Some folks played with this notion over on the TML one time. I picked it up and latter used it as a template for NPC's for my campaign. Anywho, here's what I came up with, a grand epic movie casting call.
Casting for my Traveller universe:
Emperor Strephon: Dustin Hoffman, Michael O'Hare
Empress Iolanthe: Jessica Lange, Fay Dunaway
Grand Princess Iphigenia: Jessica Simpson, Dominique Swain
Grand Prince Lucan: Alan Rickman or Jason Isaacs
Ministry of Justice Agent: Alan Rickman or Jason Isaacs
Grand Prince Varian: Bruce Boxleitner
Archduke Dulinor: Pierce Brosnan
Archduches Isis: Avril Lavigne
Duchess Margaret: Cate Blanchett, Saffron Burrows, Alex Kingston
Duke Norris: Tim Curry, Burt Reynolds, John Cleese
Branj Dilgaadin: Moby, Roberto Benigni
Admiral Lord Santanocheev: James Gandolfini, Sean Connery
Zhodani Provincial Governor: Tony Shalhoub
Zhodani Admiral: Christopher Walken
Zhodani Advisor to Ine Givar: Kevin Spacey or Antonio Banderas
Zhodani Ambasador: Antonio Banderas or Kevin Spacey
Zhodani Captain: David Suchet
Zhodani Spy: Walter Koenig
Sword Worlds Admiral: Jurgen Prochnow
Sword Worlds Ground Commander: Arnold Schwarzneger
Commander, 4518th Regiment: Tcheky Karyo
Commander, PSG Division: Kurt Russell "Call me Snake"
Commander, Imperial Army Forces, Efate: Keneth Branagh
INI officer who realizes that the Zhodani are going to invade imminently,
but none of his superiors wants him to report it: Keanou Reeves
Crew of the Detached Duty Scout _Wayward Dream_:
Ving Rhames, Harry Dean Stanton, Flea, Henry Rollins,
and the principle cast from the TV show "The Young Ones"
Marc Hault-Oberlindes: Christian Slater
Marc's girlfriend, Zilla: Mira Sorvino
Ine Givar leader on Efate: Kevin Costner
Vargr, any vargr: Robin Williams, Jim Carrey, Adam Sandler, Nathan Lane
Aslan, any aslan: Michael Dorn, Christopher Lambert
Solsec agents: Sean Bean, Eminem, Tara Reid
Solsec fireteam: the band members of No Doubt
Trouble Shooters: Jennifer Garner, Robert De Niro, Ice-T, Russell Crowe
Belters: Clint Eastwood, the Rock, Vin Diesel, Bruce Willis
Bartenders: Cheech Marin, Steven Segal, Billy Crystal
IN Captains: Ken Colley[Captain/Admiral Piett], Patrick Stewart, David Warner,
Imperial Military types wearing Red Shirts:
Ben Affleck, Mark Wahlberg, Matt Damon, Billy Zane, Leonardo Dicaprio