I apologise in advance for the length of this post - much of it is in the vein of thinking outloud....
In the interest of nostalgia (or orthodoxy if you prefer) my new campaign is going to be more of a CT experience... T20 is nice but I want to go back to 'the real deal.' Besides - I have all of this CT/MT stuff around and I want to use it! The setting will be Regina 1105 and we'll be campaigning through as many of the CT adventures as I can coherently string together.
The player mix is interesting - 4 always seems to be my magic number for players. I have 2 experienced RPG'ers: 1 is a holdover from my T20 game - the other is a D&D-er from way back. Neither have played CT before. The other 2 are complete RPG newbs who (foolishly
Anyways - I have a free hand as to how I want to run this game (mechanics wise) and I want to make it as fun as possible for all concerned - 'cause I want them to STAY dammit!
I'm not afraid to mix and match - but at this point I'm leaning towards MT all around even though I've never run it before - enough of the rules are familiar that I should get up to speed okay.
I'm definitely going to use the DGP task system and will probably use the MT character generation rules as well, if only because they centralize all the various CT stuff.
I'm not so sure about combat - both personal and starship. The problem is that I want to keep my two RPG grognards interested while at the same time not throwing something so complex at the newbies that they become bored with the mechanics of it all and go to sleep.
And of course we don't want to task overload your friendly ref either.
I want a system that's a bit more robust than the vanilla CT personal combat system, but vCT is the only one I've run. I'm planning on using counters/minis on a 15mm grid - the visual aid will work well for the newbs, grogs will enjoy the crunchy deck plans (CC2 is your friend!).
Should I stick with vCT? It's probably the system I'm most comfortable with, but I'm not too sure that it's going to keep the grogs happy and all of the DM's are likely to confuse the newbs.
I have a copy of Snapshot, but I'll confess I'm pretty clueless as to how it plays. AHL is not available except through the reprint version.
Striker would definitely overwhealm the newbs.
The MT system looks promising but rather complex for my new players - how does it play out from a flow standpoint? Any hints/tips on running smooth fights?
I have a copy of At Close Quarters and am very intrigued by its action point system. Any opinions from folks that have used it would be quite welcome.
TNE is definitely out unless there is a very compelling reason - too much for the ref to learn. I don't have the T4 rules.
Two important factors here - should work with a hex map and minis/counters (again trying to keep the newbs interested via visual aids) and needs to integrate well with the roleplaying.
I've never run the Book Two system and the vector bookeeping looks to be a bear - but it does seem to rate high on the 'integrates well with roleplaying' scale.
I'm familiar with High Guard as it's what we used 'back in the day' but might be a little too abstract for the newbs. Has anyone played HG with a hex map?
I have an old copy of Mayday but it's unpunched so I've not really sat down and played it. Looks like the movement rules are cool - I *do* want vector movement if I can pull it off. Mayday does seem a bit 'equipment limited' though. Crunchyness for the grognards is still a factor here... ...perhaps the CT or HG rules with the Mayday movement system?
I havn't read the MT starship combat system as closely as the MT personal combat system - but it looks to be a task based version of HG. All the crunchyness one might require but still a bit too abstract like HG.
I have a copy of Brilliant Lances - but, like Power Projection, it looks more like a game in it's own right than a space combat system that will integrate well with the roleplaying side of things. I plan on using the hex map and counters from BL as I think they will fit the bill until I get some of the RAFM minis.
Again I think I'm leaning towards the MT system... but I also want to keep my hexmap.
I *know* trying to satisfy both the grogs and the newbs is going to be a challenge - but I think this group is going to be very interesting from a roleplaying standpoint. We're not wargaming here so combat is just a means to an end.
I definitely want personal combat that is sufficiently 'realistic' (read: leathal) to maintain that Traveller "don't F*#$ with the man with the gun" feel - my grogs are mostly from a D&D background and I want them to know they ain't in fantasy land no more.
Starship combat can't be of the "Zaaap - you're dead" variety, unless they're foolish enough to take a Scout Courier against a Cruiser. I'm into the hex map thing but I could see myself dropping it for an abstract system that roleplays well.
Thanks in advance for your opinions - I'm sure there's no easy answer here but with so many options to choose from I'd appreciate the wisdom of those with more experience.