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SOC-14 1K
I have an idea (well, more of an urge, really, but let's not go into that here.... :eek: )

This forum has a lot of Brits as members. OK, some of us are spread out a bit (BR up in ScotchLand, for example), but there is a group of us roughly in the middle of our sceptered isle.

I propose the following:

We agree a time & date
We agree a place
We agree a Referee/GM
We agree a rules set
We agree on a published adventure


It would be a one off session, never to be repeated (unless people really, really wanted to). We use a published adventure so that the Ref/GM doesn't have too much work to do.

Only one PC per player.

We meet somewhere that makes sense, play, have a meal, a few beers, play again, go home.

End of story.

What do you think?
Sounds good to me, if my wife can make it out to Bad Mothers' Club meets all over the country, there is no reason not to make it out to a Traveller game.

I'll find a way to get there.
We've got:

bromgrev and Andrew oop north in Sheffield
hurch and another (can't remember the name) in London
Zakrol in Wellingborough
someone (can't remember the name) in High Wycombe
Hemdian in Herts
Cmdr Drax in wonderful welshish west wales
Sigg in GeordieLand

I'd be willing to pick up, transport and return to/from High Wycombe, Herts, Wellingborough, as they're all close-ish to me in MK - that's assuming those people would be interested in playing.
Originally posted by Gruffty:
What do you think?
I'd be happy just to meet up with everyone else. Playing would just be extra, a very good extra. Anyone going to suggest a date and place then?
I think the best thing to do is plot everyones' location on a map then see if there's a central point between all locations.

You never know, it might turn out to be close to someone's home town ;)
Originally posted by Gruffty:
You never know, it might turn out to be close to someone's home town ;)
You're just saying that because MK is pretty much in the middle. ;)
There was a thread a while ago which asked where people are actually located. The link went to a Google map and you could add pins to indicate where you are. I can't find the thread though.
Originally posted by Bromgrev:
You're just saying that because MK is pretty much in the middle. ;)
Oh! How could you think such a thing of me?!
Can I just point out that Birmingham is fairly central ... at the centre of major motorway networks ... and I'm just to the south west.
Originally posted by Valarian:
Can I just point out that Birmingham is fairly central ... at the centre of major motorway networks ... and I'm just to the south west.
Ar, yowm kun point it out, loik ;)
Is there anyone in or near Birmingham who could find somewhere for us to meet up. I would think a pub would do if we were just going to meet up rather than play.

Anyone want to suggest a date?
Steve Turner of Brittania Games is attempting to re-start the Dudley Bug Ball (one day convention - used to be really great when he ran it before) later this year or early next. At the moment he's looking at two venues - one in the centre of Brum (near Snow Hill railway station apparently) and one in Dudley (I know, I know!).

If we can't arrange anything sooner than that, we should try to get to the DBB and have a game or two there. I can run one if you want, but probably for no more than about 8 people.

Of course, if we can arrange something sooner, that would be great too...

Originally posted by David Elrick:
Steve Turner of Brittania Games is attempting to re-start the Dudley Bug Ball (one day convention - used to be really great when he ran it before) later this year or early next.
That’s really good news. I only ever got to the last DBB, which was silly of me as it was one of the first cons I heard about. I wonder if we can get BITS to attend?

Originally posted by David Elrick:
If we can't arrange anything sooner than that, we should try to get to the DBB and have a game or two there. I can run one if you want, but probably for no more than about 8 people.
I’d happily run at least one game for six players. If we can get BITS there I’m sure there’d be enough refs to go round.

Originally posted by David Elrick:
Of course, if we can arrange something sooner, that would be great too...
Perhaps both? :D
OK then, people - it sounds like this is a goer :D

Assuming the DBB is later in the year/next year (which I would still be interested in going to), my first question is:
