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Communications blackout

Andrew Boulton

The Adminator
ARGH! Thanks to the [expletive deleted] at BT my phone/ADSL has been dead for the last 12 days. On my behalf my ISP has been beating BT with a big stick, and I'm finally back online (although only at 25% speed ATM).

That, plus the fact that the weather is stupidly hot, means I'm not a happy bunny (although I'm 25% happier than I was...)
I wondered what had happened to you. Naturally, I assumed more CGI goodness was in the works ... ;)
Andrew, you think it's hot where you are, it is 102 degrees (Fahrenheit) with a heat index of 112 headed to 115. It will be even hotter tomorrow and the rest of this week. :eek:

But, I understand your frustration with getting on line. That's why I do all my COTI posting from WORK.
Think yourself lucky, my logic board on my iBook has gone tits up. That will be four hundred sovs, thankee kindly.

I'm reduced to pinching my wife's iBook (actually mine as well, on lease from the service) or hiding in the box room with the iMac.
The line's still FUBAR (my formerly 2M connection is currently running at 250k, when it actually stays up), so I may disappear unexpecte+++NO CARRIER
I hear they've got 6M broadband where I'm going. Makes a change from university dial-up, hehehe ...
I am on comcast cable. It is rated at 6m or 8m if you pay a little extra, but if the other end is slow, you still download at what they feed you. Also depends on how many other subscribers are active when you use it.

But the best part is the price war with Knology & charter making endroads into an area Comcast was the only supplier for just a couple of years back. Knology offered us phone, cable, and hi speed internet for what Comcast was charging for cable and internet alone so we switched. Just about the time Knology's extra singon bonuses ran out Comcast came back with a $20 cable & $20 internet rate for those who had switched to Knology if they would return to Comcast. That price was good for the next year, but a year and a half later, they still haven't raised my rate. I'm not going to remind them either. In the mean time Charter has moved into this area also, so the price wars continue.
Blech.... When Verizon came into town I couldn't drop Comcast fast enough. Never had major issues with them, rather it was nothing but small annoyances.

But the net result is that I am paying less for phone TV and Internet combined than I did for just Cable and Internet with Comcast.
I've got no choice, I'm getting broadband TV with the connection whether I want it or not. Never was too keen on Cantonese soap operas.
Originally posted by Jim Fetters:
Blech.... When Verizon came into town I couldn't drop Comcast fast enough. Never had major issues with them, rather it was nothing but small annoyances.

But the net result is that I am paying less for phone TV and Internet combined than I did for just Cable and Internet with Comcast.
I never had any problems with Comcast or Knology either. My reasons were purely financial both times I switched. I also told them when I changed, "Here is what the competition is offering. Can you match it?" Comcast didn't the first time, but after enough customers left they got agressive about getting us to come back. As long as they have the lowest price, we will keep them unless service quality becomes an issue.