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Confederation Captain Wanted

The Solomani System Reinforcement Carrier "San Martin" seeks a new commanding officer for anti-piracy Duties in the Confederate Frontiers. Commissioned Officer qualified will be expected to Protect Confederate Interests, Fight back alien encroachment, and the halting of interstellar Piracy.

OOC: This is recruitment for a Play by Email Campaign where YOU are the Captain of the San Martin. The Game is set in the Imperial Year 1100. Ct or T20 characters are accepted. Applicants should send a PM with character info.

The Ship:

(Removed for secrecy)

The Davidson Class System Reinforcement Carrier is a soon-to-be decomissioned system defense program, intended for use in systems that need augmentation to System Defenses. The Davidson has also seen duty in an anti-piracy role, in addition to convoy escort tasks
I've never played Traveller by E-Mail (though I had a long experience of Babylon 5 freeform e-mail RPGs in the late 1990's and early 200's); I'll be glad to try, though. What I want to know is:

1) The rule system used (I don't have T20, only CT and parts of MT/TNE).

2) The way the game is handeled by E-Mail.

3) even if I won't join, I might build a deckplan for you, provided you'd give me the tonnage of the jump drive, manouver drive, bridge, Model/7fib Computer, Model/7 Flight Avionics, Model/7 Sensors, Model/7 Meson Communications, Sick Bay, Autodocs and Airlock - these are T20 values, and I only have HG - but once I'll have the tonnages, I might build a deckplan for you (after my Seeker, Mining Rig, Yacht and 3 Traders).
Oh, the Confederation will have a deckplan for you. You would literally be taking up a captaincy the day of start.

As to how it works, I, the Referee, present background and a starter email as to your situation and orders from Command. You respond to that email with all the powers available to you, in this case, a System Defense Carrier. That means fighter squadrons, etc. We start a regular correspondance. I primarily use Gmail for this.

This also presents an opportunity to play sort of an anti-hero/bad guy of a sort. The Solomani Confederation in this is a harsh totalitarian regime, with overt human supremacist views. Think "1984" meets "Star Trek".

The Sols in the particular area of space are a scruffy bunch to boot, think how back in ancient times bad soldiers would get sent to bad areas. That sort of thing. As Captain, you will have some work ahead of you, but you will have a lot of power. How that power is utilized is the focus of the position and the game.

As to character format, CT or MT is fine, but you are of course restricted to being a Solomani Navy Captain, most likely male. The ruleset of is a framework, what is important is actually who your character is. Where he comes from. Background and History tones who he is. The rules in this game will be "invisible", and tactical situations will be clearly defined for quick resolution. I want to get as close to the experience of commanding the Carrier as possible.
I will probably not be able to join in the end (RL is a bitch) but I love the concept - if you will find another captain, I'll eagerly follow your progress; If not, I'll try to find a way to participate.

And why does the Captain have to be male? I have a character idea partially based on Madeline from the Nikita TV series - manipulative, heavy-handed and very efficient in doing her job (sometimes brutally efficient). Ofcourse, if you want a man, I'll give you one - you're the Referee, after all.

If anyone else will take the post, I'll be content to watch (and maybe play the XO?); if not, soon I will be your captain.

Oh, my idea for CharGen would be to set the number of terms (I think 4, but it's your call) and the final rank (Captain) and then roll Advanced Chargen but ignore comssion/promotion rolls and treat every survival failure as a wound/purple-heart-equivalent. I'll use AM5: Solomani advanced chargen.
I would probably start generation at age 14, with 8 years of Naval Academy, Then 4-5 terms of active duty after that.

Is the Real Life concerns anything that conflicts with average computer use? I find it helpful to just consider game activity as part of my normal email routine. You sound most enthusiastic, and I have enjoyed your Coti work for a while now. Try it out. You can always drop if its a hassle with no trouble from this ref.
Originally posted by Baron Saarthuran von Gushiddan:
Females are rare in that role. It is hard getting through the Academy, which is 98% male in this gme. A cultural effect.
Not the way I've envisioned the Solomani (in my OTU variant they don't care about your gender or Terran-ethnicity, as long as you originate from Terra), but that's your game so I have no problem with that - it also adds to the fascist and reactionary atmosphere.

I would probably start generation at age 14, with 8 years of Naval Academy, Then 4-5 terms of active duty after that.
8 years? Both LBB5 and AM6: Solomani show that the Naval Academy lasts only 4 years, and you could add one year of Flight School to it, but 8 years?

Oh, and should I use Flight School as well? And should I use the Line Branch or the Flight Branch?

Is the Real Life concerns anything that conflicts with average computer use? I find it helpful to just consider game activity as part of my normal email routine.

I think you've convinced me to join. I usually have access to a computer with net access daily; the only exception is when I'm not at home or when I stay at my dorm at weekend. So I'll be able to do minor posts (i.e. a few paragraphs each) daily, and major posts (i.e. more than a page) once to three times a week.

I have enjoyed your Coti work for a while now.
Thanks! Which parts of it did you like most?

EDIT: By the way, according to the Solomani calender, the year at gamestart is 5630 AD, right?
Originally posted by Baron Saarthuran von Gushiddan:

10 Marines
3 10.000 ton Grav APCs (Crew of 1, Cost of MCr 4.000)
ti-piracy role, in addition to convoy escort tasks
10 Marines (a Squad, I presume) riding 3 APCs? Or do Naval personnel (how many?) acompany them on surface action?
The 10 Marines are a shipboard and external ground security force. Any (they are identical except for the number) of The APCs are for the Marines to deploy with, with the other two being ship's vehicles for landing party duty. Each APC will hold 10 comfortably.
I would probably start generation at age 14, with 8 years of Naval Academy, Then 4-5 terms of active duty after that.
8 years? Both LBB5 and AM6: Solomani show that the Naval Academy lasts only 4 years, and you could add one year of Flight School to it, but 8 years?

Oh, and should I use Flight School as well? And should I use the Line Branch or the Flight Branch?
Female Officers are rare, due to the societal role in the Confederation, which frankly, for all its pomp and circumstance, is primarily that of babymaker. This is not to say that women do not hold powerful positions in the military and government, but the climb up is long and arduous.
And the current social norm is overt sexism, combined with subtle eroticism and nazi-like glorification of motherhood. (with medals for many children for the State, etc.) That is the way it is. An almost Victorian view on femininity is in place societally.

The SC in this game is pretty bellicose in general. There are basically no aliens or non-humans in the inner systems of the Confederacy.
Where they went depends on circumstance and history. You grew up hearing that they were resettled, but you also heard rumors that most had other fates...

You attend 8 Years of Academy, including the first four from age 14 to age 18, as a Naval Cadet, a common occurance for inner party children. This enters you into your freshman year at Academy as a Cadet Leader, if you are male.
Generate knowing that the end result will be a "cut above". The restrictions impoosed in character generation are to counterbalance the power you will command.

As per choice of Branch, Command, Flight, or Line is totally up to you. It depends on what type of Captain you are. It is not unusual for many Captains to pilot thier own fighter into battle. Glory is an important facet of your career. You could also easily be a Commander Adama type if Starbuck is not your thing. You could also be both as it suits you and you can pull it off skill wise.

Another challenge of your command will be proper delegation of authority. Giving orders, including orders that may send some on to death, will be what makes or breaks the San Martin. Your role must unquestionably be Captain to all aboard her.

You will regularly receive orders from command and news packets. These will be written in the Confederate Style, and so you will need to sort through propaganda to get accurate facts.

As for your Coti work, I have nothing specific at the moment that comes to mind (yet) But I do know I always read them and enjoy them. You are definitely among my favorite posters, and I am glad you are playing!

This game will normally go during the week and stop on the weekends. I work wierd hours and will post at wierd hours. The Action in the game should play out like a very good novel.

As a Referee, I endeavor to be as impartial as I can, focusing on presentation of the story. How well you do in game depends on how well you do in character. You need not feel like you must post several paragraphs per post, the game will have a recognizable flow after a short time. I dislike "Power Gaming" and a I am not a "Killer" Referee, though situations can get pretty tight.

Please Email me at chuckshaw2000@gmail.com so we can start a character generation thread.
Check your mail; if you don't get anything in a few hours, please tell me, as my mail server is making problems as of late and isn't saving stuff in the "sent" folder.
Does the San Martin need a Party political officer? Someone to maintain the "faith" of the crew and officers to the Solomani Cause? Somneone to ensure that the Party dogma is followed in hearts and minds?

From numerous examples in Earth's history it appears that when there is a one party political system in place the government attaches political officers to military units to maintain political dogma of the regime. The communist parties did this in the Soviet Union and in China. It was done in Iraq by the B'ath party. Examples of this in the movies for the Soviet Union are "Enemy at the Gates" (WW2 Stalingrad sniper movie) and "The Hunt for Red October".

The Party's political officer would not be a member of Solsec but the overt Party presence on board. I suspect that there would be three or four covert Solsec monitors aboard who don't involve themselves in the operations of ship but would report to Solsec the actions of all aboard, the Captain, the Political Officer, other officers and crew in secret.

Is there a position open aboard the San Martin for a political officer?
If the Captain so wishes, There is a potential position available for First Officer/Executive Officer, at the rank of Commander.

There is no need for a political officer of the type mentioned (Let's not forget the one from Das Boot as well) because the Party System has been in place for several generations, ever since
The Fall of Earth.

Both you and the Captain, all officers basically, would be Inner Party members. You would not need a Political Officer because all Inner Party members ARE the political officers...

Captain, I did not recieve email yet. Power Outage has kept me off computer for a bit. Please make a decision to include Mister Tyler as XO.
Originally posted by Baron Saarthuran von Gushiddan:

Captain, I did not recieve email yet. Power Outage has kept me off computer for a bit. Please make a decision to include Mister Tyler as XO.
By all means, welcome aboard, Randy Tyler!

Oh, and Sir Gushiddan, check your mail again. If you won't receive anything by Sunday noon (say, 12AM GMT), please tell me on these forums and I'll deal with the issue.

By the way, what is the amount of factionalism in your version of the Solomani Party ("SolParty" for short, it has that "1984" ring)? Was there a "night of long knives" or a "big purge"? How much criticism there is about surrendering Earth to the Imperial hordes?
These are Rough Sketches, Lords...

Modified SOlomani History

March 19th, 5520: The Fall of Earth

After a long and bitter struggle, the valiant forces of our homeworld were overrun by the degenerate Imperials. The Brave survivors and victims pulled together, Regrouping and reforging ourselves into the Solomani Home Guard. Since then, our beloved Party has been in place. In Place to erase the stain of dishonor crafted by the weaklings that lost our homeworld.

The Confederacy's views on: (and these are broad strokes)

Zhodani: Monsters. OOC: if it were not for psionic use, the Consulate and the Confederation would be hard to tell apart.

Aslan: Admirable, but with the insurmountable fault of not being human. Also have a lot of nice real estate...

Imperials: May look human, but years of degenerate living and alteration from Aliens have made them NOT human. The Invaders will be destroyed in due course...

Vargr: Monsters. Alien Monsters. The Dog affectation of thier appearance is a contrived device to make them appear friendly, but they are aliens.

K'Kree: Contact is limited, but they are Aliens

Hivers: Most of the trade with the Federation is conducted by Federation humans. They are human, but under alien influence. The quality of Hiver goods makes them desirable, but Hivers know best to stay way in the background...

Droyone: It is said that the Droyone are the descendants of the Ancients, but if that were the case, would they not have Human form? Monsters.

Julians: One day, and with proper reeducation, the Lost Julians can be welcomed back into the arms of Earth. Once the Vargr element has been removed, of course...

Non-Humans: Man is the pinnacle of evolutionary adaptation in the universe. Unfortunately, evolution sometimes needs to get it right, and the universe is consequently full "near misses" in the form of the multitudes of non-human monsters that dwell in our manifest destined place in the universe. The old ills of inter-human cultural and racial subdivisions have melted away in the face of the onrushing hordes of alien monstrosities that covet our worlds. Man is united. Man is Eternal.

Robots: Robots are tools. They are servant, not master. Research into Artificial intelligence is fine on a controlled basis, but no machine is better than Man.

Religion: Has long been the bugbear of our society. By purging ourselves of superstition and folklore, we can go forward with clear minds to our Destiny.

Women: The pinnacle of Womanly Virtue is Motherhood. The State needs soldiers for the oncoming battle, and it is every woman's duty and honor to bear the leaders and Warriors of our bright future.
Cultural Facts about the SC in this Game:

The Start Date/Current Date is March 11, 5618 (around 090-1100 Imperial)

The Current Leader is Presidant John Magnus. The spelling of President is correct in the Terran Language, a corruption of President and Commandant.

All Characters Speak, Read, and Write Terran, erroneously known as "Solomani" to our enemies.

All Characters can use a Vacc Suit and a Computer and a Grav vehicle (Auto skills)

The current fad in music among the outer party is a choral rhythmic classical arrangements by the State Orchestra.

The current top-viewed holo-vid is
"Fiends from the Void 5: Payback!"
starring Bruce Sterling and Anna Nova.
Sterling portrays Commander Kenna as he repulses brain eating monsters from out of space. Nova plays his beautiful assistant.

The Party is divided into two sections:

The Outer Party...
The workers, the builders, the good human people of pure blood. They enjoy all the good things in life. Peace, Security, Purpose...

The Inner Party...
The Planners, the Dreamers... The wise and just leaders who steer the course of our future...
The are the vigilant that protect the People from all threats to mind and body.
A breathtaking view of Solomani Fascism
- I like that (ofcourse, if I'll portray the Solomani in my OTU variant this will only describe the Hardliner faction - but IYTU it describes them all and I still like it

Women: The pinnacle of Womanly Virtue is Motherhood. The State needs soldiers for the oncoming battle, and it is every woman's duty and honor to bear the leaders and Warriors of our bright future.
"Kitschen, Kinder und Kirchen" [sp?] (Kitchen, Children and Church - the role the Nazi propaganda gave to women; ofcourse the Solomani are a bit less reactionary and drop the "Church" part).

Originally posted by Baron Saarthuran von Gushiddan:
The current fad in music among the outer party is a choral rhythmic classical arrangements by the State Orchestra.
Similar to Era or Vangelis (late 20th century classics)? Or to Wagner (a real fascist favorite)?