Yet another in a string of clueless questions about the rulz...
So what's the point of conventional missiles? A quick look at the documentation shows that a conventional missile barely does any damage to a ship. We're talking SI for most ships to be somewhere around 100-250 (the 100dton - 1,000dton range, IE most likely tonnage a ship will encounter), and a conventional missile does... 2d6 damage (if TL13... yippee). You can get that raised to 4d6 if you use a triple turret.
Meanwhile nukes add +5d6 on top of that AND radiation damage. Now that's good. Nukes should be dangerous. But what exactly is the point of a missile that has conventional armament?
Maybe it's late in the AM (it is) so I don't grok it right now and need some shut eye, but I'd really like to know. Is there some advantage I'm not seeing?
(and don't get me started on bomb-pumped missiles)
So what's the point of conventional missiles? A quick look at the documentation shows that a conventional missile barely does any damage to a ship. We're talking SI for most ships to be somewhere around 100-250 (the 100dton - 1,000dton range, IE most likely tonnage a ship will encounter), and a conventional missile does... 2d6 damage (if TL13... yippee). You can get that raised to 4d6 if you use a triple turret.
Meanwhile nukes add +5d6 on top of that AND radiation damage. Now that's good. Nukes should be dangerous. But what exactly is the point of a missile that has conventional armament?
Maybe it's late in the AM (it is) so I don't grok it right now and need some shut eye, but I'd really like to know. Is there some advantage I'm not seeing?
(and don't get me started on bomb-pumped missiles)