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Can you name all these?

I saw this picture in the Far Future site.

Most are quite obvious, but a few have me stymied, especially the top two in the center column.

Dear Folks -

Originally posted by bozzutoman:
I saw this picture in the Far Future site.

Most are quite obvious, but a few have me stymied, especially the top two in the center column.
That'll be the Zho scout and Aslan free trader?

Er, that's from memory. I have one of these sheets at home - the final version includes ship names.

I think the mantis-like ship is a Zho 100t scout(or is this another Aslan design? - have to check when I get home...). Originally from "Adventure Class Ships Vol 1".

I'm pretty sure the fluid/bubble-like thing below it is the Aslan merchant from "Rats and Cats" (Solomani and Aslan).
I was thinking they were a Pinnace and a Safari Ship. If that's going to be in T5, I hope the rest of the artwork isn't so cartoonish. The sillouette chart in the back of Starship Operator's Manual was much better.

Aha. And an instantly recognizeable Corsair at that. Needing the rather distinctive ability to internalize a Type S (of all things) and fly off with it tends to have a predictable effect on the shape...

No lurking in legal ports for this baby.


I certainly hope those pictures aren't all to scale with each other, because it means Marc is going to feed us another bad plan for the Type A and A2...
Does anyone know of a scale ship recognition chart? I would love a poster-sized one with a grey-scale AHL in the background and simple silhouettes of common vessels.
What is the ship sandwiched between the Fat Trader(not looking very fat)and the Type T Patrol cruiser, just ahead of the two Rampart fighters?
While, I do applaud the use of colour in this poster, the colours seem a tad more suited to Vargr eyes than human. I rather like how Andrew Boulton colours his work.

I would save the garnishment for clothing, as one thing that would convey the large diversity of planets would be wildly different clothing. Thus far, Traveller's fashion sense seems to be dictated from the 1930s-1950s Pulps with a nod make to an obscure 1977 movie called Star Wars or something like that. Although, Imperial Marine armour has undergone some changes to reflect the predominance of change in fashion in bicycle helmets in the 1980s...
Originally posted by Badbru:
What is the ship sandwiched between the Fat Trader(not looking very fat)and the Type T Patrol cruiser, just ahead of the two Rampart fighters?
It's called a "packet" on the sheet I've got.

Another reference to it I've seen somewhere called it an "Imperial Packet".
It looks vaguely like another old FASA design (Star class? have to dig out those mags), which is what I took it for.
A "Packet" eh? Thanks Sigg. I likes the look of it. Sounds like it's role is some kind of armed fast courier? Is that traditionally what "Packets" were wet navy people?
From Dictionary.com:

A boat, usually a coastal or river steamer, that plies a regular route and carries passengers, freight, and mail.
a boat for carrying mail [syn: mailboat, mail boat, packet boat]
Originally, a vessel employed by government to convey dispatches or mails; hence, a vessel employed in conveying dispatches, mails, passengers, and goods, and having fixed days of sailing; a mail boat.
Usually armed during the age of sail, usually with a couple of sweepers or light caronades, mostly to deter pirates. Not a warship by anny stretch. Typically not even terribly fast, but small and stable.