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Beaker Monkeys

They're cute, gregarious, and smart. They make good starship pets.

Mass: 2.5kg avg. Length: 67cm avg. Fur: Brown, gray, black, or white, in order of probability.

The article is reprinted in Best of JTAS #1.
What he said.

But i bet they get into the 'lectrics and play 'avoc with yer wirin' mate you best not get a beaker monkey...
Exactly monkies are like hairy two year olds with lots of teeth.

*Two year olds are awesome with sweet and sour sauce, and some fried wontons
Well, my attempts to saddle the PC with a pet Beaker Monkey in my Reasearch Station Gamma conversion failed miserably.

I did, however, get the PC on the professor's dissection table where the prof drilled a hole in his skull and took a sample of his brain tissue, showing him the whole thing on CCTV.

So it worked out OK in the end. :)
Morte said: "the prof drilled a hole in his(the PC) skull and took a sample of his brain tissue, showing him the whole thing on CCTV.

So it worked out OK in the end. :)"

To which I not so bravely reply: " I love your work, but I think I would rather read about it than "live" it."

P.S. Any time you see your GM looking at a history of trephines you should run away, far away.
Here's the T20 treatment I did last year. Only thing not recorded is the Psi Booster ability.

Beaked Monkey or Beaker Monkey
Size: Tiny
Type: Omnivore-Gather
Stamina: 4 Lifeblood: 8
Initiative: +3
To Attack: 10 Flee: 7
Speed: 12m
AC: 15 = 10 + 3 (Dex) + 2 (Size)
AR: 0
Attacks: +5 (Bite and Claws) Damage: 1D8
Saves Fort: +3 Reflex: +6 Will: +3
Abilities: Str: 5 Dex: 16 Con: 8 Int: 4 Wis: 8 Cha: 10
Skills: Balance +5, Climb + 5, Hide +2, Jump +4, Survival +2
Feats: Acrobatics, Athletic
Climate: Forest
Description: See JTAS reprints for full description
These monkeys, do they with the howling and the gibbering while they're getting roasted? :eek:
And only the black and the white ones are psionic boosters. Multi colored and other colored monekeys are not psionic.