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Converting T20 stats to CT


SOC-14 1K
I've seen some T20 chars with what would be, if they were CT stats, some ugly powerful values.... but since they're not, it came to me that I might wonder what conversion is appropriate...?

Any thoughts from the brain collective? How do I convert T20 stats to CT stats?
If you must...

Multiply all attributes by .7 and round off (drop the Charisma and Wisdom scores).

Multiply all skills totals (ranks + other bonuses) by .25 and round down (keep anything that goes to zero as a zero-rank skill - the character will not suffer a penalty to use it but does not have the training to warrent a skill level).

Apply the feats that replace CT skills (such as Armor Prof. (Vac Suit) or Jack-of-all-Trades) with 1 skill level, including the Weapon Proficiency feats. Any that improve combat (such as Point Blank Shot) increase the level by 1. Any others pretty much get ignored.

BAB multiply by .25 and add to weapon skills. Save bonuses are pretty much dropped - CT game mechanics didn't support them.

You still will not get a good CT conversion, but then I'm not sure why you would want to do that to begin with
. If you want CT characters, use the 'infinate improbability drive' that is the CT random character generator (everything was waaaaay too random for me). Use the characters you create with T20 in the T20 game mechanics - it's the only way to make them fit. (note I said generate for CT and create for T20 - that sums up my opinion of the processes).
Originally posted by MichaelL65:
If you must...
No one has a knife to my throat! But the ability is useful, given that most new stuff is T20 oriented and that several NPC on Freelance Traveller that I rather like are done out as T20 guys and I'd like to preserve the original author's intentions (although under my chosen ruleset).

You still will not get a good CT conversion, but then I'm not sure why you would want to do that to begin with
. If you want CT characters, use the 'infinate improbability drive' that is the CT random character generator (everything was waaaaay too random for me).
When *generating* I use mtcg.exe which is an excelelnt MT character gen utility with just the right amount of player direction IMO.

Use the characters you create with T20 in the T20 game mechanics - it's the only way to make them fit. (note I said generate for CT and create for T20 - that sums up my opinion of the processes).
T20 is more GURPS-ish in that aspect - it is a creation task. I recently had the (mis)fortune to have to create my first 3rd generation AD&D character after twenty odd years of playing prior versions. What an exceedingly painful experience that was, even compared with AD&D 2.x (version 2 plus the black books). I can't say I enjoyed it and fast characters are obviously ... some kind of feat of legerdemain.

I appreciate your advice, and I'll give it a try, even if you do think I'm insane....

FWIW one of my T20 Characters was originaly created for a CT pbem game.

CT Asu

This is the T20 version after an additional level of Professional.

T20 Asu

I just kept the CT sheet handy when I chose Feats and Skills. Anything not on the CT sheet was chosen to go along with the character concept.

Asu started at age 14 instead of 18 as per the CT career and has some skills that are class instead of cross class. (balance, jump, tumble IIRC)Gained WP Sword and T:Engineering etc. with that 2nd level in Professional.
