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Cargo Roll

I am new to T20 and my question is once I have
rolled to determine how many cargos are available
to transport what die do I roll to determine the
individual tonnages. I can't find it and though
I would presume that it is a d6 I'm not sure.

Thank you.
Originally posted by Slowflow:
I am new to T20 and my question is once I have
rolled to determine how many cargos are available
to transport what die do I roll to determine the
individual tonnages. I can't find it and though
I would presume that it is a d6 I'm not sure.

Thank you.
Are you refering to Bulk Cargo or Trade and Speculative Cargo?

For bulk cargo, Priority, Hazardous, Security, and Incidental cargos are equal to 1 x the number of bulk cargos of this type available. For Major it is 10x, for Minor it is 5x. See page 356

For Trade and Speculation Cargos, each entry lists the dice to roll to determine the quantity in tons (unless specified otherwise). See pg 360-361

"For bulk cargo, Priority, Hazardous, Security, and Incidental cargos are equal to 1 x the number of bulk cargos of this type available. For Major it is 10x, for Minor it is 5x. See page 356"

I was referring to bulk cargo and my confusion
stems from the example on page 356. It says:
"He rolls [...] giving 5 major cargos. He then
rolls one die for each cargo and multiplies
each result by 10 to determine individual
tonnages." So my question is after I have
determined the number of cargos available
which die do I roll to calculate each individual
cargo tonnage.

What I understood from your initial
response is that all the available cargos weight
the same. For example if I rolled and there
are 5 major cargos, they all weight 10 tons
and the total tonnage is just 50 tons.

Thank you for your quick response.
My apologies! I am incorrect and the example in the book is correct. You would roll 1d6 for each cargo and multiply by x(1, 5, or 10) as appropriate to determine the tonnage for each lot.

Thank you very much! This is the first time that I've posted a question in a board and the person answering is the actual co-author of the book. I am quite impressed.
Originally posted by Slowflow:
Thank you very much! This is the first time that I've posted a question in a board and the person answering is the actual co-author of the book. I am quite impressed.
Glad I could help. I've been off the boards for awhile but am back in action now ;) You'll find Martin (the other co-author) running around here too at times.

Good to have you with us!
