Ganidiirsi O'Flynn wrote:
"I simply used that (Joachim Steubing in 'Hammer's Slammers - LEW) as an analogy."
Mr. O'Flynn,
Sure, an analogy. Not a particularly accurate one, but an analogy nonetheless.
"Others might include Narayan Singh as cohort of Athelstane King (from the "Peshwar Lancers")..."
Who is assigned to King by the regiment and thus follows his commander into undercover work, as he has been ordered to do so.
"... or Dr.Watson to Sherlock Holmes."
Who leaves Holmes twice when he marries and does not participate in every case, just those few he wrote about.
"Either way, the analogy holds true."
In what way? How are those charecters similar to the real purpose behind the left-over DnD game artifact; providing the player with 1) control over additional skills via other bodies or 2) cannon fodder?
"Cohorts are exceptionally loyal followers/apprentices/best friends that will follow the character through nearly everything."
In other words a NPC detailed to the level of a PC that is handled by the player and GM as necessary. Why do you need a specific game mechanic for that? Traveller's many versions have just let you do it on your own. No need to codify it in rules that can then be searched for loopholes by legions of munchkins.
"Followers are spear-carriers/loyal troops/contacts that will provide assistance or obedience to orders for pay or a favor returned."
In other words just everyday, plain, vanilla NPCs. Again, Traveller provides for them. Why this sudden need to rely upon mechanic to generate them when Traveller has just assumed they're a given in nearly every adventure since 'Kinunir'?
To me, it is a slippery slope. With Traveller's uncodified pre-T20 take on the idea, it was up to the player to argue FOR the presence of various 'cohorts' and 'followers'. Now, with the webbed toes of DnD's soi disant leadership 'feat', it up to the GM to argue AGAINST the presence of various 'cohorts' and 'followers'. That is an important difference.
Players with this 'feat' will take advantage of it, after all that's why they chose it in the first place, and the GM will be forced to deal with it. You all know as well as I do that a player will point to page X, paragraph Y and argue that their 'cohort' butler follows them everywhere, even to the fresher, and always has a vacc suit and hand grenade with them. Congratulations, the inclusion of the 'automatic' followers this 'feat' allows has just made your life as a GM more difficult. Ah, progress!
In the end, it's you game and you can run it as you see fit. I think the idea of 'feats' in general and a leadership feat in particular is nonsense. Traveller has leadership, liaison, and streetwise skills, not to mention recruiting, instruction, and three types of tactics. If your PC has those skills you can use them. If your PC doesn't have those skills you can role play it and rely on your skill as a player to get by. Or you can use a 'feat' to roll play it and rely on a few lines in a rule book to get by. I know which of those paths is more satisfying for me as a player and GM. YMMV.