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CC2 T20 Scout-Courier deckplans


I've posted a set of deckplans for the T20 scout-courier that actually fit in the hull pictured in the T20 book. See http://www.sff.net/people/kitsune/traveller/

I've tried to stay reasonably faithful to the deckplan sketch, but I think these work better. Also on-site are the first deckplans I did when I got Campaign Cartographer two weeks ago -- an independent RV cutter module. I'll be prettying those up (I think I've learned a thing or two) and will replace them when I'm done. I'll post other stuff as I finish.

Comments are welcome. I announced this a couple of other places as well -- hope that wasn't too much of a nuisance. :)
:D I like em.

Trader jim. Admit it, you just like the winnebego rv because they are great for running over varger.

Hey I wonder if the RV has a coffe juice maker in it as a standard option? :confused:
Originally posted by Scott Kalkwarf:
:D I like em.

Trader jim. Admit it, you just like the winnebego rv because they are great for running over varger.
But you can ruin the paint job if you do that!

Hey I wonder if the RV has a coffe juice maker in it as a standard option? :confused:
The only problem the HazMat licensing is a real pain. :D

The RV module is actually a very good idea!
Geeeeeezzz - guys - i only wanted the (RV) Winnobago because they had one in that vomit movie
Spaceballs - Not to just run over RabidVargr _hes my Bud - Honest!!!! and i wouldnt feed HIM COFFEE JUICE - Honest!!
hey - Tanuki - something just hit me - you get BRAGGING RIGHTS - you the first to introduce thw Winnebago to Traveller!!! tell you what you design them, ill sell them --Honest Trader Jims Used Winnebagos!!!! sounds great HUH???
Originally posted by trader jim:
hey - Tanuki - something just hit me - you get BRAGGING RIGHTS - you the first to introduce thw Winnebago to Traveller!!! tell you what you design them, ill sell them --Honest Trader Jims Used Winnebagos!!!! sounds great HUH???
:D :D Heck Make em off road capable and ill buy em.
As I said before the concept of a module/craft combo is genius. I think no one has ever considered it before. There is garage modules, but no modship (Heh, I made a new word!) :cool:

Now all I need to do is to get a jump drive and tanks installed. Then I'll be ready to make a fast buck, save damsels in distress, and annoy the local nobility!
Dude, your links have a small error, don't know why no one else has pointed it out.

for example: <http://www.sff.net/people/kitsune/traveller/images\smallt20scout.gif>

should be:

Anyway, not bad, a fair interpretation at first glance, well done. I gotta say the RV is a nice little idea, though I'm not sure about the nosecone bit. To be useful (and a bit more realistic IMO) I think it'd need to be a little longer and permanent, cutting into the usable volume. Unless it's not intended to do independent atmospheric entry, just fly around about the world and perhaps make orbit, in which case it's fine as is and I'd never bother with the nosecone, 300kph is usually ;) fast enough.
Good looking scout if I do say so myself. Where are they built? Might just have to hang out in orbit to get me a new one... ;)

Thanks, guys! :)

Thanks for the heads up, Far-trader. I fixed the links. Don't know why my browsers didn't fuss.

I've posted the updated RV module ( http://www.sff.net/people/kitsune/traveller/images/rvmodule.gif ) and the "Streamlined Cutter Module Fairing (nose cone)" ( http://www.sff.net/people/kitsune/traveller/images/nosecone.gif ) as well.

The fairing is 3 dtons, KCr330, mounts on the front of a module, carries 3 dtons of luggage and is about as streamlined as some bullets I've seen. Probably will have some effect on acceleration, but it is within the 10% slop factor.

There are railroads in Mexico and Alaska (perhaps elsewhere as well) that run trains of flatcars through scenic routes. Park your RV on a flatcar and off you go. I figure the Traveller universe has the same sort of thing going on -- starships with a bunch of modular sockets running tours from star to star. Hitch up your Winnabago to a socket and off you go. Entertainment in the casino lounge, open house "meet your neighbors" parties, head off and tour the sights but be back in time for jump.

I'll be posting a small tramp freighter with a modular socket that might charter out to carry your module from here to there. Just imagine the fleets of retirees and tourists in scenic systems, cruising around in thier RV modules. :)
This is trult "Instant Classic.....i see it now...clear as crystal....dirty off white chipped paint, Heavy weathering, dings and dents, dull crome, extra grave bike on rear, towing extra air raft, smoke billowing out of rear, chipped cheap peeling decals, fishing gear hanging all over it??? old man flying it with a For Sale sign in the back porthole!!! and him flying through the rings of Saturn!!! YYAAAAA - my kinda Traveller
Ship!!!!! I want one!!!!
You've got it, Trader Jim. Not too many folks can afford a starship, but everyone ought to have a Winnebago! :)

Hey! I got some stars! Coolness. :cool:
Excellent, mate! Very nice indeed.

Good, clean, clear plans with all the info a GM and Players need available on the sheet too.
I like the fact that you've included a bloke for scale too. This is something I always do and something I recommend to any budding deckplan artist. It gives an instant visual cue as to the scale of the thing and can easily be used by the artist/architect to keep an eye on scale and sizes.
And look, best of all, it corresponds with the external image! Wasn't difficult was it!?

I'm still a bit dubious about the placement of the various areas but not to the point where I would call it a criticism - or even a nit-pick.

The only observation I would make is that those chairs and beds seem a little large compared to the bloke.

I love the Winnebago idea (a definite keyboard killer
)and I'm looking forward to seeing more deckplan designs from you.

I should have something of my own to post soon. Whilst work progresses on the building of my 3D Florian Class Scout, I'm also working on some purely 2D deckplans based on Nick Bradbeer's TNE ship, the Rhino Hunter:


Could be a couple of weeks though, them volumes is tricky =)

Nice one!

Or....how bout this Trader Jims Roach Coach....i could sell all kinds of cra....er...hot dogs out of the back of a second winnebago...hot dogs and hamburgers made out of old dead brown frozen MysteryMeat....ground Vargr and old Hiver with some K'Kree thrown in some times, maybe a few Burittos, or stale chips, and charge 3 times what the cra...stuff is worth......and lets not forget the COFFEE JUICE!!! AAAAhhhhhhh i can smell the profits!!!! and any kind of license problem .....Zooooom ...right outta there!!!!
:eek: :eek:
Thanks very much for the kind words, Scarecrow. Considering what I've seen of your work, I'm very pleased that you like my efforts.

Originally posted by Scarecrow:
The only observation I would make is that those chairs and beds seem a little large compared to the bloke.
Um... the reason the chairs and beds looked too large for the bloke is that he was a small bloke. The symbol ended up undersized -- probably because I'd resized another symbol just before. I've posted a corrected version with a larger bloke: he's just shy of two meters now. Beds are about two meters and the acceleration couches are something less than a meter wide.

I've posted another addition, a 4.5 dton module tug. Clamps onto any cutter module and cruises at 1-G. http://www.sff.net/people/kitsune/traveller/images/noseconetug.gif

I've made minor updates to the rest of the deckplans as well. I think I'm done tinkering with them now. http://www.sff.net/people/kitsune/traveller/ Next one will be a 200 dton merchant more or less based on the Animal-class Safari Starship hull. Look for that and the 100 dton tramp in the next couple of days.
Originally posted by Tanuki:
I've posted a corrected version with a larger bloke: he's just shy of two meters now. Beds are about two meters and the acceleration couches are something less than a meter wide.
That works for me. Great work. Love the 'Squid on a Stick' too :D
