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classic corsair deck plans

There are no *official* plans for the Corsair, though there are three or four attempts in old Traveller products and a couple on the net.

Judges Guild had one or more, in various products, but I couldn't tell you offhand how close they are...

FASA did one that was double-sized (and supposed to be): the Chameleon, found in one of the Adventure Class Ships folios.

FASA did another one in their magazine High Passage #2. While it's about the right size, it's a box. And an ugly box at that...

DGP made the first attempt at matching the artwork in Traveller's Digest (#16 I think). Blocky, but better than what had come before...

Imperium Games took a stab at a new shape in T4: Starships. In a word (or two): don't bother.

There are quite likely a couple in fanzines that I don't have...

As for the web, there are two attempts at matching the Nishemani artwork (first seen late CT era, and common throughout the MT era artwork).

One of them is mine (found in the shipyard section under campaign ships at http://members.aol.com/gypsycomet/index.html ) and the other was done by Mark Seemann, and is found at ( http://www.seemann.ms/corsair.htm ).
I'll be the first to admit that mine doesn't have the same level of drafting attention paid to it, but I still like it...

[This message has been edited by GypsyComet (edited 19 February 2002).]
By 'standard corsair' (an oxymoron if I ever heard one) do you mean the CT corsair from Supp 4 'Citizens' or the (dubiously named) 'corsair class' from MT?
<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by josh:
does anyone know where i can get the deckplans for the classic standard corsair
if you do email them to me or tell me thanks

You know what I'd think would be the standard classic corsair: a converted X-Boat tender.

Think about it: it a really standard, jump capable design. They're found almost everwhere. They have a huge bay designed for hauling starships, which is cabable of holding a 200 dton ship. You can probably get one really cheap, and upgunning and upgrading the engines is cheaper than buying a new ship.
<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by tjoneslo:
You know what I'd think would be the standard classic corsair: a converted X-Boat tender.

Think about it: it a really standard, jump capable design. They're found almost everwhere. They have a huge bay designed for hauling starships, which is cabable of holding a 200 dton ship. You can probably get one really cheap, and upgunning and upgrading the engines is cheaper than buying a new ship.

Doesn't the color-text in 'Traders and Gunboats' mention that very fact?
My version (and my general explanation for the "class") is simply another variation on the tramp freighter theme that happens to be easily retrofittable with those features that a pirate would find useful, what with an upgrade to the external grapple and those variable aspect winglets...
Regarding the Purcell Pirate-tender:

1) Freelance Traveller has posted a classic traveller solitaire adventure that deals with this exact situation -- a tender attacked by pirates with the intention of turning into a corsair.

2) Although the tender itself isn't the scariest vessel (only agility 1 at best; only 3 hardpoints), loading it with two scouts that have had their jump-drives pulled and converted to maneuver (maneuver-4) could make it a serious threat. Four X-boats similarly converted could be even scarier (though I can't really remember...do X-boats have hardpoints?) Even standard scouts could chase down most merchants. And the tender has plenty of room for a sizable boarding party and prize crew. You couldn't really fit most commercial vessels in the bay, though. I know a far trader won't fit. Not sure about the Beowulf.
Instead of modifying a scout ship, just buy a couple of fighters. The take up 1/10 the space, mount just as many weapons and are probably cheaper to buy new than it would cost to modify the scouts. (And if you just steal the fighters, they are *much* cheaper.)

That way you have much more space left in your bay for captured ships.

Any scout ships you have would be better served in a recon role, and as emergency get-away craft.
Very good point. Hmmm...I'm beginning to think about the "blob" scenario in Azhanti High Lightning...the Haunting Thunder supposedly still has at least one RF-128 on it waiting for some daring pirates to "liberate".

There's also that really cool theft of a fighter by pirates scenario in High Passage #2.
Hi Josh,

Originally posted by josh:
does anyone know where i can get the deckplans for the classic standard corsair
if you do email them to me or tell me thanks

email adress
I did some internet hunting for deckplans a while back. I came across the "Nishemani Class 440ton Corsair" deckplans. I have just squirted you an email with the deckplans attached.

Hope it helps.

Cheers, DJG
Does anyone remember the Vargr corsair published in the Journal? I remrmber seeing the deck plans recently on a web site mentioned in one of the posts here.
I've got two slightly different sets of deckplans for the Ueknau Class Vargr Corsair. One is a .GIF file, the other is a .FCW (CC2) file.

Are these the ones you're looking for?

Cheers, DJG

Originally posted by vegascat:
Does anyone remember the Vargr corsair published in the Journal? I remrmber seeing the deck plans recently on a web site mentioned in one of the posts here.
Hello tjoneslo,

When the Vargr went a Viking, err Vargring, they did not know about the X-boat tenders. Also, they developed J-drives, in canon, on their own, which leads to designs like the Corsair. However,I agree that any sophont that decided to take up a career of priacy would use something like an X-boat tender or any vessel I, errr they, could get my hands/paws on.
According to the original Alien Modules for the Vargr and Zhodani, the Vargr starships were pretty much just cylinders until after they contacted the Zhodani (with their sleek organic designs) and "suffered" an epiphany in ship design, leading to the "ship shaped like a canine head" variations of the modern Vargr...