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ATTN: Eclipse-ATU

Liam Devlin

SOC-14 5K
Mssr. Eclipse.

Well, I'll stick by my take of it being rather strange to me to find out some of my characters are being used in another game without so much as a "Hey Dude! I'm horking your characters for my game!" notice.

Sorry, I was in Iraq. Please forgive me. The name your site is under and time allowed for me on web in country prevented me from sending you this missive. Consider it the highest form of flattery and not "horking", and this your belated notice.

Out of curiosity, what other characters from my game are being used in yours?

Let me see...
Sir Jace Pedersen is now exploring Solomani-2nd Imperium diaspora long Night Ruins along the Gateway frontier..[NPC/Academic contact]

Karl Steiner, is a starmerc, with a ship of his own, operating out of the volatile Glimmerdrift Sector from the P-subsector of Ley...[NPC contact/Military]

DR Katrina Cross, a noted Geneticist engineer, married, three children. Dwells on KIKKEDIA/N/Ley

Montezgvegh--Operates two ships of Starmercs, the Szed M'zekh [Red Passion], and Hraekh'rhirrzh [Night Fangs], escorting vessels to the GTC world of FAL, and back to Imperial border. Married, three children.

Kriger--works for Montez, Chief Astrogator.

Dr GWerf, made a fortune selling his geneering experiments with bio-gen fauna for worlds needing soil and nutrient turnover. His secret wealth came from selling genetic material for a super-soldier vat-grown human prototype. He was unmasked, and had to flee arrest. He now lives outside the Imperium, a wealthy, but wanted Vargr,
[NPC/ contact Criminal/Professional]

Bill 'The Rat' Spruance, Chief Malachi, CPT Rooke, still work as crew aboard Hidalgo with Sir Jace.[NPC's/Contact-Ship's crewmembers]

Shaznay Khosla, inherited her father's wealth, mustered out of IN Reserves, and is married with four boys, the first two are twins. [NPC/ Contact-Professional/Businessperson]

Anousheh, left Jace, and married a wealthy Industrialist, has four kids. [NPC/ Contact/Professional-Martial Artist]

Do you have any details of your game on line?
I'd like to see how my game has been molded into yours.

No it was pbem, and mostly sketched in as prior history episodes.

My take on Hidalgo in Libert was more gunfire and bloodshed: A drug cartel base on Medellin, that fed the needs of the criminal organizations of the subsector was unmasked, and the players aided MoJ in busting them...
this resulted in the ship and crew capturing one of the smuggler ships--Steiner, as a skip tracer seized it. MoJ however needed it to get the drop on the 2nd ship, in the Mixem system.

The players using both ships along with the MoJ team and their vessel, caught up with the smuggler ship in the asteroid belt after capturing their smallcraft and arresting the crew of that spacecraft on Mixem.

after that...they parted ways..
[GM fast FWD to future]
Libert Subsector in the Diaspora Sector CT era
#PlanetName Loc. UPP Code B Notes Z PBG Al LRX *
Eckel 0901 B837323-D Lo Ni 111 Im
Victory 0902 C9A7420-C Fl Ni 215 Im
Toxey 0903 C78A145-E Lo Ni Wa 310 Im
Otimmatu 0905 D553655-9 Ni Po 604 Im
Quafe 1007 C433267-D Lo Ni Po O:1109 323 Im
YOVANNE 1102 C200998-B Hi Na Va In 103 Im
Klenoy 1103 A623532-F Ni Po 712 Im
Khunan 1104 A332554-F Ni Po 823 Im
Laahii 1106 C100644-E Na Ni Va C: 2 A 604 Im
Kyzir 1108 C671422-C Ni Po 804 Im
LIBERT 1109 A2109BC-F B Hi Na In Cx 102 Im
Taken 1202 D675300-A Lo Ni 503 Im
Stanton 1203 D9898B9-8 S 611 Im
Arkhaapar 1206 D355746-9 Ag Ni 112 Im
Kaanu 1207 E321498-B Ni Po 914 Im
Gate 1208 B659374-F Lo Ni 702 Im
Ridge 1210 A77A112-F Lo Ni Wa 514 Im
BERLIN 1305 D2009BE-B Hi Na Va In 803 Im
Medellin 1306 D645221-8 Lo Ni 704 Im
Jesicar 1307 A364486-F N Ni 503 Im
Mixem 1308 C685830-9 Ag D:0 804 Im
Hakalau 1309 B436400-F Ni 304 Im
Rikhani 1404 A688772-E N Ag Ri 114 Im
Loud 1405 D894101-A Lo Ni 904 Im
Talca 1407 A100798-F Na Va 813 Im
Glenwald 1409 D110340-B Lo Ni 803 Im
Uneshuu 1502 D10088C-C Na Va A 610 Im
Channel 1503 B694557-E Ag Ni 912 Im
Verona 1505 E400112-B Lo Ni Va 804 Im
PUGET 1508 C7C89C9-A Fl Hi In 202 Im
Cayene 1510 D425338-A Lo Ni 520 Im
ZEELAND 1602 E989AA9-E Hi C:4 A 504 Im
Unsuited 1610 D0008AE-A As Na 204 Im

Clusters & Mains: Two three star clusters, the Victory Cluster to coreward-spinwards of Eckel, Victory & Toxey; the Zeeland Cluster to coreward-trailing (consisting of Uneshuu, ZEELAND, & Channel); and the five star system Yovanne cluster, (YOVANNE, Klenoy, Khunan, Taken, & Stanton). The Major Main is the 23 star system Libert Main (Quafe, Laahii, Kyzir, LIBERT, Arkhaapar, Kaanu, Gate, BERLIN, Medellin, Jesicar, Mixem, Hakalau, Rikhani, Loud, Talca, Glenwald, Verona, PUGET, Cayene, & Unsuited.)Three other systems lie in the adjoining Sufren Subsector (C) from Unsuited to trailing.

Population figures: Total subsector population circa 1000 TI, 66.314692250 billions, the highest population on ZEELAND [1602] of 50 billions, 8 billions on BERLIN [1305], 2 billions on PUGET [1508], and one billion on LIBERT [1109] & YOVANNE [1102]; the Lowest population being on Toxey [0903 with some 30 sentient citizens.

Alien populations of note: Chirpers make up 40% of the population of ZEELAND, some 20 billions! On Laahii, they make up 20% of the population, some 1.2 millions of the planet’s 6 million inhabitants. Both these worlds are well-listed Amber zones for Travellers.

Technology figures: The Highest Technology available is TL-15, found on Klenoy [1103], Khunan [1104], LIBERT [1109], Gate [1208], Ridge [1210], Jesicar [1307], Hakalau [1309], & Talca [1407]. The Lowest technology is TL-8, found on Stanton [1203], & Medellin [1306].

Starport Notes for Travellers, ship buyers, etc: Class A Starports maybe found at Klenoy [1103] producing 7ktons of starships per quarter; Khunan [1104] producing 8ktons of starship per quarter; LIBERT [1109] 10 megatons of starships produced quarterly (major Imperial Navy contracts make most of this); Ridge [1210], a GsbAG, LIC. owned automated yard, specializing in small yachts (100-200 dtons)200dtns per quarter; Jesicar [1307]producing 500dtons of starships per quarter; Rikhani [1404]produces 10ktons of starships per quarter of TL-14 quality; & Talca [1407], Rikhani’s rival, producing 80ktons of starships per quarter of TL-15 quality.
TAS facilities may of course be found throughout the subsector at all Class A, B & C Starports. 18 systems do have TAS facilities, while only 14 systems do not have any such establishment.

Amber Zones: ZEELAND is 90% water, and 10% land, with 50 billions living upon it, 20 billions of whom are Chirpers, a primitive semi-sentient race. Obviously living space pressures, despite a TL-14 lifestyle of arcology cities above and below the surface. Treatment of the Chirpers during the Solomani occupation 989-993 worsened, and the new dictator’s policy’s barely toe the line of the newer Imperial mandate towards sentients rights.
Laahii’s mining companies use forced chirper labor rather brutally, and they too have been put under warning for anti-imperial disturbances. Stronger leadership from the Sector Duke will be needed.
Uneshuu’s Vilani minority came under heavy persecution during the occupation, and now with the Imperial forces ascendant, the terrorism on both sides has escalated, with the new Civil Service Bureaucracy enforcing a higher law level to quell the violence.

Poorly defended systems from raiders, piracy, smuggling: Low populated worlds [pop 0-4], and those with Starports D or less do not possess even SDB’s to repel raiding ships, pirates, or deter smugglers. In the era of the Hidalgo campaign, with the Imperial fleets stretching rimwards into the rimward Solomani Sector, this is a real danger. Not only is there risk (diminishing) of Solomani Commerce raiders, but also lawless opportunism from unscrupulous Starfarers, and some planetary governments.
Worlds with populations 5+ have planetary defense forces, usually non-jump System defense boats, and a few aerospace interceptor space fighters, and either planetary missiles or meson guns (TL-12+) Worlds with Bases present are the exception to this rule—like Jesicar, & Stanton or owned by a major world, like Quafe. Worlds with populations of 7+ have jump capable system Navies, if their Starport is C-class or better, and TL-9+ (Like LIBERT, Rikhani, & Talca)

· 14x Systems & worlds at high risk: Eckel, Victory, Toxey, Kaanu, Quafe, Gate, Kyzir, Ridge, Medellin, Hakalau, Loud, Glenwald, Verona, & Cayene (Low Populations).

· 7x Systems at high risk, worlds defended only: Otimmatu, Arkhaapar, BERLIN, Stanton, Unsuited (D-class port/Planetary missiles & atmospheric FTRs only); Uneshuu (D-class port Short ranged Space going FTRS, missiles, and meson guns), ZEELAND (E-class port, planet and orbital missiles and meson guns, orbital FTRs only.).

· 7x Systems with non-jump Space Forces only(SDB’s, Monitors, Orbital fortresses): YOVANNE (500x SDB’s, 166x Monitors TL-11); Klenoy, Khunan (7x SDB’s, 2x Monitors each TL-15); Laahii (SDB’s TL-14); Mixem (SDB’s TL-9); Channel (9x SDB’s, 3x Monitors TL-14); and PUGET (1000x SDB’s, 292x Monitors TL-10).

· 3x Systems with jump capable Navies (includes battle-rider carried SDB’s etc.): LIBERT (500x SDB’s, Monitors; 10x orbital fortresses; Colonial Fleet TL-14, (166 Major warships, nothing over 200ktons; Rikhani (100x SDB’s, & Monitors; Colonial Fleet TL-14, 33x major warships nothing over 10ktons in size/ 99 smaller warships 1kton and less); Talca (200x SDB’s & Monitors; 66 major warships, nothing over 50ktons/ 198 smaller warships-1kton and less).

Current disposition of Colonial Naval Forces:
· LIBERT Base UNP: E-6A; TL-D Full squadron fleet (200kton Battleships to Destroyers 5ktons)10% of fleet is here in refit/ repair mode; 90% is tasked to main Imperial 1st Battle Fleet.

· Rikhani Base UNP: B-55; 3 Escort destroyer squadrons, and three light cruisers. 2/3’s of these serving in Imperial 1st Battle Fleet currently.

· Talca Base UNP: T-4A; 2x CruRons 50kton CA’s, 2x ASLTrons, and 2x Carrier squadrons. 1 CruRon remains here currently (11 major warships). The rest are assigned to the 1st Imperial battle Fleet.

Law Levels-Freedoms & Restrictions: It is ironic that the Libert subsector boasts a large number of low-law level, freer systems than others. Equally ironic that the capital whose name was derived from the word ‘Liberty’ has an extreme high law level [C = Unrestricted invasion of privacy/ zero weapons ownership].

· 3x Extreme Law level worlds [LL A- E]: LIBERT [C]; BERLIN, & Unsuited [both E = full fledged Police states].

· 7x High Law level worlds [LL 8-9] Stanton , ZEELAND, & PUGET [all LL-9]; YOVANNE, Kaanu, Talca, & Cayene [all LL-8].

· 8x Moderate Law level Worlds [LL 4-7]: Quafe, & Channel [Both LL-7]; Arkhaapar, & Jesicar [both LL-6]; Otimmatu, & Toxey [Both LL-5]; and Khunan, & Gate [both LL-4].

· 8x Low Law level worlds [LL 1-3]: Medellin, Loud [LL-1]; Klenoy, Kyzir, Ridge, Rikhani, & Verona; and Eckel [LL-3].

· 5x No Law level worlds [LL-0]: Victory, Taken, Mixem, Hakalau, & Glenwald.

CRIME & Interstellar Law of Libert Main (31 systems):
1. The Ishim-Sirkaa-Neshiish (Vil: Shadow Stellar Combine) of the Libert main’s oldest entrenched criminal organization, commonly referred to elsewhere by law enforcement as the “VGB”, or “Vilani-Good-old- Boys”. Anonymity, diligence, loyalty, and devotion to duty to this many faceted/ tentacled organization are prized, just as Vilani legitimate corporations do. Like the traditional legitimate Vilani businesses—monopolies are sought after and controlled; niche markets in crime are exploited (an example—prostitution & gambling to alien races a region long ignored by Solomani criminal organizations). Protection-extortion rackets, money laundering, banking, shadow-investment & shell companies, dummy corporations; smuggling of hi-tech medical, and computer software; corporate-industrial espionage/ sabotage; as well as murder-for-hire, narcotics manufacturing, Trademark infringement, and copy write pirating, and bootleg medical drug manufacturing. 17x Known worlds of operation & or known influence:
o Eckel [0901] B837323-D Lo Ni 111 Im
o Victory [0902] C9A7420-C Fl Ni 215 Im
o Otimmatu [0905] D553655-9 Ni Po 604 Im
o YOVANNE [1102] C200998-B Hi Na Va In 103 Im
o Klenoy [1103] A623532-F Ni Po 712 Im
o Khunan [1104] A332554-F Ni Po 823 Im
o Laahii [1106 C100644-E Na Ni Va C: 2 A 604 Im
o Kyzir [1108 C671422-C Ni Po 804 Im
o LIBERT [1109] A2109BC-F B Hi Na In Cx 102 Im
o Arkhaapar [1206] D355746-9 Ag Ni 112 Im
o Kaanu [1207] E321498-B Ni Po 914 Im
o Medellin [1306] D645221-8 Lo Ni 704 Im
o Mixem [1308] C685830-9 Ag D:0 804 Im
o Hakalau [1309] B436400-F Ni 304 Im
o Rikhani [1404] A688772-E N Ag Ri 114 Im
o Uneshuu [1502] D10088C-C Na Va A 610 Im
o ZEELAND [1602] E989AA9-E Hi In C:4 A 504 Im

2. The Yakuza (Sol/Japanese: “The Organization”), a pan-Asiatic criminal mafia crime syndicate, very structured, and duty-honor bound by their own code of said thing. Primarily Japanese, although Sol-Asians of mixed ethnicity maybe found amongst their numbers, including the odd ‘gaijin’ (barbarian) specialist. Areas on primary interest: Gambling, prostitution, protection& extortion, murder-for-hire, real estate acquisition [owning/ controlling whole neighborhoods], shadow investments, smuggling, narcotics trafficking & manufacture, shipping and transportation. They are the chief rivals of the “VGB”. 10x Known planets of operation& or influence:
o Otimmatu [0905] D553655-9 Ni Po 604 Im
o YOVANNE [1102] C200998-B Hi Na Va In 103 Im
o Khunan [1104] A332554-F Ni Po 823 Im
o LIBERT [1109] A2109BC-F B Hi Na In Cx 102 Im
o Stanton [1203] D9898B9-8 S 611 Im
o Arkhaapar [1206] D355746-9 Ag Ni 112 Im
o Mixem [1308] C685830-9 Ag D:0 804 Im
o Hakalau [1309] B436400-F Ni 304 Im
o Rikhani [1404] A688772-E N Ag Ri 114 Im
o ZEELAND [1602] E989AA9-E Hi In C:4 A 504 Im

3. The le-Unione-Corse’ (Sol/French: The Corsican Union), primarily a Solomani-French organization, specializing in Labor control of dock workers (wet planets/ Starports/ shipyards) where they manage to keep their hand in with protection rackets, extortion, and threat of strikes to get their way. Murder-for-hire, and industrial ”accidents” are their bred and butter, besides being used by the Planetary Intelligence services on Yovanne, Libert, Puget, and Unsuited for ‘wet work’ and sub-contracted muscle. 8x planets of known operations & or influence:
o YOVANNE [1102] C200998-B Hi Na Va In 103 Im
o LIBERT [1109] A2109BC-F B Hi Na In Cx 102 Im
o Stanton [1203] D9898B9-8 S 611 Im
o Mixem [1308] C685830-9 Ag D:0 804 Im
o PUGET [1508] C7C89C9-A Fl Hi In 202 Im
o Cayenne [1510] D425338-A Lo Ni 520 Im
o ZEELAND [1602] E989AA9-E Hi In C:4 A 504 Im
o Unsuited [1610] D0008AE-A As Na 204 Im

4. The Die Sicherheit Buchen (Sol/German: (literally) The Secret Books), it is not entirely clear according to IMoJ sources high in the Marshalate whether or not this clandestine criminal organization is indeed part of the Police state of world/ system of Berlin or not, as the World’s planetary leader, ‘Chancellor-for Life’ Gruuvnarsh von Schliemann denies any knowledge of such. Information is power, and the ‘SB’ makes excellent use of that in blackmail, extortion, and in Industrial-corporate espionage, primarily hi-tech medical, weaponry (Sternmetall, LIC.), nanotechnology, starship manufacturing (GsbAG, LIC.), insider trading on the Imperial Hortalez-et-Cie, LIC. Stock Exchange, and pharmaceutical industries (SuSAG, LIC. & its’ subsidiaries). In that respect they are rivals to the “VGB”, having ousted them from the Berlin system apparently. 6x Planets of known influence:
o Eckel [0901] B837323-D Lo Ni 111 Im
o YOVANNE [1102] C200998-B Hi Na Va In 103 Im
o LIBERT [1109] A2109BC-F B Hi Na In Cx 102 Im
o BERLIN [1305] D2009BE-B Hi Na Va In 803 Im
o Mixem [1308] C685830-9 Ag D:0 804 Im
o Glenwald [1409] D110340-B Lo Ni 803 Im
o ZEELAND [1602] E989AA9-E Hi In C:4 A 504 Im

5. Imperial Ministry of Justice (IMoJ): Supported primarily by the office of the Sector Duke on LIBERT, and at all Starports class C+, except Ridge & Hakalau *. Planets where IMoJ offices are not found include those with D-class ports: Otimmatu, Taken, Arkhaapar, BERLIN, Medellin, Loud, Glenwald, Uneshuu, Cayenne, & Unsuited; As well as the E-class port worlds of Kaanu, Verona, & ZEELAND. The exception to this is Stanton, which has an IISS base there, and thus is allocated an IMoJ officer.

IMoJ has nothing to do with local criminal activity as per Imperial law—only where said local criminals branch out in interstellar fashion do they trip the alarms and the IMoJ hounds come a running. Crimes committed on the Starport grounds—yes.
Almost all crimes aboard a starship, such as hijacking, Interstellar smuggling of contraband or class 1a felony items (addictive, or toxic substances, NBC bio-weapons), stolen goods, etc, fall under their jurisdiction from the 100-diameter line outward with a mutual jurisdiction to the 10-diameter limit with the host government.
In the Libert subsector, there are 15 systems of the 31 that do not possess an IMoJ office-Berlin and Zeeland being the two largest populated worlds (8+billions & 50+billions) and most glaring examples of the Host world’s government curtailing their presence on their turf, and the same can be said of the asteroid system police state of Unsuited (population 200+ millions) and the amber zoned world of Uneshuu (population 600+millions). Many are low populated worlds, and or corporately owned(Ridge & Verona for example) and thus fall under their company’s security/ law. Another hindrance is the lack of local law enforcement & government apparatus (UWP Govt. type 0) such as on Hakalau, Loud, & Taken.
The Phrase “One planet-One Marshal” is fairly accurate, as there are currently 33 SI Marshals assigned to the Subsector out of 31 main systems/planets—the 32nd & 33rd ones being the Subsector Senior Marshal & the Sector Senior Marshal. The Starburst Imperial Marshal carries with his/her badge the authority of a Ducal warrant. They can commandeer vessels in the name of the Emperor, and arrest even Dukes for malfeasance and crimes (but they had better be able to back it up with evidence in court!). Like the IISS, the Marshalate relies on initiative, knowledge, wits, and brains. Any vessel carrying the 5dtons Imperial mail ticket, can be “deputized” for example, as can any Scoutship (in peace time). Imperial Marshals are accompanied by 2-4 Special Agents during their term for a particular crime/ series of crimes, and 1x Senior Deputy (O-4). They can call on the IMoJ SECFOR (uniformed officers who do the take-down raids) and SPA Security Troops (also Imperial forces), and to a limited degree , Imperial Military forces (such as a eradicating a nest of pirates/ terrorists, etc.). Unlike Military services, the IMoJ’s “enlisted” have equal duties and responsibilities—save they do not have the authority per se of the Marshals.
The Coordinator (E-5) and Subsector or “District” Coordinator-Director (E-6) handle the informants, and undercover intelligence from a variety of sources both human and electronic surveillance, for the gathering of intelligence in casework for the Marshalate. The SC-DC’s usually have their office adjacent to the Senior Marshals’ for ease of administrative assignments. One of the weapons in the war on interstellar crime the IMoJ has here, is access to TL-15 technology, as no less than seven worlds in the subsector possess the cutting edge of Imperial hi-tech.
The above, mssr eclipse comes from Berka's site, and the rest below it is extrapolation on my part based on the UWP data..

The criminal data is my own, but is yours to use peruse, or ignore.

I am somewhat detail-heavy, so bear with it.
</font><blockquote>code:</font><hr /><pre style="font-size:x-small; font-family: monospace;">#PlanetName Loc. UPP Code B Notes Z PBG Al LRX *
Eckel 0901 B837323-D Lo Ni 111 Im
Victory 0902 C9A7420-C Fl Ni 215 Im
Toxey 0903 C78A145-E Lo Ni Wa 310 Im
Otimmatu 0905 D553655-9 Ni Po 604 Im
Quafe 1007 C433267-D Lo Ni Po O:1109 323 Im
YOVANNE 1102 C200998-B Hi Na Va In 103 Im
Klenoy 1103 A623532-F Ni Po 712 Im
Khunan 1104 A332554-F Ni Po 823 Im
Laahii 1106 C100644-E Na Ni Va C: 2 A 604 Im
Kyzir 1108 C671422-C Ni Po 804 Im
LIBERT 1109 A2109BC-F B Hi Na In Cx 102 Im
Taken 1202 D675300-A Lo Ni 503 Im
Stanton 1203 D9898B9-8 S 611 Im
Arkhaapar 1206 D355746-9 Ag Ni 112 Im
Kaanu 1207 E321498-B Ni Po 914 Im
Gate 1208 B659374-F Lo Ni 702 Im
Ridge 1210 A77A112-F Lo Ni Wa 514 Im
BERLIN 1305 D2009BE-B Hi Na Va In 803 Im
Medellin 1306 D645221-8 Lo Ni 704 Im
Jesicar 1307 A364486-F N Ni 503 Im
Mixem 1308 C685830-9 Ag D:0 804 Im
Hakalau 1309 B436400-F Ni 304 Im
Rikhani 1404 A688772-E N Ag Ri 114 Im
Loud 1405 D894101-A Lo Ni 904 Im
Talca 1407 A100798-F Na Va 813 Im
Glenwald 1409 D110340-B Lo Ni 803 Im
Uneshuu 1502 D10088C-C Na Va A 610 Im
Channel 1503 B694557-E Ag Ni 912 Im
Verona 1505 E400112-B Lo Ni Va 804 Im
PUGET 1508 C7C89C9-A Fl Hi In 202 Im
Cayene 1510 D425338-A Lo Ni 520 Im
ZEELAND 1602 E989AA9-E Hi C:4 A 504 Im
Unsuited 1610 D0008AE-A As Na 204 Im</pre>[/QUOTE]There, that looks a bit better. :D
Originally posted by Liam Devlin:
Mssr. Eclipse.

Well, I'll stick by my take of it being rather strange to me to find out some of my characters are being used in another game without so much as a "Hey Dude! I'm horking your characters for my game!" notice.

Sorry, I was in Iraq. Please forgive me. The name your site is under and time allowed for me on web in country prevented me from sending you this missive. Consider it the highest form of flattery and not "horking", and this your belated notice.
Question: what does "the name your site is under" have to do with "prevented me from sending you this missive"? I get the part about time allowed for me on web in country. (BTW, glad you're back safe and a really big THANKS for serving from an Army Brat (dad was in the Corps of Engineers for 22 years)).

I'm long time networking geek, so postmaster, webmaster, etc. are all valid on my domain.

Either way, I'm glad you like what the players in my game and I did enough to use it for a springboard.
They were well done characters with backgrounds detailed enough to maintain. I thank you again, and your players.

I am not a long time net geek, but am willing to learn. and I lost the link. While in country, there were other things pressing. Admittedly, not recontacting you is bad form on my part, or searching the link back to even write you.

And I accept your thanks for service--I'm a Navy Brat meself.