Twenty years ago, in high school. Traveller campaign.
Nathan, the referee, at one point asked me what my character's religion was... I think we were on some high-government, high-law world and we were going through the administrivia. I replied "Nathanite".
A few weeks later, we still had this as a running joke... "How do you become a Nathanite priest?" "Fly into a black hole." "How do you become a high priest?" "Fly back out."
Well, all good things must come to an end... the year proceeded, Nathan and I would be graduating, and moving out of town. The campaign was coming to a close.
We played the last adventure, turning the odds on some would-be hijackers and earning senior positions on a luxury starship. Then we surprised the referee... we hijacked the ship ourselves! (not difficult when most of the bridge crew plus the security chief are conspirators
After putting the officers, crew, and passengers off the ship, we plotted the course to the nearest black hole... and announced our intentions to become priests! Unfortunately, we didn't become high priests... the Navigation and Piloting rolls were good, but not that good.