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Character sheets...

Hi, does anybody know where I can find New Era sheets for download? I have looked and all I have found is T20 and Grups sheets.


Matthew Morley
I know this post is old but I would very much like to know this as well. I've searched all over and can't find TNE character sheets. The one in the back of my book is gone. Infact all the pages are gone from about 378 onward.

Please help.

Thank you

Hello Matthew Morley and ArcLite,

The mad-irishman's site has several character sheets for various Traveller variants. Unfortunately his site http://www.mad-irishman.net/ appears to be moving somewhere else and is currently off the net. However, I would and will keep checking back since I can't remember where I stashed the copies I downloaded.
Evening Matthew Morley and ArcLite,

Okay the mad-irishman's site is backup so I've made a quick check. The site has character sheets for T20 and MegaTraveller. Unfortunately, I didn't see anything for TNE. Maybe if asked real nice the irishman might take a swing at one for TNE. I'm still looking if I find something I'll get back to y'all.
Howdy the Sea,

You are right that the forms can be found and purchased. I would have suggested ebay or Amazon, if the request had not included the specific of download.

Originally posted by theSea:
not down-load-able and certianly not free...

but the TNE players forms can be found.
Hooray for Gallowglass for finding one, I've tried connecting to several sites, most of which were not found.

Drat, the page is not available, which is much better than not found. Hopefully just a temporary glitch. Thanks for the link.

Aha, I just had a flash of inspiration instead of going directly to the pdf what about going to T'Sarith's Traveller Resources and then click on the icon to the left of the for the character sheet. It works, thanks again Gallowglass.

Originally posted by Gallowglass:

Only one I have found...


Nick Middleton