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Attack or Defend?

Attack or Defend?

  • Invade, Destroy, Conquer!!

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A little debate currently rages in "The Fleet" regarding attack and defense of hi-value worlds. So fellow Arm-chair Admirals, which side of the battle would you prefer to find yourself in charge of?
I'm actually going to go for defense. I'm offensive enough...

Seriously, if I have time to set up my defense (not tunneling into the ground, either) I think I'm going to remain on the initiative - I know who my enemy is, where they are likely to come from, and when I go out to meet him/her for battle, my troops have a stake in the fighting...
Besides, if you don't fight my fleet, maybe I'm lobing munitions at YOUR homeworld while you're attacking mine...

I would say Defend.
I base this on the key phrase "HI Value" Worlds, which I take to mean High Resources. An attacking fleet would need external resources to keep "afloat" while with the right planet, and the right tactical situation, you could hold out for a while... also, I assume it is somewhat more cost effective to mount wepons and defensive devices on a planetary Surface than it is to in a ship.

If I had allies in this situation, I would give them Salvage rights to the attackers if they would be so kind as to flank them for me (and a big party afterwards)
I would say Defend.
I base this on the key phrase "HI Value" Worlds, which I take to mean High Resources. An attacking fleet would need external resources to keep "afloat" while with the right planet, and the right tactical situation, you could hold out for a while... also, I assume it is somewhat more cost effective to mount wepons and defensive devices on a planetary Surface than it is to in a ship.

If I had allies in this situation, I would give them Salvage rights to the attackers if they would be so kind as to flank them for me (and a big party afterwards)
Naughty Baron three entrys in the sock race.
I would have to go for Attack.
But if you read the other thread you will know why or at least my thinking on the matter.
But yes how much money and what support the defender has would matter.
Like the war in the Pacific would you realy need to capture fleet bases (TRUK) or just destroy the ships, it takes months and months to make a small ship so if you destroy the ships already there and mine the system from the 100 to 50 diamater range and leave a picket you have negated the system anyway like TRUK.
Just my thoughts on the matter.
Another entry in the great sock race.

Due to the mechanics of Jumpspace; one's spies can get a relatively good picture of the nominal forces strength of the target. One can gather ones own forces more readily than the target can respond to a coming invasion, even assuming deep infiltration of your fleet.

An invasion, in the double-blind of the OTU, has the advantage most of the time...

1) You can actually prepare a plan when invading that includes specifics.
2) you have the ability to actually find out the strengths, assuming reasonable in place spy networks.
3) Once you commit, it's all or nothing! In many cases, it's "Take or Die"; therefore, the locals can flee you...
4) in ay well planned invasion, you'll count on meeting 3x the nominal force pool, and plan on taking 5x that much in...
Originally posted by Aramis:

Due to the mechanics of Jumpspace; one's spies can get a relatively good picture of the nominal forces strength of the target. One can gather ones own forces more readily than the target can respond to a coming invasion, even assuming deep infiltration of your fleet.

An invasion, in the double-blind of the OTU, has the advantage most of the time...

1) You can actually prepare a plan when invading that includes specifics.
2) you have the ability to actually find out the strengths, assuming reasonable in place spy networks.
3) Once you commit, it's all or nothing! In many cases, it's "Take or Die"; therefore, the locals can flee you...
4) in ay well planned invasion, you'll count on meeting 3x the nominal force pool, and plan on taking 5x that much in...
The attacker always has the initiative.From my own military experience initiative trumps just about everything else.
Attack. That way I can at least take most of them with me, and put some glowing holes in their infrastructure. Also because I'd have more forces (a mix of both battleships AND battleriders).

If not for that (initiative, more firepower, and etc.) I'd say defend.
My choice would be to Defend......While the mechanichs of jumpspace have some advantages, fro the attacker, they also have disadvatages. For instance, Your invading force has to remain in jumpspace one week,regardless of where it comes from. (one parsec,or six parsecs)Lower tech drive may take even longer, depending on distance traveled. In all that travel time....the defender sees you comming.
Another disadvantage is logistics. Everything the attacker uses has to be brought with him, and it doesn't stop there. The attack would require a system of convoys ,not just one convoy, just to keep the invaders in Bullets, beans, band-aids, and of course re-enforcements.
One last consideration: The system defence boat........
The answer is simple, when backed with overwhelming force and command of the skies Attack!!! When outnumbered but occupying a good tactical position Defend! The most advantageous defense would be effected by allowing the enemy to invade and occupy the world and then destroying their fleet in orbit and Reoccupying the world while supporting the planetary uprising.

The most advantageous attack involves massive bombardment followed by a long space bourne Siege backed by commando raids and lightning drop ship engagements, and repeated reinforcements from multiple jump points. The key is mobility. If you bog your army down on the worlds surface then you have lost the edge of being a space bourne military.
I've always admired Sethra Lavode's theory of "always defend". She only ever attacked in order to sucker her opponent into following up her withdrawal with an attack.

Of course, she's an undead sorceress who is the living embodiment of Dzur mountain, and wields a Great Weapon - but she's pretty smart for a Dragaeran.
YES! Falkyn, I see sir that you are a sophisticated Dragaerian...err...I mean HUMAN. To which house, sir, do you have the honor of belonging? :D I fancy myself a baronet of the House of Hawk, but that could just be an Easterner putting on airs.... ;)
Originally posted by Father Fletch:
YES! Falkyn, I see sir that you are a sophisticated Dragaerian...err...I mean HUMAN. To which house, sir, do you have the honor of belonging? :D I fancy myself a baronet of the House of Hawk, but that could just be an Easterner putting on airs.... ;)
Actually I'm currently living out a fantasy as Viscount Jhaavren of that very same House. If you chance to peruse http://www.herocentral.net there is a game called Dragaera being played, and there are currently 4-5 of us being inducted into the Phoenix Guard. We're using the Hero system from hero Games, which seems quite good for mimicking the mishmash of sorcery, witchcraft and psionics that Brust writes about.
Soloprobe said:

"....While the mechanichs of jumpspace have some advantages, fro the attacker, they also have disadvatages. For instance, Your invading force has to remain in jumpspace one week,regardless of where it comes from. (one parsec,or six parsecs)Lower tech drive may take even longer, depending on distance traveled. In all that travel time....the defender sees you comming. ..."
I must disagree. The defender does not see you coming while you are in hyperspace. Even if you left some kind of ripple in realspace, the signal from the sensor that detected it as it passed would be slower by orders of magnitude than the hypering fleet.

The only way the defender would know the attacker was coming would be if they had intel-gathering assets that jumped out of the attackers' system of origin just before the attackers departed, bearing detailed and accurate information on the attackers' intentions.
Sorry Womble- Attacks don't just come out of the blue. Defenders always know something is up. Yes, I might not know the exact moment that the attack is coming out of hyper, but that is sooo not important to my preparations...

Not important? Its crucial, you cant keep a military or a society on alert forever. Readiness goes way down even if attack is imminant not to mention the hit to morale and commerce your going to cause.
Originally posted by Dynamo:
Not important? Its crucial, you cant keep a military or a society on alert forever. Readiness goes way down even if attack is imminant not to mention the hit to morale and commerce your going to cause.
Not important, not important.
Ask the people at Pearl Harbour or Taranto or the japaneese fleet of Midway if a warning would be good, Suprise is good even if you know there coming, when is better.
If the attacker plans the attack correctly you dont know hes coming even if he refuels in a system you own something needs to escape and then go to you base for you to find out, and if the attack is planed right then even if they are detected then there should be atleast two possible targets to split your forces and if you splite your forces you will be defeated in detail.
Any good attacker will ensure that one of the targets will be political (the polies will defend it to the last drop of military blood then surender, they will also suck up all the ships and troops to defend themselves.
NO im not cinical.
I can see that the only way to solve this thread would be for two sides to fight the battles and play the strategy and see who wins.