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Brisbane Australia Travellers

Greetings from the less chartered areas of the Empire. I am in the Brisbane area in australia, and have a few other players looking to set up a campaign in either Classic Traveller, TNE, or T20. I have a lot of the reference stuff for the Classic edition, but - alas - no books for the others (although I have played TNE, and Mega Traveller). We are willing to purchase material as we go, and have all been playing RPG's for some time. I, personally started playing Traveller in about 1984 ish.... (yes, I am that old!). Is there any other locals running a current game in search of new players, or wanting to set up a campaign. We are all happy to play or referee as necessary.
I am willing to try play-by-webcam from Paris (France).
My english is overall OK, but I lack sometimes specific vocabulary and familiarity with australian pronunciation...
Let me know !
Rotters, my latest email to you just bounced. Please check your sending email address and then send me another email.

Originally posted by Zolomion Shoul:
I am willing to try play-by-webcam from Paris (France).

My english is overall OK, but I lack sometimes specific vocabulary and familiarity with australian pronunciation...
Let me know !
Thanks very much for the response, Zolomion. Unfortunately, I don't have a web cam :(

Well, I can't see a problem with your written English. Besides, it is commonly known that Aussies aren't that good at English, either

But, thanks very much for responding.
Brisbane Australia Player looking to find other Traveller players

Hello fellow citizens,
Is there people on the Australia side of the planet located in Brisbane who are looking for players for there Traveller games?

I'm ultra excited about the new T5 edition of Traveller that looks set to grace our presence shortly and am ever so glad it's taking a return back to the original premise and canon.

Currently I've got the classic Traveller(soon to order the new CD-ROM update) on CD-ROM and a good deal of the T4 books(which were cool, they even featured the terrific artwork of Chris Foss).

With the new edition coming out I've wanted to submit a decent pledge to support it but without fellow players in my general area it would sadly be a nice dust collector.

Please let me know if your in the Brisbane area and would like another Traveller player.

All the best,
Sean A. Curtin
I'm in Brisbane (moved up last year), so I'd be interested. I'm up on the Redcliffe Peninsula; where are you?

That's sensational. I'm in Boondall, just over the bridge from you not far from the Shorncliffe area.

Who would have thought there were Traveller players not far away. :)

It's the first time I've tried the main Traveller forum(shame on me). Checked with various game stores around town(which are mostly AD&D, Warhammer Fantasy and 40K) so it's great there's there's others out there who like SciFi gamming.
Well, every work day I cross that 2 km bridge, park at Deagon, and take the train to town - right through Boondall.

Funnily enough, about 2 weeks ago I was coming home late on a Friday night, and a group of young people (wow, do I feel _old_ saying that) were on the train discussing D&D. They got off at: North Boondall. ;-)

(I didn't have the heart to tell them I'd been playing D&D since before they were born! ;-) ;-)

There's another Trav person at Pine Rivers, but he says he's too flat out playing other games to play. :-(
Traveller Gaming

Great news Hyphen,
Sometimes I bike over that bridge, it's a great ride around the water front in Redcliff. I'm not far from the North Boondall station.

What advenutres/campaigns have you wanted to play for a long time? I can relate to the feeling of 'all those years ago' it's very scary sometimes. Inside I don't feel old by any means but when I tell people things like: 'I remember when Galaga came out, that's a great game that one'. Suddenly I realise I'm a little bit out of date with the modern day multi player games etc. I guess I just find actually meeting with people and engaging in an adventure through playing characters etc, so much more rewarding than sitting down and clicking a mouse all day long like some gamers prefer to do. Don't get me wrong I love a good game (Elite and X are among my favourites), but they can never replace the great times to be had by playing with REAL players.

Myself I'd love to start going through all the classic adventures(if others wish to also) and always wanted to play the T4 adventures but could never find anyone who wanted to play(I couldn't understand why). Most gaming prior to a touch of Rifts and Cyberpunk, was predominantly restricted to fantasy games(of which I absolutely loath but it was better to be involved in some kind of game than non at all).

I wonder what player #3 is playing that's better than Traveller? (I can only hope it's not moan and groan confounded AD&D....). There have been some interesting games like Ashen Stars, Eclipse Phase, Diaspora, Stars Without Number and Thousand Suns, however I can't help thinking about just using the best bits of those and adding them to Traveller. At the end of the day, Traveller remains a constant whereas a lot of these new games come and go and become just another odditiy on the bookshelf. One particular game I'd love to play but despite dedicated fans and following just never seems to happen is 'Blakes 7 the RPG' for example.

Traveller has some great hinges which to me keep things sane. At the end of the day, any RPG can declare 'the only limits are your imagination', but only a select few present a system that dares to provide rules and constraints to keep the game playable and for me, Traveller seems to provide that perfect Science Fiction gaming medium. (Also it's just got some really cool Starships, artwork and possibly more adventures and campaigns than any other Sci-Fi game ever made).

Please do share your views on Sci-Fi gaming and your enjoyment of Traveller too.

What I might do to start is generate about 20 characters and put a list of adventures together I'd like to game through and we could meet at some point and discuss which way we'd like to go. Perhaps you might like to generate a pile as well. Hopefully we can find (or perhaps even convince player #3). However even if we couldn't I'd still love to play with just one player and one referee and we could just swap between adventures. The important thing is to have fun and enjoy the Science Fiction universe called Traveller at the end of the day.

I've just added a pledge to secure a copy of the first printings for Traveller 5 and have pulled out my T4 books(currently I've got: The main rule book, Starships, Aliens Archive, The game screen(with a groovy adventure called 'Memory Alpha' written by the main man himself Marc Miller), the first three adventures: Long Way Home, Gateway! and Annilik Run, plus a JTAS issue with articles designed for T4. I'd love to play all those adventures.

I've also got the classic game canon on CD-ROM, and would love to play all the adventures in there.

If your interested, the original CD-ROM even has the board games like 'Azhanti High Lightning' and I'd certainly be up for putting together some hard cardboard counters and printing out maps etc to play the games. They could make a nice addition to some adventuring. :)

I'm looking at completing the T4 collection by grabing the FFE CD-ROM collection of that and the complete JTAS and Challenge magazines too.

All up there's a lot of games to be played in this lot and I've wanted to play them for a very long time. How about yourself?
One particular game I'd love to play but despite dedicated fans and following just never seems to happen is 'Blakes 7 the RPG' for example.

There is a Blake 7 rpg??? whence does this beasty comefrom???

its a shame im way way over the other side of the continent (Perth WA)
other wise i'd be more than happy to join in

(i also have been gaming for years since 87' started with the original paperback Dragon Warriors)
Blakes 7 RPG

Way to go Vonpickles, :)
The best way to obtain it, is through Horizon, the official Blakes 7 fan club.

I've started an online beginning for an adventure on the forum there but it's so, so very hard to get players motivated these days.

There's a couple of reviews on it on the www.rpg.net site too(the first one I wrote tired out of my skull, so I did another).

Maybe we can play online some time to organise some collaborative play that way.

Have you pledged to get a copy of the new Traveller 5?

Great to meet a fellow Blakes 7 fan.

Edited to replace toplevel link with link direct to review. -Aramis
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Have you pledged to get a copy of the new Traveller 5?

Unfortunately no, the $140 ruled me out, tho i will more than likely get it if it hits the shelf!

Horizon, will have to check that out, i can remember watching Blake 7 when it aired on telly! but i also remember watching Arc2 on telly, as well as the Logan's Run on telly too! - guess i am old
Blakes 7 RPG

No problems VonPickles,
The best method is to email 'Supreme Commander' and ask for the details on purchasing a copy. (Despite frequently asking, they still havn't put a direct link on the merchandise page, along with many of there terrific Horizon magazines and fanzines). If that fails or is way too slow, message me and I'll see what I can do, to get it too you. :)
All goals reached for Traveller 5

Well having backed Traveller 5 and seen all the goals reached and more, I'm really excited to play Traveller and can't wait to read the new BBB when it arrives on my door step. :)
Brisbane players amassing

This is great to see, there's players popping up around my local area. (Yes Traveller does exist in Brisbane Australia, thank goodness). :)

If there's other players out there please make yourself known and let's get some great galactic exploration and adventure happening.
Just letting you know I'm still here. ;-) Sorry I haven't responded, it's been a busy week. I'm talking to another old mate who lives west of Toowoomba, but is willing to trsvel the 3 hrs to play. I'll have to dig out my Trav gear (still packed, and I've only been here a year!).
All is fine.

Hello Hyphen,
Not a problem, no sweat. Understand the work side of things only too well.

Glad your keen for a game. If you like we can get together to work out a game at some point. Take your time. A calm Traveller is a good Traveller. :)

That's a dedicated fan to travel from Toowoomba. What a legend.
Hyphen get together on Sunday afternoon

Hi Hyphen,
Get together this weekend to discuss Traveller adventuring and play some Mayday and Snapshot.

Please note, no stress day of discussing ideas, how we'd like to play, what we'd like to play etc for organising a game and some fun playing classic Traveller board games.

I'll message you my email, if you could email me back I can add you into the message loop.

All the greatest,