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Characterize These Stats!


SOC-14 5K
A new challenge: come up with a character for the stats provided. Over the next week or so, I'll post several characters, and anyone who wants to can create a character for them.

Character number one:

67699C 2.5 term Noble
Short Blade-2 Pistol-2 Recon-2 Linguistics-2 Leader-1 Computer-1 Intrusion-1 JOT-1 Vacc Suit-1

200,000 Cr, Autopistol, Blade.
Character two:

898865 Rifle-1 Brawling-2 Long Blade-2 Vacc-1 Recon-1 Carousing-1 Grav Vehicle-3 SMG-1 Gunner-1
15,000 Cr, Sword, SMG

Character three:

A67984 Rifle-2 Pistol-1 Tactics-2 Brawling-1 Streetwise-1 Vacc-2 Gunner-1 Short Blade-2
21,000 Cr, Blade, Pistol, ACR


Well, the first charecter is a non-inheriting noble who has been working as a 'fixer' for both his family and other allied noble families. In this role, he may also be involved in dirty tricks against various opponents too.

He's a marquis but that is just a courtesy title given to non-inheriting offspring. (Look at Churchill; grandfather a duke, non-inheriting father a lord, and Churchill merely a gentlemen - a gentlemen with wonderful connections however!) His children won't be anything other than 'gentlemen' unless he wrangles a real title for himself.

Thanks to his title and upbringing he can move through the upper strata of Imperial society easily. He needs lackeys to help him deal with the other end however; no Streetwise skill. This is okay because he can lead teams and recruit fairly well; Leader-1.

He can plan operations well; Recon-2, and handle shadier operations; Intrusion-1. He isn't adverse to 'wetwork' of any kind; Pistol-2 and Small Blade-2. He also has a certain amount of native wit that allows him to work 'off the cuff' when unforseen circumstances arise during an operation; JOT-1.

He's familiar with computers and speak two non-Ganglic languages. I'd suggest a minor dialect native to the region of the Imperium he's from and a major dialect from across the border.

He's called in whenever there's a 'problem' that falls into that large grey area. He isn't exactly an intel officer and he isn't exactly a cop. He deals with all those things noble families need handled and nedd handled quietly; jilted lovers who have tapes, bookies wanting payments, foreign agents using Lord Shufflebottom as a patsy, blood fueds, accidents, discarded gigolos, and the like. His business card may have something like "Public Relations Consultant" on it.

A rough approximation? He's Simon Templar from the 1960s TV series The Saint.

As for the other two, they're both short service NCOs from a 'cavalry' regiment. Their small arms and gunner skills suggest that.

Have fun,
Character one exceeds the Int+Edu limit to skills and levels by four, character two by eight, and character three by three.

I'm just sayin'...

Yeah, I noticed that too. :(

Jame did say he hadn't actually run through a chargen. He rolled up stats and assigned skills.

I wouldn't have allowed them as PCs, NPCs maybe to bedevil the players with, but definitely not PCs.

Have fun,
Originally posted by Black Globe Generator:
Character one exceeds the Int+Edu limit to skills and levels by four, character two by eight, and character three by three.

I'm just sayin'...
The Int + Edu skill limit does not apply IMTU.

And these had been meant as possible PCs, but let's see what you come up with for the rest of them (yes there are more), and see what anyone else has to say.
Character three:

A67984 Rifle-2 Pistol-1 Tactics-2 Brawling-1 Streetwise-1 Vacc-2 Gunner-1 Short Blade-2
21,000 Cr, Blade, Pistol, ACR

Life on the streets of an orbital mega-structure is hard. Only the strong survive, and only the strongest and smartest rise to the top. Behind the shiny chrome of the “commercial district” lies an unseen industrial complex where the disenfranchised live out lives of quiet desperation – and the “citizens” profit from the cheap labor their misery provides. The corps’ may control the streets with its army of “Security Officers” but they do not control the maze of tunnels that connect the subsidized housing with the factories.

This is home to Character 3. Rifle-2, Tactics-2 and Vacc-2 let him and his crew “reach out and touch someone” with relative impunity. They are the reason that “Security” doesn’t patrol “below”. Short Blade-2 is necessary because sometimes quiet is important and life gets up close and personal.

Pistol-1, Brawling-1, and Streetwise-1 form the minimum basic survival skills for the underbelly of urban life. Gunner-1 gets you free passage from here to there on some Free Trader, and in the end, a gun is a gun – just point and shoot (just like in the video games).
Originally posted by Black Globe Generator:
</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Jame:
The Int + Edu skill limit does not apply IMTU.
Forget I mentioned it.
</font>[/QUOTE]Done. As soon as I find my notebook I'll put more up.
Originally posted by Bill Cameron:
Want to take a stab at 'explaining' #2 and 3?
Pirates both. While raiding settlements the first flies the grav APC, the second is an NCO-type, the piratical equivalent of a ship's mate. Both have gunner duties back aboard ship, or each can operate the APC turret in a pinch.
AT and BGG,

Very nice takes both! I completely missed the possibility of the both being 'unsavory'!

The gunner skill is a question mark isn't it? Is it the LBB:4 gunner skill menaing they can handle artillery and vehicle mounted boom-booms or is it the LBB:5 gunnery skill meaning they can handle starship 'shooting irons'?

Have fun,
Originally posted by Bill Cameron:
I completely missed the possibility of the both being 'unsavory'!
That tends to be my default position until proven otherwise!
Originally posted by Bill Cameron:
The gunner skill is a question mark isn't it? Is it the LBB:4 gunner skill menaing they can handle artillery and vehicle mounted boom-booms or is it the LBB:5 gunnery skill meaning they can handle starship 'shooting irons'?
Or the LBB1 skill which covers both?
Originally posted by Bill Cameron:
AT and BGG,

Very nice takes both! I completely missed the possibility of the both being 'unsavory'!

The gunner skill is a question mark isn't it? Is it the LBB:4 gunner skill menaing they can handle artillery and vehicle mounted boom-booms or is it the LBB:5 gunnery skill meaning they can handle starship 'shooting irons'?

Have fun,
I was just looking at STR and INT being the highest scores and SOC being the lowest score for Character 3. Vacc skill made me think of shipboard "gunner", I had not even thought of artillery/vehicle weapons. Which Book had "Pistol" skill (I keep confusing it with the Handgun skill). Pistol might help ID book 4 or book 5 for the gunnery skill.
Originally posted by Black Globe Generator:
Pirates both. While raiding settlements the first flies the grav APC, the second is an NCO-type, the piratical equivalent of a ship's mate. Both have gunner duties back aboard ship, or each can operate the APC turret in a pinch.
I think you sell Character 2 short (and he prefers the term “Privateer”).

898865 Rifle-1 Brawling-2 Long Blade-2 Vacc-1 Recon-1 Carousing-1 Grav Vehicle-3 SMG-1 Gunner-1
15,000 Cr, Sword, SMG]
Character 2 comes from a long line of warriors and mercenaries. Almost a “family business”. A couple of tours with the Marines and a tough as nails Drill Instructor, taught his father that a Cutlass isn’t just a dress weapon – and it is legal in many places that a firearm is not. The importance of a man being able to take care of himself is the legacy handed down to Character 2 from his father and grandfather.

Brawling and Long Blade are skills he has been developing since childhood as part of learning to take care of himself. He studied the Long Blade, because his father thought that some formal fencing training would condition the boy and teach him discipline. He studied Brawling because most fights in the real world are not decided by points – the winner is the person left standing and the looser is the person face down on the floor.

But his father also taught him that infantrymen are a dime a dozen and you need skills to earn the real money. Character 2 took this lesson to heart. Grav Vehicle-3, Recon-1, SMG-1 and Gunner-1(book 4) indicate a formal training in High Tech Armored Vehicles. At some point, Character 2 was a driver in a Recon Unit in an Armored Division – skills that pay well on both sides of the law. Rifle and Carousing are just the kind of skills that everyone learns if they spend enough time around Mercenaries. Vacc skill could represent either a recently acquired skill useful in his new career, or a souvenir from his Military days (orbital insertion of Recon units in grav vehicles).

Now Character 2 lives by the Golden Rule: Whoever pays the Gold, makes the Rules.
Originally posted by Jame:
Character two:

898865 Rifle-1 Brawling-2 Long Blade-2 Vacc-1 Recon-1 Carousing-1 Grav Vehicle-3 SMG-1 Gunner-1
15,000 Cr, Sword, SMG

Character three:

A67984 Rifle-2 Pistol-1 Tactics-2 Brawling-1 Streetwise-1 Vacc-2 Gunner-1 Short Blade-2
21,000 Cr, Blade, Pistol, ACR
Another take on them - interrelating all of the characters:

Character 2 is actually the chauffer(sp?) for Character 1. He is a trusted, reliable friend of our noble "fixer". His fighting skills and dexterity come in handy when things hit the fan. The grav skill speaks for itself, while carousing is essential for trusted confidants of nobles who routinally deal with people in a wide variety of social settings. The gunner skill is useful for turrets on g-carrier's as well and was picked up in the service.

Character 3 was a street thug from an orbiting megastructure (as previously suggested), until he had a runin with our noble, Character 1. No. 1 saw potential even when No. 2 wanted to dispose of the headache. 3 is not sure if 2 was suggesting sending him out the airlock without a vacc suit, just forgetting about him, or handing him over to the police. Since either of these options are things he'd consider if the situation was different, he doesn't hold this against 2. He is however grateful to No 1 for sparing him and provides necessary "street" level connections to our noble as needed.
IMTU, again, "Pistol" covers use of all pistol-sized weapons: revolvers, self-loaders, Gauss pistols, laser pistols.
Originally posted by SGB - Steve B:
Another take on them - interrelating all of the characters:

Now that's a stroke of genius!

Now thanks to AT, BGG, and yourself, Jame has a ready-made, PC-bedeviling, ass-kicking, wetwork team.

I pity - pity I tell yah - the players who piss off these three.

Have fun,