Looking at the T20 Lite draft, it seems as if the Merchant class is very combat weak. The Merchant gets +1 to BaB every 4 levels. When compaired to the D&D Wizard (+1BaB/2lvs)
and even Cthulhu's 'Defence Option' (+1BaB/3lvs) this seems abysmal.
I understand that T20 combat is a bit different and more lethal,(I have done a few test scenarios) but I was wondering how the progressions for other classes in T20 work out. Do other more combatant classes have a faster progression, and do they get extra attacks at high levels? Forex, do Imperial Marines get +1BaB per level like the D&D Fighter? If so that would make them a true combat monster compaired to the Merchant!
Just curious.
and even Cthulhu's 'Defence Option' (+1BaB/3lvs) this seems abysmal.
I understand that T20 combat is a bit different and more lethal,(I have done a few test scenarios) but I was wondering how the progressions for other classes in T20 work out. Do other more combatant classes have a faster progression, and do they get extra attacks at high levels? Forex, do Imperial Marines get +1BaB per level like the D&D Fighter? If so that would make them a true combat monster compaired to the Merchant!
Just curious.