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Combat resolution

This may be a no go question, as it may impact with the playtest agreement, but I would like to know one thing:

Is combat resolved by skill + stat mod al la MT (that is 4 ranks in Laser + a DM+2 mod for Dex of 13) or combat bonus as per D&D3? (+x for level plus relevent stat bonus)
Firefights and melee combat use the standard d20 Base Attack Bonus (BAB) determined by class and level. Vehicle and starship combat uses skills.

As Determined by Class and Level.

Now this is what I don't like about the D20 system. Classes and Levels. Why should what you trained in limit what you can do later in life?
<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by BenBell:
As Determined by Class and Level.

Now this is what I don't like about the D20 system. Classes and Levels. Why should what you trained in limit what you can do later in life?

I look at it this way. Someone that is in a 'combat' class (ie: fighter) spends most of their time training in the martial skills. This is reflected in the fact they gain increases in fighting capability faster than other classes who split their time training in endeavors other than the martial skills.

This doesn't mean the character exclusive trains in the martial skills, just that he or she spends proportionally more time training in these areas. This is why 'fighter-types' gain attack bonuses faster than other classes but generally receive correspondingly fewer skill points to spend on non-martial abilities.

But your milage may vary...


[This message has been edited by hunter (edited 08 January 2002).]
<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by BenBell:
As Determined by Class and Level.

Now this is what I don't like about the D20 system. Classes and Levels. Why should what you trained in limit what you can do later in life?

This is why they added the multi class feature. If you feel like doing things a little out of the class you are in then you pick up a level or two in another class. Some classes of DnD require much concentration to improve in the class and limit its ability to multi class.

Space Hamster
Thanks for the reply Hunter et al.

The Class combat issue: I feel that as long as it is not as restricted as the d20 Star Wars classes (where you can NOT generate a veteren Imperial Naval officer [IMHO] as a starting character) then the Traveller feel can be maintained. As characters will not start at 1st level unless it the player wills it, you can generate an S3 scout for example (Fighter/Scout) or a Merchant trouble shooter (merchent/rouge). The flexability of GT with the character class feel of CT. It may well work VERY well.

I can see an issue for CT heads though, that a CT soldier is generally the same as a CT non-soldier in combat, if both have the same skills. In D20, this will NOT be the case, as fighters will get attack bonuses just by being a fighter.

SOLSEC makes Echelon look like a joke!
<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by solar_shipping:
Thanks for the reply Hunter et al.

The Class combat issue: I feel that as long as it is not as restricted as the d20 Star Wars classes (where you can NOT generate a veteren Imperial Naval officer [IMHO] as a starting character) then the Traveller feel can be maintained. As characters will not start at 1st level unless it the player wills it, you can generate an S3 scout for example (Fighter/Scout) or a Merchant trouble shooter (merchent/rouge). The flexability of GT with the character class feel of CT. It may well work VERY well.

The system is set up with a Prior History procedure, through which most characters will actually begin play anywhere from 1st to 8th level depending on how long they remain in service, etc...

I can see an issue for CT heads though, that a CT soldier is generally the same as a CT non-soldier in combat, if both have the same skills. In D20, this will NOT be the case, as fighters will get attack bonuses just by being a fighter.

Agreed, we did our best to build a reasonable compromise between CT and the d20 system, but classes will be classes
I think the playtesters will agree that we have managed to keep the Traveller flavor, even if it is a bit different in preperation so to speak...

In fact, it is nigh impossible to NOT make second level in prior service. 9th is almost impossible as written. (9th and beyond are very slim chances. 6th is typical of the party I've run)

Smith & Wesson: The Original Point and Click interface!
<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by aramis:
In fact, it is nigh impossible to NOT make second level in prior service. 9th is almost impossible as written. (9th and beyond are very slim chances. 6th is typical of the party I've run)


Actually, I think if you use the prior history the minimum you can possibly get is 3rd level.

Dave "Dr. Skull" Nelson
I hope the Prior History rules is not too complicated, even though I'm used to third-party products such as Task Force Games' Heroes of Legend (and Heroes of Tomorrow) or the Lifepath rules in FASA's MechWarrior 4th Edition RPG.
<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by DrSkull:
Actually, I think if you use the prior history the minimum you can possibly get is 3rd level.


I was thinking the guy who does 1 term, no promo/commission, special duty, decoration, or other bonus stuff will be halfway to making 3rd.

In any case, it is hard to not be 3rd level, if not fourth, out of the starting gate.

Smith & Wesson: The Original Point and Click interface!
But the first 2 years of your first term is "basic training" and that gets you to 3rd level before you even roll a survival roll.

Dave "Dr. Skull" Nelson
<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by DrSkull:
But the first 2 years of your first term is "basic training" and that gets you to 3rd level before you even roll a survival roll.


Survival Roll? Does this mean you can get killed during character generation? :) (snicker..)
<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Solo:
Survival Roll? Does this mean you can get killed during character generation? :) (snicker..)<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Nope. It means that other nasty stuff can happen to you though like getting booted out of the service, suffer an major injury, etc. that will have an effect on the character.
