SOC-14 1K
The more combat oriented classes (Merc, Army, Marine) start receiving a second attack each round at level 6 which has a lower BAB than the class' original BAB.
Let's say a Marine, after obtaining enough experience points to reach a character level of 7, took a level in another class or in a prestige class. If that class or prestige class provides a +1 BAB at the level taken, does that +1 apply to both of the character's attacks in a round, or just to the first one -- the one made with the higher BAB?
Let's say a Marine, after obtaining enough experience points to reach a character level of 7, took a level in another class or in a prestige class. If that class or prestige class provides a +1 BAB at the level taken, does that +1 apply to both of the character's attacks in a round, or just to the first one -- the one made with the higher BAB?