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Char Gen Errata

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a few typos and similar errata from the character creation process.

p.22 you refer to "Human Species Traits" where all other races have "Racial Traits". I these should probably be consistent.

p. 32 under World Trade Classifications, it says "Roll 2d 6 on th world shkills [sic] table..." This should be "Roll 2d6 on the World Trade Classifications Table..."

" Under World Skills, Verh High and High Tech chractess select two skills and Very Low or Low Tech characters select one skill. The text implies that mid-tech characters should fall between these two extremes. But it says they get three skills.

In all of the class descriptions, shouldn't there be a headfing of some sort after Starting Funds and before the list of class-specific feats?

p.50: under Navy class features, the Damage Control feat should have an asterix
Under World Skills, Verh High and High Tech chractess select two skills and Very Low or Low Tech characters select one skill. The text implies that mid-tech characters should fall between these two extremes. But it says they get three skills.
Page 32: Very High and High Tech pick THREE and always get T/Computer in addition. Mid Tech pick three. Low and Very low pick one but get two others (Ride and Survival) in addition.
As such, the Very High and High are getting the advantage of one skill. Note also that everyone gets K/Homeworld.
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