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Chapter 13: Standard Designs; Model/M1 Robot Brain p. 283 Erratum


SOC-14 1K
There appears to be 3 discrepancies and one typo in the standard Model/1M Robot Brain design on
p. 283. One concerns the use of the miniaturization rule and the other is the cost of the Robot brain's
computer core and total cost. The typo is that the EP number is not aligned with the rest of the entries.

1. The data block entries for the Computer Core are:
</font><blockquote>code:</font><hr /><pre style="font-size:x-small; font-family: monospace;"> Units: Synaptic x90 (10% reduction due to miniaturization)
Size: 24.3vl
Cost: 135,000
Total PP: 28
Max PP: 11
EP: 1.08
CPU Output: 1000 (Model/1 Master Computer) </pre>[/QUOTE]Refering to the Miniaturization Rule on p. 228, which states that: "High technology allows systems to
be miniaturized. Each TL above the minimum (up to a maximum of +4 TLs) required to build a given
type of core or data storage reduces the required volume and EP of the computer by 10%. The CPU
output, storage capacity, and cost are not affected." The example, bottom of first and top of second
column on p. 228, for miniaturization shows that only volume/size and EP are reduced by 10%."

a. The original number of core units used for the Robot Brain was 100.

From the Computer Design Sequence Computer Core Table p. 224 the base core data is.
</font><blockquote>code:</font><hr /><pre style="font-size:x-small; font-family: monospace;">Type TL Cost(Cr) Volume EP CPU Output
Synaptic 11 150 0.27 0.012 10</pre>[/QUOTE]1. Prior to adding any options the number of core units selected is 100, which results in the
following: 100 * 150 = 15,000, .27 * 100 = 27, 0.012 * 100 = 1.2 and 100 * 10 = 1,000.

</font><blockquote>code:</font><hr /><pre style="font-size:x-small; font-family: monospace;">Type TL Cost(Cr) Volume EP CPU Output
Synaptic 11 15,000 27 1.2 1,000</pre>[/QUOTE]2. Applying the miniaturization option to the core results in:
a. Synaptic TL 11 and Design TL 12. 12 - 11 = 1 * 10% = 10% reduction in volume/size (vl) and
EP. 27 - (10%*27) = 27 - 2.7 = 24.3vl and 1.2 - (10% * 1.2) = 1.2 - .12 = 1.08, which results in.

</font><blockquote>code:</font><hr /><pre style="font-size:x-small; font-family: monospace;">Type TL Cost(Cr) Volume EP CPU Output
Synaptic 11 15,000 24.3 1.08 1,000</pre>[/QUOTE]If the rule is correct then:
the Core units should change from x90 to x100.
the Size units of 24.3vl should add (10% reduction due to miniaturization)
the Cost of 135,000 should change to 15,000
the EP 1.08 should add (10% reduction due to miniaturization)
All other Computer Core data block entries appear to be correct and no
further changes are required.

2. The data block entry for the computer Core Cost has 2 errors.
a. The cost of 135,000 should be 13,500.
b. However since the miniaturization rule does not apply to the core cost 135,000 should
change to 15,000.

3. The data block entry of Total Cost is in error due to applying a 10% reduction to the cost and by
multiplying the cost by a factor of 10. The following are the results of applying the CDS to the Robot
Brain on p. 283

Computer Core </font><blockquote>code:</font><hr /><pre style="font-size:x-small; font-family: monospace;"> Units: Synaptic x100
Size: 24.435vl(10% reduction due to miniaturization)
Cost: Cr15,000
Total PP: 28
Max PP: 11
EP: 1.08(10% reduction due to miniaturization)
CPU Output: 1000 (Model/1 Master Computer)

Data Storage and Software information are correct in all other respects and the only entries to be
included are the costs: Data storage Cost = Cr2,500 and Software Cost = 12,000.
Cr 2,500
Total Cost: Cr29,500</pre>[/QUOTE]