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Background Sourcebook(s)


SOC-14 5K
How many of you out there would like to see more background sourcebooks as opposed to rulebooks? For sure we are likely to always see hybrids, but what do you think?

Examples of background sourcebooks:
Rebellion Sourcebook
Milieu 0

Also list successful hybrids:
Hard Times
MT Imperial Encyclopedia

Count me in for background information
<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by kafka47:
How many of you out there would like to see more background sourcebooks as opposed to rulebooks? For sure we are likely to always see hybrids, but what do you think?

All depends on the ingredients of the pie.

Sourcebooks don't have inate quality. Some sourcebooks are simply out of touch with what Referees want or need.

COACC, which I think was the first Megatraveller module was a good sourcebook, well written and illustrated.
I never used it, never read it fully, would have preferred one of countless alternate publication ideas which would have met actually game needs.

However therr are two sourcebooks which stand out. The Digest Groups Starships manual which I consider required reading for every traveller player. Not only was it a joy to read it could really bring shipboard activity to life.

The TNE Path Of Tears Sourcebook, It had more adventure hooks and useful stuff than any other traveller module I bought.
It simply covered every base, Stellar maps, system and world guides. Potential allies and oponents, Procedural and background 'colour', equipment,starships, minor alien races..

Give me something which holds together as a consistant work but also has lots of easily recycled material in.


Mark Lucas
<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by lucasdigital:

All depends on the ingredients of the pie.

COACC, which I think was the first Megatraveller module was a good sourcebook, well written and illustrated.
I never used it, never read it fully, would have preferred one of countless alternate publication ideas which would have met actually game needs.
I would actually count the COACC as a rule book, for it had endless tables and charts. And while it did inspire, much as FF&S does, it falls flat in terms of detailing out a particular milieu.
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However therr are two sourcebooks which stand out. The Digest Groups Starships manual which I consider required reading for every traveller player. Not only was it a joy to read it could really bring shipboard activity to life.
Agreed that Starships manual was a fine read. But what made so, for me as that the charts and rules were delegated to a distant second rank, if I am not mistaken largely at the back.

I am a big propoient that we ought to describe more fully the Traveller universe. I love the work that Gearheads do and come up with, but I think it leaves the new player feeling that this is a bit dry. If you like a RPG is usually its ability to tell you the story unless it the starting game, like D&D.
For more story background, I would direct you to many Fading Suns or Blue Planet Sourcebooks, which put the story first. Traveller does not have to duplicate this style entirely, but, I think we have a great storyline, it is sad that it gets lost amidst endless tables and charts.
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The TNE Path Of Tears Sourcebook, It had more adventure hooks and useful stuff than any other traveller module I bought.
It simply covered every base, Stellar maps, system and world guides. Potential allies and oponents, Procedural and background 'colour', equipment,starships, minor alien races..

Been a while since I looked at it. But was that the one with the endless maps?

Give me something which holds together as a consistant work but also has lots of easily recycled material in.


I have to agree with Kafka - my main complaint with the World Builder's handbook and the GURPS merc book is that it is too 'realistic' and about creating mathematical structures for environment or trade (i.e. 'roll' playing and not role playing). A sourcebook does need tables and the mathmo players have to be accomodated, but IMO sourcebooks need adventure hooks, conspiracies, patrons and metanarrative to be really useful.