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Classes vs Careers

With the T20 system, how is prior careers being handled?

I would sudgest a simple fudge of 1 term = 1 XP level. Have the chargen system like it ws in CT, then allow Players to either contine thier prior career in play, or to use a generic 'Adventurer' class.

Sudgestions? Flames?

SOLSEC makes Echelon look like a joke!
I have just posted some very basic information about the current core classes being developed and playtested.

Just following the Core Classes link at the Official T20 Website.

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by solar_shipping:
With the T20 system, how is prior careers being handled?

I would sudgest a simple fudge of 1 term = 1 XP level. Have the chargen system like it ws in CT, then allow Players to either contine thier prior career in play, or to use a generic 'Adventurer' class.

Sudgestions? Flames?


This is pretty much in comment to your "one term equal one level" idea.

IMHO that might be a good basis, but although I could see that working, IMHO I think it should be based on prior skill points in CT/MT...maybe 4 total skill points in CT/MT equals one T20/D20 system in general level. (Or 6 or 8...I'm just throwing out numbers). Two characters in CT/MT with let's say 3 terms can have vastly different number of total skill points, even if they were in the same prior career and used the same generation system.

But this is just an idea from your local friendly despot.

It is not I who am crazy, it's I who am mad!
Prior Service in T20 allows a character to earn Experience Points. The experience allows the character to develop new levels in their respective classes which also control the types of skills and feats they have access to.

On average, a character serving 5 terms in prior service will come out around 5th to 7th level.

Here's something different I found, a "roll your own" class system for Star Wars.
Click Nicolaj and follow "Star Wars Class Creation System" on the index.

I don't know enough about D20 to judge, but it looks interesting.

[This message has been edited by Uncle Bob (edited 19 July 2001).]
<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Uncle Bob:
Here's something different I found, a "roll your own" class system for Star Wars.
Click Nicolaj and follow "Star Wars Class Creation System" on the index.

I don't know enough about D20 to judge, but it looks interesting.

[This message has been edited by Uncle Bob (edited 19 July 2001).]

That's cool!
It definitely bears investigation.

-The Gneech


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"I pity da fool, thug, or soul who tries to take over the world and then goes home cryin' to his momma!" -Mr. T