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Cybernetics: The CyberComp

As the rules stand in T20 now (and probably all traveller games), you cannot shrink a computer down enough to fit on in a person's head. For that reason, I have developed the CyberComp: A computer that is laced through the brain and skull in order to use the ultimate interface, The human mind.


All versions have the following stats:
Volume : .0015
BioCost: 1
EP --- : none

TL 9 : Cost of Cr3500, CPU of 20.
TL 11: Cost of Cr2500, CPU of 40.
TL 13: Cost of Cr2000, CPU of 80.
TL 15: Cost of Cr1500, CPU of 200.
TL 17: Cost of Cr1000, CPU of 400.

BioCost refers to the number of BioPoints a character has. A character has a number of BioPoints equal to his CON score. He can use up to half of them safely (I will expand more on this later...)

The Volume is just for referance, since this computer must be interlinked with a living brain/mind to function. It is equal to 15 cubic cm.

This system does not need external power since it uses the person's bio-energy to run.

You can use the option for cost reduction due to TL advancement (T20 P228), but not miniturization.

Due to the cost, CyberComps do not become commonplace until TL 12 when the TL 9 Comp becomes Cr350, with 20 CPU.

Also keep in mind, the CyberComp scales, so a character can use 5 BioPoints at TL 13 and get up to 400 CPU (TL 13 gives 80 CPU, 80x5=400).

Optional rule:
Like all computers, it can store PP in unused programs up to it's CPU. (A B9 model can store up to 100 PP of programs for later use...)

Of course, a CyberPlug for data x-fer costs extra!

"CyberComp: Join the Many!"

Mr. Oberon
"Hey, this might work!"
Actually, just had a better idea for the amount of CyberWare a person can have "installed".

CyberWare effects both the mind and the body. This effect is shown by using both WIS and CON to rate the effect of the total CyberWare on the person.

- up to 25% of attribute in BioPoints: Safe
- up to 50% of attribute in BioPoints: Minor
- up to 75% of attribute in BioPoints: Medium
- up to 100% of attribute in BioPoints: Major
- over 100% of attribute in BioPoints: +1 Major per point over

Safe means no effect, Minor means a minor personality quirk (no game mechanic effect), Medium means a noticeable minor game effect, Major means serious game effect (insanity, loss of memory/skills, etc...).

- up to 25% of attribute in BioPoints: Safe
- up to 50% of attribute in BioPoints: Minor
- up to 75% of attribute in BioPoints: Medium
- up to 100% of attribute in BioPoints: Major
- over 100% of attribute in BioPoints: Death

Safe means no effect, Minor means a minor health quirk (no game mechanic effect, body makes tendon cracking sounds all over when he stretches...), Medium means a noticeable minor game effect (something less than major?), Major means serious health issue (-4 to resist disease, -2 to DEX from tremors, -2 INT due to headaches...), Death means the character dies from massive Cyber Rejection. May be able to reanimate, but will need to remove the offending CyberWare.

What do you think of that?

TL -: 9
BP -: .2
PP -: 0
Cost: Cr500
Need: CyberComp

A CyberJack allows a CyberComp to be linked to an outside data source. This source could be another computer, a computer controlled device, a data chip, or even a skill chip. It can transfer the CyberComp's Total PP rating in data per round.

TL -: 12
BP -: .2
PP -: 1
Cost: Cr1500

This device serves the same needs as the CyberJack, but is a wireless version. Of course, for it to access a chip, it would need to be connected to a digital comm link.

TL -: 9 ( +1 / level )
BP -: 1 (+.1 / level )
PP -: 3 ( +1 / level )
Cost: Cr1000 (+Cr1000/level)
Need: CyberComp

CyberEyes replace the organic eyes of the owner, allowing him not only to see normally, but for him to add special features to the eyes in order to see better. A CyberEye can add one addition feature for every TL beyond 9 it was manufactured in. Is costs an addition Cr1000, .1 BP, and 1 PP for every additional feature.

Basic Vision -- (basic): Allows basic visual sense
Low Light ----- (1 lvl): Ignores penalty for low light
Thermographic - (1 lvl): Can see heat, +2 spot temp contrasts
Telescopic ---- (1/lvl): Multiply vision range by levels taken
Microscopic --- (1/lvl): +1/lvl to search checks, usable as a microscope

TL -: 9 ( +1 / level )
BP -: 1 (+.1 / level )
PP -: 2 ( +1 / level )
Cost: Cr500 (+Cr500/level)
Need: CyberComp

CyberEars replace the organic eardrum of the owner, allowing him not only to hear normally, but for him to add special features to his ears in order to hear better. A CyberEar can add one addition feature for every TL beyond 9 it was manufactured in. Is costs an addition Cr1000, .1 BP, and 1 PP for every additional feature.

Basic Hearing - (basic): Allows basic audio sense
Volume -------- (1 lvl): Can raise (+2 listen), lower (-2), or mute hearing.
Directional --- (1/lvl): Can hear sounds at lvl x range in a cone.
High Freq. ---- (1 lvl): Can hear high frequency sounds.
Low Freq. ----- (1 lvl): Can hear low frequency sounds.
Filtering ----- (1/lvl): Can filter out background noise (+1 listen/lvl)
The purpose of the rule seems to be to avoid cybernetics.

If you want your universe to include cybernetics, rather than try and find some technical way arround the rule, why not just change it. ie IYTU cybernetics is fairly uncommon but not unheard off.

If one of your "enhanced" charcaters wandered into MTU by mistake, the first starport metal detector he went through would trigger and he better have all his documentation proving that the Cyberware was purely medical, otherwise they would spend a long time behind bars.

IF you like cyberware, have a lot of it arround. If you like it as "special" stuff then have it virtually unheard of (so only spies etc have some). If you want it as just for PC, then make it a recent discovery by one of the PC's friends who is on the run from imperial persecution.
etc etc etc

See Hunters sig file - Whatever you want, do it.

TL -: 11
BP -: 3
PP -: 1 per Max PP of the using CyberComp
Cost: Cr5000 (+Cr500/level)
Need: CyberComp

The CyberKinetic nervous system interface allows a CyberComp to "feel" and control the body of its owner. By loading a SkilProg into the CyberComp a person can effectivly act as if he has a skill of the level determined by the program level.

SkilProg: Cr3000 per level, 1 PP +1 PP per level of the skill. The Max PP of the CyberComp determines the maximum skill level of the program. This program only covers active skills that have need of reflex actions by the character. (Balance, Climb, Craft*, Driving, Entertain*, Forgery, Gunnery, Jump, Move Silently, Pilot, Read/Write Language*, Ride, Search, Speak Language, Swim, Technical*, Tumble, and Combat**)

* Please pick one cascade skill.
** This is a general combat skill, giving a base attack equal to the level of the program, a knowledge of Light Armor (feat), a Weapon Proficiency in Marksman (feat), and Improved Unarmed Strike (feat). This is considered a basic defense program. Unlike the others, this costs Cr5000 per level. More combat related feats can be added by adding Cr5000 per feat per level of the program (adding two feats makes the cost Cr15000 per level total).

Keep in mind: A SkilProg does not enhance a character's skill, it replaces it with the CyberComps skill level. The character's phyisical attribute modifiers still apply, but mental attribute modifiers are based on the CyberComp.
I think you need another max on the skill rating under CyberKinetics than just the pp of the CyberComp. Say +5 or +10 per skill.
Here is what I told someone on ENWORLD that said about the same thing:

Trust me, the Max PP that a cybercomp can run (based on the amount of CPU it has) limits this quite nicely. No way a player is going to get a skill of 300, even 10 takes a lot of power. A player using TL 17 and using 18 BioPoints would only be able to use up to SkilProg of 11, giving 10 points of a skill. A TL 13 CyberComp using 3.2 BioPoints would only run a program of up to 7, giving 6 skill points.

It limits itself quiet nicely using the computer rules in the T20 book...