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Campaign Cartographer 2

Originally posted by RabidVargr:
Is it worth $75? Why?

No. It's way too complicated...

:D more seriously, I work in CAD Support and if you want mapping to be a full time job, by all means use CC2, but IMO there are better solutions for gaming purposes out there: Dungeon Crafter for basic floor plans, AutoREALM for more complex maps and both of those are free. Plus the standard output from CC2 looks really naff IMO. Autorealm ( http://www.gryc.ws/index.htm )is a cracking mapping package, its freee and I find it easy to produce better looking maps quicker than I have ever managed in CC2. Unless I'm at work in which case I use MicroStation when the boss isn't looking... ahem! ;)
rabidvargr have you tried this free software yet??
please let me know i also dont want to make a $75.00 mistake thanx have you tried anything on that page??
I bought CC2 and must admit I've rarely used it. It is too complex for even simple things and the final result isn't that impressive to be truthful. You can do better in a basic paint package such as Paint Shop Pro if you know what you are doing.
Thanks for the input Gallow. I'll have to give it a try. I did mess with the demo of cc2, Trader, but I'm not too thrilled with it. That's the main reason I was asking in case there's some super duper easyness and deannoyance thing you'd get with the purchase. I'll take a look at the free one though, sounds good, and free!

Yes, I think it is worth it. I have been using CC2 for years (since the DOS version). Great for deck plans and city maps. Fractal Terrains is super for world production and its maps export to CC2 very well.

Profantasy is planning on a SF symbol set in the near future.
I too use Campaign Cartographer. All my planetary maps are now done with Fractal Terrains which will export into CC2 if you want to detail particular world regions.

I agree CC2 is not the easiest program to learn. But I managed it. Which says something. I have so far only done one starship plan with it, but it looks OK to me. I also did a city which got some complements.

Any program takes time to learn and CC2 with its add ons and an ability to easily make your own symbols does repay the time spent. Remember it is actually a CAD program with a different front space. Put the time in (ignore the manuals subscribe to one of the CC mailing lists instead) it will reward you. :cool: