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Automated T20 Character Generator

I could have sworn at one time I read that the Twin Rose software people had gotten a license for a T20 character generator, but it might have been a hallucination on my part.

Also at one time, I was working to add T20 support to my d20 character generator, but I gave up, because of lack of interest...
Originally posted by trancejeremy:
I could have sworn at one time I read that the Twin Rose software people had gotten a license for a T20 character generator, but it might have been a hallucination on my part.

Also at one time, I was working to add T20 support to my d20 character generator, but I gave up, because of lack of interest...
They (Twin Rose) were given an early copy of T20 last year at GenCon under the impression they were going to use it to add T20 support. Haven't heard or seen anything from them since.

Originally posted by hunter:
</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by trancejeremy:
I could have sworn at one time I read that the Twin Rose software people had gotten a license for a T20 character generator, but it might have been a hallucination on my part.

Also at one time, I was working to add T20 support to my d20 character generator, but I gave up, because of lack of interest...
They (Twin Rose) were given an early copy of T20 last year at GenCon under the impression they were going to use it to add T20 support. Haven't heard or seen anything from them since.

</font>[/QUOTE]Well, you must have their contact into, right? Well, give them a call and find out where the program stands.

You have to put the fire to them sometimes!
Originally posted by Rodrigo:
According to this thread PCGen has data sets mostly ready to go, and are awaiting approval from the PCGen monkeys and the publisher.
Yeah, and they also think you guys at QL aren't doing anything. I tried to set them straight though.
Originally posted by Mark A. Siefert:
</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Rodrigo:
According to this thread PCGen has data sets mostly ready to go, and are awaiting approval from the PCGen monkeys and the publisher.
Yeah, and they also think you guys at QL aren't doing anything. I tried to set them straight though. </font>[/QUOTE]The problem was at the time they contact me they were having all of the issues with license problems. They have since gotten the project compliant.

Have em contact me and I'll authorize it.

Originally posted by hunter:
</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Mark A. Siefert:
</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Rodrigo:
According to this thread PCGen has data sets mostly ready to go, and are awaiting approval from the PCGen monkeys and the publisher.
Yeah, and they also think you guys at QL aren't doing anything. I tried to set them straight though. </font>[/QUOTE]The problem was at the time they contact me they were having all of the issues with license problems. They have since gotten the project compliant.

Have em contact me and I'll authorize it.

</font>[/QUOTE]I don't suppose that anything new has been said about it?
Hi all,

I think those guys at CMP are real busy right now getting patch 1.3 for e-tools and the WotC datasets out. After they get that stuff out we can hope the get something going for Traveller.

Space Hamster
Originally posted by Space Hamster:
Hi all,

I think those guys at CMP are real busy right now getting patch 1.3 for e-tools and the WotC datasets out. After they get that stuff out we can hope the get something going for Traveller.

Space Hamster
Personally, I think the problem is less the data set and more that (a) the process for character generation in T20 really *is* a different sort of beast than in any other d20 type game what with the Prior Career thing and (b) the "codemonkeys" over there don't really gronk Traveller, anyway.

Hello Kevin Livingston,

Sorry for the delay, but I could not remember who or where I had save the spreadsheet for character generation when you made your post. Now I have the information and can pass it a long to you.

Yes, Michael E. Landon has created an Excel spreadsheet for character generation and can be found by using "Character Spreadsheet V3.0" as a search topic on this discussion board or by
clicking on this link:

T20 Character Generation Spreadsheet

The only negative is that angelfire has a lot of popups.

Originally posted by Kevin Livingston:
Anyone know of any that have been or are being created?
Hello Nightshade,

Have you contacted Michael about the problem. I had a problem with the spreadsheet and after contacting Michael, I was able to get the sheet to work. On the web page is a link to his email, which is how I would go about seeing if you can get the spreadsheet up and running. Try including the exact error message that you receive in the email.

Originally posted by Nightshade:
That spreadsheet gives me an error, I've never been able to make it work.
Originally posted by Nightshade:
That spreadsheet gives me an error, I've never been able to make it work.
What error does it give you?

I haven't worked on an official release for a while (although I just updated my personal copy to add the Jedi class from Star Wars as my Traveller character has found out he's also a Jedi...but that's not an official update).

If you rename the file (such as when you download it) it gives you an error because of the way Excel handles the macros. You should use the "save as" to save under a different filename (then Excel is happy).

Sorry about the numerous pop-ups on Angelfire. I haven't had the time to make the move to the server at work yet.
Hello Michael,

Thanks for the spreadsheet and the prompt response to this thread. The pop-ups are just a small irritant that I can live with on most days.

Originally posted by MichaelL65:
</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Nightshade:
That spreadsheet gives me an error, I've never been able to make it work.
What error does it give you?

I haven't worked on an official release for a while (although I just updated my personal copy to add the Jedi class from Star Wars as my Traveller character has found out he's also a Jedi...but that's not an official update).

If you rename the file (such as when you download it) it gives you an error because of the way Excel handles the macros. You should use the "save as" to save under a different filename (then Excel is happy).

Sorry about the numerous pop-ups on Angelfire. I haven't had the time to make the move to the server at work yet.
Originally posted by Thomas Rux:
Hello Kevin Livingston,

Sorry for the delay, but I could not remember who or where I had save the spreadsheet for character generation when you made your post. Now I have the information and can pass it a long to you.

Yes, Michael E. Landon has created an Excel spreadsheet for character generation and can be found by using "Character Spreadsheet V3.0" as a search topic on this discussion board or by
clicking on this link:

T20 Character Generation Spreadsheet

The only negative is that angelfire has a lot of popups.

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Kevin Livingston:
Anyone know of any that have been or are being created?
The spreadshhet is nice but I wonder if anyone has anything similar to the one that was included in the "MegaTraveller 2" computer game.
Any new word about PCGen? I have used it a lot for D&D, and if (and that is a big if) it could be made to work with T20, chargen would be so much easier.