
tolerate having anyone in his stateroom. In addition, Dain only has life-support aboard for four
individuals, so the PC’s will have to contribute if they have more than 3 to go aboard.
Dain is very pro Imperial, so he will take a dim view of anyone suspecting of anti-Imperial attitudes.
39b. Contacts:
1 Academic Contact: Dr. Kylor Dukagen (usually reliable, quite available)
1 Scout Service Contact: Ex-Scout Farquhar McPhar (somewhat reliable, available fairly often)
1 Trader Contact: Milo Mills (somewhat reliable, available fairly often)
1 Government Contact: Mrs. Sirtie Agamolin, SPA Clerk (usually reliable, available fairly often)