I decided to start up this topic, where people can share, show off, or brag about the aliens and monsters they've designed for T20, and post them here, as a sort of freelance alien guidebook. I'll be posting some of mine here, and hope lots of you other T20 players will too! Also, for other systems, feel free to post, converting creatures to the D20 system is pretty simple and easy, so we can use yours for inspiration!
The following information would be helpful, if you have it, about your creatures:
What type of terrain/world/climate do they come from?
Do they have noteworthy relationships with any other lifeforms? Symbiotic? Preferred Prey? That sort of thing.
How easily domesticated? What sort of nature have they?
Physical descriptions: Are they mammaloid? Insectiod? Slime Mold? Green? Have they antennae?
The following information would be helpful, if you have it, about your creatures:
What type of terrain/world/climate do they come from?
Do they have noteworthy relationships with any other lifeforms? Symbiotic? Preferred Prey? That sort of thing.
How easily domesticated? What sort of nature have they?
Physical descriptions: Are they mammaloid? Insectiod? Slime Mold? Green? Have they antennae?