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corsair equipment

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by josh:
does anyone know where i can find out the list of equipment for the standard corsair
if you do tell me thanks right them on here or send them them to me at dragonruler147@yahoo.com

While there have been 'corsair' deckplans done, there is no real 'standard corsair'. The nature of the ship is such that they are usually highly modified versions of captured ships. Those rare few that are built from the hull up specifically for such work are usually one of a kind and built to the specs the owner wants out of it.

If you can find it, there was a pirates sourcebook for D6 Star Wars (the title of which utterly escapes me at the moment) which contained info on pirate/corsair equipment.
pirates and privateers,my favorite star wars supplement :D .I'm gonna buy a second copy b4 i wear this one out :( .You might actually be able to convert something for use for traveller at least it will explain the sweet trade(piracy) in depth.It contained tactics on running pirate campaigns with equipment,ships,letters of marque,stunnersetc.etc.
Pirate Corsairs, usually a special type of ship and there are many versions of it. Our original GM made a design that had clamshell doors on the cargo bay so it would take in 100 and 200 ton vessles and move them around. One of the best Corsairs that we made was an X-Boat Tender that we captured. Not good for fighting, but good for stashing things away and stealing X-Boats, Scouts, Seekers, etc. We use the regular Corsair to fight, and then scoop up the remains with the X-Boat Tender.
I've got deckplans for a corsair/Q-ship on my website (see link in the sig line). It's a conversion from a subsidized merchant (fat trader) known as a fat corsair. Stats are loosely based on the CT corsair.

I always thought the concept of a distinctive, purpose-built corsair was silly. I figure a conversion like this is much more likely.

I agree with your Q ship statement. No pirate working the shipping lanes could get away with a one-of-a-kind ship; way to much advertising! Even operating a highly modified Q is risking some unwanted attention.

I used your RQ the other night as an aggressor and it worked great. My players decided to swoop in and help defend a Far Trader (just minutes to jump) from pirates. You would have thoroughly enjoyed seeing the player's faces turn pale and backs turn various shades of yellow when the two turrets suddenly became four turrets and two launches firing at them.

The quote from the pilot was, "High G 180 turn, full burn, smallest possible silhouette".

Now, they all want one.
Let's take a closer look

Unlike true military units; corsairs, pirates and the like historically tended to use whatever was available, no reason to believe that would change over a millenia or two... Weapons and gear were the property of the individual, not of the unit, and if there were two of anything aboard is was likely to have simply been looted from the same source. The only general rule for equipping these guys is to give the best stuff to the top dogs. Beyond that, run wild!

Just be sure to include at least one Really Neat Thing among them if you're going to have your players take them on...

~Zutroi, AKA Blind Geoff, 18th century piracy afficianado :cool:
re Tanuki
your idea is dependant on too many things.
cost of refit alone is about 100mcr so these pirates have to be incredibly succesful cos thats 100mcr + shares for all crew . then you need forged ids and ships papers that will stand up for the total time of the refit. you need to have a shipyard thats prepared to do the job and you need a boafide story to explain to the authorities why you need so much power and concealed weaponry in a merchant ship. or failing all that your pirates do the job themselves
Originally posted by campbell:
re Tanuki
your idea is dependant on too many things.
cost of refit alone is about 100mcr so these pirates have to be incredibly succesful cos thats 100mcr + shares for all crew . then you need forged ids and ships papers that will stand up for the total time of the refit. you need to have a shipyard thats prepared to do the job and you need a boafide story to explain to the authorities why you need so much power and concealed weaponry in a merchant ship. or failing all that your pirates do the job themselves
I figure this is a junkyard refit -- drives, computer, etc, all salvage.. Notice the stubs on the deckplans where bulkheads were cut through. I doubt they'd want to bring it anywhere near a real inspection, which means they stay out of the better starports. Goods are probably fenced through vessels with a more legitimate pedigree.

Or the thing might be a conversion by a government that's tired of folks in their area getting thumped on by pirates in scouts or free traders.

I based the stats on the Nishimani corsair that's floating around out there. Yeah, for pirates it's definitely a luxury boat. Most of them would be making do with whatever they'd picked up along the way.
Originally posted by Ran Targas:

I agree with your Q ship statement. No pirate working the shipping lanes could get away with a one-of-a-kind ship; way to much advertising! Even operating a highly modified Q is risking some unwanted attention.

I used your RQ the other night as an aggressor and it worked great. My players decided to swoop in and help defend a Far Trader (just minutes to jump) from pirates. You would have thoroughly enjoyed seeing the player's faces turn pale and backs turn various shades of yellow when the two turrets suddenly became four turrets and two launches firing at them.

The quote from the pilot was, "High G 180 turn, full burn, smallest possible silhouette".

Now, they all want one.
All right! Wish I'd been there to see it. :D
Originally posted by josh:
does anyone know where i can find out the list of equipment for the standard corsair
if you do tell me thanks right them on here or send them them to me at dragonruler147@yahoo.com
It varies, but Pirates do like to carry Cutlasses to threaten people with and sometimes PGMP-12s to melt off locks and do major damage to people who resist them. You'd need the skills to use them.

As for Pirate ships, whatever they can steal and modify. Be sure to tinker with the transponder so the Patrol Cruisers won't pick the ship up as stolen. Aaaarrrrr, matey!
Originally posted by Tanuki:
I've got deckplans for a corsair/Q-ship on my website (see link in the sig line). It's a conversion from a subsidized merchant (fat trader) known as a fat corsair. Stats are loosely based on the CT corsair.

I always thought the concept of a distinctive, purpose-built corsair was silly. I figure a conversion like this is much more likely.
Love the Trader Jim's Mobile Bar & Grill -- this is a variant on the RV module designed for Trader Jim .........
Originally posted by Tanuki:
I've got deckplans for a corsair/Q-ship on my website (see link in the sig line). It's a conversion from a subsidized merchant (fat trader) known as a fat corsair. Stats are loosely based on the CT corsair.

I always thought the concept of a distinctive, purpose-built corsair was silly. I figure a conversion like this is much more likely.
Excellent plans Tanuki.

As for the "standard Corsiar" ship type being "obvious"..Hmmm. not to sound canonista here (bein a heretic and all :D ), but there is an argument made for the TL-11 J2/3G 400dtn corsair like the THB has in it--an avg stellar world design (harkening back to Vilani vs Solomani Interstellar wars) commerce raiders, with a cargo hold impressive enough to get into speculative trade (or fencing off the goods!).

"Piracy," as medieval scholars of our Terra have stated, "is the first step towards commerce," [this in referral to the Viking era of the Dark ages (700's-1000's AD).

As for more detailed-techie campaigns, the fold down stabilizers on a Nishemani can fool an inept sensor operator reading "400dtn read out" for a Subbie Liner same tonnage..Or a T-class Patrol Cruiser.
IIRC there was a silohuette printed out Starship Owners guide thing for MT once upon a time. Those folding winglets come in handy for such 'camouflage!"

<your Fat Corsair does however, pass even closer scrutiny until its too late-and also makes an excellent Q-ship!).