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Batteries, Vehicles, USPs and equations



Posted these as questions about errata in the T20 questions/answer forum. Still haven't seen them mentioned anywhere in the errata, so, at risk of repeating myself, thought that I should maybe put them here.

p 241: Batteries. The values in the table don’t match with those in the text i.e.:

Crude Cr2 or Cr200
Basic Cr0.25 or Cr35
Modern Cr0.30 or Cr30
Advanced Cr0.50 or Cr50

Almost a factor of 100 out, except for Basic, which could be a typo for 25.

p 277: Vehicle Prices Table. Prices don’t match with those given in later tables or the errata.

Example Spacecraft: The USPs for their weapons do not seem to include the bonus for their TL as per the table on p272, or have I worked them out wrongly?

p 340: Travel Formulas. Time Required. The text is different to the formula, and, if I remember correctly, given that:

s (distance) = ut + (at^2)/2

if u = 0, should not t = sqrt(2d/a), which doesn’t fit with either the text or the formula?

Similarly, for calculating distance travelled, if

u = 0, then s = (at^2)/2.


The first two items are errata. And should be fixed.

For the batteries, use the values in the text.

For the vehicle costs, use the values associated with each vehicle. This table is supposed to be a quick reference.

p 340: Travel Formulas. Time Required. The text is different to the formula, and, if I remember correctly, given that:
The formula for distance is: x = x0 + v0t + 0.5at^2, which given that x0 = 0, and v0 = 0, x = 0.5at^2. Which does not match the formula given in the book.

Except the formula (and tables) are assuming that the ship accelerates for half the journey, then at the mid point, turns around and decelerates until it reaches it destination, and at zero velocity. (It says this in the initial paragraph of the second column). So, the distance formula is d = 0.5a(t/2)^2 + 0.5a(t/2)^2 = a(t/2)^2 = 0.25at^2

Solving this last formula for a, we get 4d/t^2 and solving for t we get sqrt(4d/a) or 2 * sqrt(d/a).

So the formulas are correct for the style of acceleration being used.