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My campaign impetus revolves around the trafficking of illegal clones. Over the time the campaign has been running the player has discovered several different designations(models) of clones, both male and female.
Here is an example of one 'class', the Charlies.


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I have had a similar deal with clones in games I have run, plus soc is adjusted 3-5 is a clone or chimera.
Could you pm me, with a little more detail?
I've been giving them a SOC 0, because they have little or no experiences to give them social skills for personal interactions.
If they're given artificial personalities, they'd at least behave as though they were of the SOC level of whatever personality they were given. Legally, it depends on the rights granted to clones (or in OTU parlance, Guests). IMTU they're nominally legally-incompetent (like minors), and can be indentured for an amount up to the cost of their creation.

I'm sort of bumping into that in my PbP/Fanfic thing. It'll get weirder because I'm rewriting it for a creative writing class, and planning to take it in an entirely different direction than where I started going...
Assuming neither you or your caregiver unit can sign you into indenture, before your eighteenth's (Terran norm) birthday, it would be illegal.

Despite the maturity of the body, there probably are ways to tell if the cells have been growth accelerated.
And here's another class, the 'Omegas'.
The Omegas were created for 'wet' work. The player found out later, much to his consternation. They're all sweetness and cute, and then some sort of trigger will set them off, and it's 'Kati bar the door!'
Wicca was guilty of murder. In her words, "He showed me a 'holo' of a man, and told me to walk up to him, stick a gun in his chest, and pull the trigger until it was empty. Then walk to the corner of 5th and Main, and we will pick you up. They never came, and I was arrested a few minutes later." She went to prison, and escaped. Twice! She simply asked to be let loose both times!
Boudicca, Toni(a Sierra Class), and Maria(a 'Nat' i.e. natural birth), slaughtered the entire compliment of a yacht, after months of abuse at the hands of some nobles who considered them nothing more than playthings. They were found wandering in the forests surrounding the landing site of the yacht.
Taliskan, or 'Tali', as she prefers to be called, was one of the original six clones found on Omen. Shy and unassuming, she never smiled. When the PC.s finally got her to open up about her abuse, and elicited an actual smile out of her, it was as if they were looking into the maw of shark!
She is now the lunch shift supervisor at the chow hall.
Jasmine was rescued from a low berth, at an out of the way planet while being transferred to a different ship.

Boudicca and Jasmine have both joined the IISS.


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Assuming neither you or your caregiver unit can sign you into indenture, before your eighteenth's (Terran norm) birthday, it would be illegal.

Despite the maturity of the body, there probably are ways to tell if the cells have been growth accelerated.
The manufacturer is the caregiver unit in this case.
There is probably some sort of emancipation system in place. Regrettably, in many cases it turns out that the emancipation conditions aren't achievable without active legal and/or law enforcement involvement.
For various reasons, I've avoided fast-growth and growth to adult form cloning outside of Car Wars and Star Wars...

Partly because the natural course follows where Bujold took it: harvesting organs, or even whole body for brain transplant as a means of "immortality."

And I never wanted to explore that aspect of ethics and morality in game. I don't mind it in consumption-only media...

I've long embraced the clones as heirs model, spurred on by Arrival Vengeance.
Clone troopers that have imbedded wafer recorders so when they die the wafer can be transferred to a new body...
And that's the part of T5 and AgentOTI that really makes the whole Agent portion a bit horrific... built in PTSD, sociopathy, and/or psychopathy. Even the agent chips are a bit into body horror.

Not as far as the missile short Marc wrote... I don't know if that left the inner circle... a pilot volunteers to have a (non-destructive) scan, and a version of them comes to as a missile... and their thoughts as they proceed to target. I do hope it makes it into M1900, as it's an EXCELLENT bit of SF writing. That's way further into a different set of ethical considerations.

If they're given artificial personalities, they'd at least behave as though they were of the SOC level of whatever personality they were given. Legally, it depends on the rights granted to clones (or in OTU parlance, Guests). IMTU they're nominally legally-incompetent (like minors), and can be indentured for an amount up to the cost of their creation.

I'm sort of bumping into that in my PbP/Fanfic thing. It'll get weirder because I'm rewriting it for a creative writing class, and planning to take it in an entirely different direction than where I started going...
In the OTU, a clone can be your heir. They're legal persons. And Citizens of the Imperium. ("Every intelligent being")...

Except when the good of the Imperium dictates otherwise (Agent of the Imperium, by inference).

I'm hoping Marc's working on Agent 2...
In the OTU, a clone can be your heir. They're legal persons. And Citizens of the Imperium. ("Every intelligent being")...
Implicitly. It looks like they're "persons" as such, to the extent of the guest (or prime version's) personality's capability for agency. Programmed/conditioned as compliant labor, they're probably effectively minors. While not technically "owned" by their creator, they can be indentured for production and programming costs -- and might be "programmed" to not question this arrangement or wonder why they're not getting fair pay.
Except when the good of the Imperium dictates otherwise (Agent of the Imperium, by inference).
I'm hoping Marc's working on Agent 2...
Hmmn. Could go a few directions... but he's a decent writer so it'd definitely be worth the read.
My player, wrote this document a few years back, for an adventure to visit an NPC whom the PC had helped enter law school in the Council of the Wise.

Our arrival just happens to be on a Wednesday. Clarissa and Mom (Racquel) find lodging near the College. The next morning, they get an early breakfast, something quick, and head to the registrar’s office.

“Good morning. We’re looking for the schedule for a student, Tiffany Matthews. She’s a fourth-year student in the law program” (if needed:) “We’ve come a very long way to surprise her”

Clarissa will determine the BioEthics professor’s office hours, and go to his office and wait to see him. Former Judge Clarence Darrow is a stocky 70ish year-old man with a shock of white hair. He has written many opinions that were crucial to setting precedent in case law, both at the polity level, but also at the Galactic judicial level. When she gets into see him, she will introduce herself. She says “I’ve read several of your opinions, and I was impressed with your logic and interpretation of the law in Donovan v Infelice (§1078 WCS 9243 1094).

She will explain her reason for presenting herself. She and her companion, Ms. Welch are here to surprise one of his students, Tiffany Matthews. She would like to do so by “Guest Lecturing” in his BioEthics class the next morning. “I have some experience in this area”. “If you’re amenable to the idea” (if she feels it necessary, she will show him her legal and WCBI credentials.)

Her topic is Cloning and its Criminal and Ethical impact on the Judiciary. (Is he personally familiar with clones?) She will also give him a broad overview of her lecture/discussion.

Clones: What they are and are not as well as the distinction of a ‘legal’ vs. an ‘illegal’ clone.

Creation: Basic creation of a clone, focusing on the donor DNA and its legal constraints as well as the criminal acts that are indicated by BioEthics laws and their penalties.

Possible violations of the law and the penalties they may incur

  • Illegal cloning. i.e., cloning of genetic material gained by illicit or illegal means.

  • Creation of clones for illegal purposes, criminal activities (fomenting revolution or regime change, prostitution (where illegal), assassination, murder (for hire), petty, and organized crimes).

  • Human trafficking. The movement or shipment of human clones to, from, or through spheres of influence (alliances, confederations, councils, cooperatives, empires, non-aligned, independent systems, or polities) for illegal or illicit purposes. These charges are under consideration across a variety of systems. Prosecution by these will be brought separately by any that choose to pursue it.

  • Theft of human DNA made illegal in Supreme Galactic Court ruling Marlowe v. Despin Biologic §18293 GSC 1647 1025

  • Illegal manipulation of the human genome made illegal by the Galactic
  • Supreme Court ruling of secondary finding in Marlowe v. Despin Biologic §18293 GSC 1662 1025

  • Smuggling; Illegal shipment or transhipment of illegal clones, shipment or receipt of stolen or illegal goods (cargo containers, chemicals, compounds, drugs, medications, solutions, software, or wetware) used in the illegal creation of clones,

  • Conspiracy (RICO); i.e., An agreement between two or more people to commit an illegal act(s), along with an intent to achieve the agreement's goal(s).
Letters a. through g inclusive are Class 1 felony charges. Persons successfully indicted on charges similar to these have been tried and sentenced within the F-1/2 grid of incarceration guidelines. (if asked Clarissa will disclose she has written multiple charging documents for persons arrested for these crimes in multiple polities