I have a player who has turned bounty hunter looking for skipped ships. (1) What's the likelyhood that he will find one? (2) How much does he earn when there is a sucessful repossession?
LBB2 says the skipping owner must roll 12+ to avoid a repo attempt. + DMs for distance form homeworld which I understand to mean either a specified world that is used as HQ for that ship or the world where it was built. - DM for frequency of visit to a specific world. I am thinking he needs to roll 10+ to discover that a particular skipped ship has been here within the past 2 months. DM + streetwise. He then can roll 7+ to find someone who talked with crew of the ship. He can then roll 10+ for them to remember that something was said about where the ship was going. DM + admin, streetwise, or other skill ref thinks is acceptable. Now ref rolls 1D6 for odd equals this person was told the truth, even equals told lie. Now PC must roll 10+ to actually find the ship. DM +1 for each sucessful world skipped ship is traced to. Or can locate outright on a roll of 13+ DM + (Int/3)
As payment: 1% of new cost of skipped ship. Do these seem fair and accurate?
LBB2 says the skipping owner must roll 12+ to avoid a repo attempt. + DMs for distance form homeworld which I understand to mean either a specified world that is used as HQ for that ship or the world where it was built. - DM for frequency of visit to a specific world. I am thinking he needs to roll 10+ to discover that a particular skipped ship has been here within the past 2 months. DM + streetwise. He then can roll 7+ to find someone who talked with crew of the ship. He can then roll 10+ for them to remember that something was said about where the ship was going. DM + admin, streetwise, or other skill ref thinks is acceptable. Now ref rolls 1D6 for odd equals this person was told the truth, even equals told lie. Now PC must roll 10+ to actually find the ship. DM +1 for each sucessful world skipped ship is traced to. Or can locate outright on a roll of 13+ DM + (Int/3)
As payment: 1% of new cost of skipped ship. Do these seem fair and accurate?