
A long time ago, there was much discussion over drop tanks (External demountable fuel tanks) in the TML and in the various usenet discussion groups.
I have come up with the following - it may not work IYTU!
The Type ZZC Special Experimental Courier (with external fuel tanks)
Constructed at TL15, and based upon a Dispersed Structure shaped 2,000-ton Unstreamlined hull, the Type ZZ mounts Jump Drive Z, Manoeuvre Drive K and Power Plant Z, giving a performance of Jump-6 and 1G Acceleration. Fuel tankage of 28 tons supports the power plant for 14 days, Adjacent to the Bridge is a Model/6 Computer. 4 hardpoints are fitted as standard. No turrets are mounted. No weapons are mounted. 4 tons are allocated for gunnery control. Accommodation comprises 4 Standard Staterooms and 4 Half Staterooms. There is no cargo capacity. 480-ton space allocated for second fuel tank. 1200-ton space allocated for collapsible fuel tanks.
The Type ZZC Special Experimental Courier (with external fuel tanks) costs MCr744.000 (MCr669.600 with standard discount)
Crew is 12 (Pilot, Navigator, Sensor Ops/Comms, 6 Engineers, Maintenance Technician, Medic & Commander)
The 1200t external fuel tanks allow for 1 jump-6.
Then they are jettisoned, leaving an 800 ton ship, with a 480t internal fuel tank - enough for a second jump-6.
This assumes that a Jump Drive Z can be 'tuned down' to act as a Jump Drive W (thus allowing an 800t ship to make a jump-6)
I would envisage the time taken between jumps to be about 12 hours to demount the tanks, retune the Jump Drive and recharge the Jump Grid. There is not enough space (actually, there is NO space) in the 800t craft to stow the demounted tanks. Using just HG rules, it might be possible to design a ship that could.
This ship would ONLY be of any use as a super-fast courier, or Rift crossing courier. As it MUST end it's second jump in a system where it can be refulled in orbit (non-streamlined, remember) it can average a little over J11 per fortnight.
From Capital to Mora, the Type TJs can do nearly J6 per fortnight, and from Terra to Mora (going around the rift) the average is only J3.4 per fortnight, so the ZZC is nearly three times faster.
(BTW, it is commercially completely unviable ...)
Any thoughts, comments or flames?