More Belter's tool reminders, taken from T20 THB, pages 211-214. From the tech levels of the equipment one can extrapolate it doesn't always take TL-9+ to get the job done. It just takes longer, and more stuff! Mining is dark, dirty, hard work. The folk who do it are rough and tough, and tend to be self-reliant a lot. Some work better in groups, others alone or small teams. But that's another topic for another forum. The basic stuff is rugged and sturdy, and not always “hi-tech”.
I.Life support tools
Filter Mask: TL-3, Price: 10cr, Weight: 0.5kgThese are great for atmospheres of 4,7, & 9 for miners.
Combination mask: TL-5, Price: 150cr, Weight: 1kg.-great for atmospheres 2, 3 & those filter masks cover for miners.
Air tanks: TL-5, Price: 500cr, Weight: 5kg
Great for where there is no air! Also is 'in synch' with above post on Vac suits.
Protective suit [Radiation]: TL-5, Price: 700cr, Weight: 5kg. Worn under the TL-5 Vac suit.
Cold Weather clothing: TL-1, Price: 200cr, weight 4kg.-Generally worn under TL-4 & 5 Vac suits to help the wearer maintain body heat.
II. Personal devices
Hand calculator: TL-7, Price: 10cr Weight: 1kg Great item for calculating the total cubic feet of a find to doing your possible proceeds from it. For old fashion folk, the Abacus is TL-1.
Long Range communicator: TL-6, Price: 500cr, Weight: 15kg, Range 500km So the mother ship can keep in touch with base camp!
Magnetic compass: TL-3, Price: 10cr, Weight: NA--Great for miners underground in the dark when the flashlight's about to wane.
Medium range communicator: TL-5, Price: 200cr, Weight: 10kg, Range: 30km Allows the base camp to keep in touch with you!
Metal detector: TL-6, Price: 300cr Weight: 1kg., Range: 3m--Useful once you're in reach of the find. Developed off the man-pack mine detector.
Radiation counter: TL-5, Price: 250cr, Weight: 1kg., Range: 30m Extremely useful when your working an exposed face to the star, or with lucrative radioactive ores!
Short-range communicator: TL-5, Price: 100cr, Weight: 5kg. Range: 10kmAdds weight to your Vac suit, but you can talk between yourselves worker to worker.
III. Visual Aides
Binoculars: TL-3, Price: 75cr, Weight: 1 kg Useful for looking at things at some distance away, provided light and Atmospheric visibility is not a problem.
Chemstik: TL-8, Price: 1cr/Stik, sold in boxes of 20 at 20cr, Weight: NA, Duration: 6-12 hrs, average is 8hrs. Snap and glow, easy to use, will illuminate an area 3m in diameter, and provide light enough to read. Come in the ROYGBIV colors, as well as an IR version for discreet signaling.*
Cold Lantern: TL-6, Price: 20cr, Weight: 0.25kg., Duration: 72 hrs nonstop. An improvement on the TL-5 ‘Electric torch’, or flashlight. Uses disposable batteries.
Electric torch: TL-5, Price: 10cr , Weight: , Duration: 6hrs nonstop use.—Dandy tool for looking at things 18m away obscured in the dark/shadows. Don’t leave home without one!
IR goggles: TL-6, Price 500cr, weight: 0.25kg Range: 18m-Allows for visual spotting of heat sources, though some distortion is expected. Good for finding that missing cat in the dark ship, or crewmember.
Light intensifier goggles: TL-7, Price: 500cr, weight: 0.25kg., Range: 18m clearly Gives user monochrome vision, and any amount of bright light will impair their usage.
IV. Tools
Electronic tool set: TL-7, Price: 2000cr., Weight: 5kg. Most everything in mining in outer space requires electricity, whether it’s solar powered, battery powered, or generated off hydrocarbon distillate generators, to a fission reactor. Sometimes a bad fix shorts out, and you have to rewire in order to have light, or heat. A ‘must have’ for Belters.
Mechanical tools: TL-5, Price 1000cr, weight 20kg. Stuff breaks, and a Belter has to be able to fix it on the spot. A lot of Belter’s mining equipment and their early STL spacecraft can be a chore to maintain, but they do it.
Metal work toolkit: TL-4, Price 1500cr, Weight: 50kg. Most of this is the anvil’s weight, and portable forge. Sometimes you can’t get a shiny new replacement, and you have to repair or fabricate a replacement. Another Belter’s ‘must have’.
V. Shelter
Vac suits have already been discussed to some length. But sometimes, like in the case of ‘Rocksiders’, who work the asteroid find right there, or surveyor teams away form their ship, you need this stuff. This stuff too is THB, T20 pp 211-214. Other sources for items include MT/ Referees handbook.
Advance base: TL-8, Price 50,000cr, Weight: 6000kg., Capacity: 6 persons—Taking 12 man hours to assemble, some 16 modules that are 1.5m x 1.5m x 2m tall, and grants 12dtons living space, at weight of 12 tons.
Advance base, pressurized: TL-8, price 75,000cr, Weight 8000kg., Capacity: 8-persons. Aside from price, this one includes solar panel roofing for its own electrical lighting and heating Life support needs, and has an airlock. 16 man hrs to assemble., and provides 16dtons living space at 16 tons gross weight. Underwater versions for deep sea mining do exist.**
Prefabricated cabins: TL-6, Price: 10,000cr , Weight: 4000kg. Really suitable on worlds with atmospheres 4-9, they are however cheap, and reusable housing units.
Pressure tent: TL-7, Price: 2000cr, Weight: 25kg , Capacity: 2-man-size beings—Useful survival tool, the basic issue for a Belter’s Buggy. As per book, must be re-pressurized after each entry/exit. 4-man, and 8-man models exist at x 2/ x 4 price and weight.
Full pressure tent: TL-9, Price: 4000cr., weight 70kg, Capacity 8-persons This tent comes with its own airlock, unlike earlier models, and does not have the former models disadvantages.***
Prefabricated ‘Soft’ Dome Shelters: TL-7, Price: [varies see below], Weight: [Varies], Capacity: [Varies] Soft doming with higher test opaque and clear plastics are more for an established settlement than a prospecting group of Belters. Used for surface dwelling habitats, the framework and sheets and generally glued together and anchored at th surface where it meets whatever is called ‘the ground’. In general designs it comes on hemispherical shapes, in three sizes of domes, Small , medium, and large.
The tensile strength of the materials has an AR: 1 rating for withstanding damage. Law levels in areas with said domes will correspond accordingly. Adding airlocks and pressurizing are extra. Up to four ‘door-ways’ per dome come with the kits, or more if ordered as such.[/b]****
Small Soft Dome: TL-7, Size: Covers area 20m diameter x 10m high, Price: 1500cr., weight: 2000kg. Requires 10man hrs assembly.
Medium Soft Dome: TL-7, Size: covers area 30m diameter x 15 meter high, Price: 3,000cr, weight 3000kg.
Large soft dome: TL-7, Size: Covers area 50m diameter at 20m high, Price: 5,000cr, weight 5000kg.
* From RW sources for said items.
** These modular quarters as seen in the MT/HT adventure module ‘Operation: Vigilante’.
***MT/ Referees Guide, equipment list.
**** Author’s extrapolation of prefab buildings industry and materials used circa 1990-2005.