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crewmans locker

trader jim

SOC-14 1K
you want to know whats in a real crewmwns locker?
a hand carved bone chess set. hand carved one dice set. nice checker set. tools for carving schrimshaw. tools for making spaceships in a bottle. letters from home. writting materials.
sewing kit. personel grooming stuff. and just maby one "girly" magazine - just to remind yourself as to whats it a about.....nothing ever changes.......
Originally posted by trader jim:
you want to know whats in a real crewmwns locker?
a hand carved bone chess set. hand carved one dice set. nice checker set. tools for carving schrimshaw. tools for making spaceships in a bottle. letters from home. writting materials.
sewing kit. personel grooming stuff. and just maby one "girly" magazine - just to remind yourself as to whats it a about.....nothing ever changes.......
just one girly mag.... well i guess its better than having a whole stack of "Play Vargr".
Originally posted by Scott Kalkwarf:
</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by trader jim:
you want to know whats in a real crewmwns locker?
a hand carved bone chess set. hand carved one dice set. nice checker set. tools for carving schrimshaw. tools for making spaceships in a bottle. letters from home. writting materials.
sewing kit. personel grooming stuff. and just maby one "girly" magazine - just to remind yourself as to whats it a about.....nothing ever changes.......
just one girly mag.... well i guess its better than having a whole stack of "Play Vargr".
</font>[/QUOTE]for some reason, scratch-n-sniff advertisements just popped to mind (like those from 80's magazines)...
...geez, i'm one sick puppy...
QUOTE]for some reason, scratch-n-sniff advertisements just popped to mind (like those from 80's magazines)...
...geez, i'm one sick puppy...[/QB][/QUOTE]

You my not be one yet but if you keep up all that scratching and sniffing you have develop a problem.
Whats in a crewman's locker??? Interesting topic of choice. Lemme see what we have so far...

TJ wrote:
"a hand carved bone chess set. hand carved one dice set. nice checker set. tools for carving schrimshaw. tools for making spaceships in a bottle. letters from home. writting materials.
sewing kit. personel grooming stuff. and just maby one "girly" magazine - just to remind yourself as to whats it a about.....nothing ever changes......."
Scott Kalkwarf wrote:
" just one girly mag.... well i guess its better than having a whole stack of "Play Vargr".
Paraquat Johnson wrote:
"An obvious joke about a magazine full of pictures of Aslan females comes to mind, but I'm sure you can write it youself.

So it would depend on the species of the crewman methinks: Lemme give this a try (for generic sense anyway).
A) Book of matches/ flamestiks from last Spacer bar (Perscomm # to some Hottie of Opposite gender scribbled on it)
B) That souvenir you couldn't say "no" to at the Space port hawked by some TJ-looking/sounding fella.(Probably a mislabeled jar of CJ--Don't use it as hair restorer!)
C) Letters from Home/ in some format (maybe a Holo crystal/ Tri vid chip)
D) Bar receipts (dozens)
E) Unpaid bills (again, in any format or TL you can imagine)
F) Personal weapon cleaning kit (with can of CJ for those stubborn carbon build ups)
G) Personal firearm/sidearm weapon.
H) Pictures/ Postcards/ holos of favorite stop/ layover port of call, Gal back home, family, etc.
I) Bottle(s)/Packets of your favorite poison off duty useage only, (or the Skipper will skin you!)
J) Personal Hobby item (small gameboard with pieces/ ⌧ magazine(s)or holos/ vids/ small craft work (scrimshaw as TJ sez, though leather work, sewing, etc, even a micro brewery can be placed here).

Now: Species specifics...
Ithklur lockers
Big Mucking weapon of choice, Snow globes (collected from all over Human space); Spare Bells; Snack food for your favorite fanged pet (may or may not be live food)!

Hiver Lockers
Books/vids/holos on "How to get others to do things you wouldn't dare for fun and profit"; Eavesdropping devices (TL-14 at least) to watch what happens; recording materials (to calculate/ record the "results"); Books and holos/ vids on what to do when the Humans catch onto you, or "How to look harmless and inoffensive in three easy lessons"(By Trader Jim, no less).

Aslan (Male's) Lockers
Large caliber Hunting weapon with Hornwood stock and iridium inlaid trophy's in bas relief of your kills; Burr remover combs for that nasty fauna that gets in your mane while stalking your intended next trophy; Manual of arms for Dew-claw combat (etiquette, when to attack, when to challenge, etc..); Books/holos/vids on understanding Aslan females (including a male to female Trokh dictionary!).

Aslan (Female's) Lockers
Books/Holos/vids on "How to Make a Profit, and smell like clover" as a merchant by the Aslan Tlaukhu's Eldest sister.
Manual for fixing things on the ship, from painting it to getting the Stardrives working again while some male paces the deck.
The Galaxy's Guide to the best Spice bars of the Imperium (usually in bordering Sectors)
How to deal with Aslan Female's bias towards the "comfortable shoes syndrome."
Book/Manual/Vid on Human males, "Pink, cheap, and fun, out of your hair by morning."

Vargr Lockers
Bric-a-brac from various escapades (see also: Raids/ piracy/ adventures/ merchanting/all of the above). [Details left to GM or PC].
Photo/holos/brochures of that Airraft with chrome and "fins" that look "Kewl".
Albumn of your dream Vargr B@@ch back in the Extants, but Poppa sez she's too rich a weregild to risk for you.

Bwap Lockers

The Encyclopedia Imperica (abridged complete works); The complete Imperial Stellar Law books series (for easy reading); Sauna Towel; spare turbans; repair kit for personal mistmaker.
For educational reading, "How to avoid being seen as pedantic and dull" by B. Moore Lively.

K'Kree Lockers
They don't have lockers, they have a personal stable with pegs on the walls!

Droyne Lockers
Communal property, no telling what a kroyloss will be packing, but its small and compact, and "hands off Human its sacred!"
Liam Devlin:
Aslan (Male's) Lockers
Large caliber Hunting weapon with Hornwood stock and iridium inlaid trophy's in bas relief of your kills; Burr remover combs for that nasty fauna that gets in your mane while stalking your intended next trophy; Manual of arms for Dew-claw combat (etiquette, when to attack, when to challenge, etc..); Books/holos/vids on understanding Aslan females (including a male to female Trokh dictionary!).
You forgot the thorn remover and anti-septic for cuts and thorns from stalking you prey barefoot thru the brush.

Liam Devlin:
Aslan (Female's) Lockers
Books/Holos/vids on "How to Make a Profit, and smell like clover" as a merchant by the Aslan Tlaukhu's Eldest sister.
Manual for fixing things on the ship, from painting it to getting the Stardrives working again while some male paces the deck.
The Galaxy's Guide to the best Spice bars of the Imperium (usually in bordering Sectors)
How to deal with Aslan Female's bias towards the "comfortable shoes syndrome."
Book/Manual/Vid on Human males, "Pink, cheap, and fun, out of your hair by morning."
A hidden 57th Century version of Gameboy with starfighter and assassin/commando games. A taboo far worse than ⌧ games. :eek:

Liam Devlin:

Droyne Lockers
Communal property, no telling what a kroyloss will be packing, but its small and compact, and "hands off Human its sacred!"
Depends what was cast before they went for shore leave. :D
You forgot the thorn remover and anti-septic for cuts and thorns from stalking you prey barefoot thru the brush.

Ah, nan desuka! George, You're right there! UNLESS it was in the Medkit (on a different topic ;)
A hidden 57th Century version of Gameboy with starfighter and assassin/commando games. A taboo far worse than ⌧ games. :eek:
NOW that, George, would be an illicit thingy-ma-jig I didn't even consider. Definitely contraband! Nice touch, I'll co-opt that, as we say on Solee, if ye dinnae mind! :D
Depends what was cast before they went for shore leave
True. Whatever the Priest tossed with the coyns, goes. ANd the rest follow along. Thanks for the comments, btw!
You forgot the thorn remover and anti-septic for cuts and thorns from stalking you prey barefoot thru the brush.

Ah, nan desuka! George, You're right there! UNLESS it was in the Medkit (on a different topic ;)
I just remember something. IIRC a medic/doctor is a female position. Maybe a male won't tend to thier wounds, but a dutiful female/wife would? This could be the basis of some post-hunt/guest welcoming ritual, like the washing of feet during Easter.
I just remember something. IIRC a medic/doctor is a female position. Maybe a male won't tend to thier wounds, but a dutiful female/wife would? This could be the basis of some post-hunt/guest welcoming ritual, like the washing of feet during Easter.
Medic/doctor = female Alsan position/status profession. Yeppurs. As for dutiful...well, that depends on the relationship. Sisters as well serve the clan Lord, not just wife(ves). Ot AUnts, etc. (Sudden horrid thought--EGADS, Mother-in law Aslan!) :eek:
Female..any species locker.
Pile of Hello/Athuooar/Gthuuk magazine/holos.
Diary (locked!)
Slinky black underwear.
Large calibre handgun.(in case the underwear dont work)
Vibrator or similar. (jus in case the handgun dont work)
Lots of teddy bears/ princess iphegia dolls.
Pot. (to boil bunnies or similar in)

On a personal note..jus 1 ⌧ mag? I know this is fantasy, but come on!!
Originally posted by lisagb:
Slinky black underwear.
Large calibre handgun.(in case the underwear dont work)
Vibrator or similar. (jus in case the handgun dont work)

Just how did you intend to use that handgun?
"Female..any species locker.
1)Pile of Hello/Athuooar/Gthuuk magazine/holos.


2)Diary (locked!)

### Roger that. LGB!

3)Slinky black underwear.

### Something to "relax" in while writing diary, check.

4)Large calibre handgun.(in case the underwear dont work)

###Roger, roger!

5)Vibrator or similar. (jus in case the handgun dont work)

###Check, double check power cells, and speed trigger.(Fast/ Slow/OHMIGOD)

6)Lots of teddy bears/ princess iphegia dolls.

### In case the gun didn't work, and the robot is plugged into the ship's recharging outlet and article 5 is "exhausted". ;)

7) Pot. (to boil bunnies or similar in)

###Hear this TJ? Vorpal Bunny stew!

"On a personal note..jus 1 ⌧ mag? I know this is fantasy, but come on!!"
He didnae wanna brag, lass!
Originally posted by Paraquat Johnson:
</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by lisagb:
Slinky black underwear.
Large calibre handgun.(in case the underwear dont work)
Vibrator or similar. (jus in case the handgun dont work)

Just how did you intend to use that handgun?
</font>[/QUOTE]:D Use ya imagination!!!
I haven't seen the blow up doll or the virtual sex machine yet?
Spiff sez-"I haven't seen the blow up doll or the virtual sex machine yet?

the great thing about being Zhodani "undress her with your mind"

"hey who left the lid off the litter box!?" the Captian Addressing his Aslan crew in Z-g Manuvers

"be Careful where you step on a vargr Ship" -Saga advice from the Ole Traveller"
Had a dreadful thopught from this Spiff..
A K'Kree Freighter losing CG aboard--and if ye ever worked in a stable of horses, ye can imagine the volume be worse than the above two examples!!!
:eek: :eek:
Originally posted by Liam Devlin:
Spiff sez-"I haven't seen the blow up doll or the virtual sex machine yet?

the great thing about being Zhodani "undress her with your mind"

"hey who left the lid off the litter box!?" the Captian Addressing his Aslan crew in Z-g Manuvers

"be Careful where you step on a vargr Ship" -Saga advice from the Ole Traveller"
Had a dreadful thopught from this Spiff..
A K'Kree Freighter losing CG aboard--and if ye ever worked in a stable of horses, ye can imagine the volume be worse than the above two examples!!!
:eek: :eek:
Even worse, the entire herd get space sick, and it's after a banquet! :eek:
What the hell happened to my locker??? all my stuff is broken, smashed, scattered around!!!
theres girly mags on the deck, old "scratch and sniff "ads" on the floor, at leasr 10 empty broken COFFEE JUICE bottles scattered around,and look at THIS, at least 4 types of spent pistol shell caseings!!! one Blow Up doll, shot fulla holes!!!KKree SH** ALL over, KKree vomit!!! and this stuff i just dont understand....Dirty Slinky
Black Underwear...Trampled Teaddy Bears....and last but NOT least!!! One VIBRATOR with burned out batterys...AND they taped a picture of Dr Skull to the back of my locker and used it for target practice!! Blew out the hole back of it!!!
NOW just who the Hell is going to clean up this
mess!!! Well looks like i missed another good party...but still not picking up after these guys....Capt Hunter!!!...Capt Hunter...sir...come see this mess.... :eek: :eek: :eek: