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awaiting payment

Has it been published for more than 45 days? It's hard to put screen names with the author names on TAs and the like, so I don't know what to say. The Submissions guidelines do say that payment will come after the product has been available for 45 days, though.

Hope this helps,
I've heard nothing regarding my TA#7 one. However the 45 days have just passed and with Christmas and everything I wasn't going to bring it up just yet.
My article was published by you on Sept. 1 of last year, and five and a half months later, I'm still waiting for a paltry $50 check.
you're right of course, but personally I'd be happy just to see something published. as a business, traveller does not seem to have a high cash-flow.
Originally posted by Mythmere:
</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by hunter:
Bear with me. You should be seeing something by the end of next week.

It is after the end of next week, and I have not received payment or any communication indicating why payment is late. This is not the right way to do business, people. If you say you're going to pay people, you should pay them. If you're having trouble with it, you should stay in communication, not stick your head in the sand. My article was published by you on Sept. 1 of last year, and five and a half months later, I'm still waiting for a paltry $50 check. That's bad business, and it's dishonorable business, and it's a breach of contract. If you expect writers to work for you, you need to see to it that they're paid either close to your payment schedule or that you communicate with them about your inability to make payment. </font>[/QUOTE]You are absolutely correct and I stand chastised. Your payment and the one to tJoneslo slipped the cracks, and I didn't get it cleared up when I said I would. I apologize to you both for that.

That said, I just shot an email off to both of you on this.


While we are in discussion regarding this, how about my payment for Travellers Aide #7? It was published in early November. While I don't mind waiting for it that much I too would appreciate some communication on the matter.
Originally posted by Ben W Bell:
Mine has just come due now as well. What email are you contacting them on?
Ben, check your email. You should have a PayPal payment waiting.


Thank you for that, much appreciated. I even see the Pay Pal switch to Pay Pal Europe has worked smoothly.

Now to finish the rest of my writing.
Originally posted by Ben W Bell:

While we are in discussion regarding this, how about my payment for Travellers Aide #7? It was published in early November. While I don't mind waiting for it that much I too would appreciate some communication on the matter.
You beat me to it ;)
