Bolie, stay out.
Page down a bit if you aren't Bolie
Here's the deal. Beneath this paragraph are several news items my players will encounter, detailing the beginning of a period of social turmoil on a planet called Tobia (it's in the Trojan Reach, Rimward of the Marches). Tobia has a population of 20 billion and is the sector capital. A lot of different groups may use this turmoil to try and further their own agendas. I am starting to lose the forest for the trees, and I'd like some input from others. The groups are:
democratic secessionists
pro-imperial paramilitaries
feudal secessionists
if you were one of the movers and shakers in these groups, what would you be doing? I really appreciate the feedback.
Tobia May 6, 1115 – At 1100 hours today, Duke Alexander Quinn, Marquis of Tobia, announced through his Seneschal that elements of the 204th Fleet have been detached to address the Saurus II tax revolutions. The Duke did not disclose which of the tax rebel systems were targeted by this fleet action, nor did he address the degree of force authorized.
May 15, 1115 Tlaiowaha Subsector. Disturbing news has arrived at Tobia today from Tlaiowaha Subsector (directly to Spinward and Rimward of Tobia). On April 2, 1115 (six weeks ago), Asim System, one of the predominantly human-occupied systems of the border region, was attacked and apparently occupied by Aslan forces. The clan allegiance of the attackers and the motivation for the attack have not yet been ascertained. Duke Alexander Quinn was not available for comment, but his press adjutant noted that “There is not yet enough information for the Duke to make an informed decision with respect to this alleged attack, which may yet prove to be a rumor rather than a fact.”
May 16, 1115. News from Corridor Sector asserts that the Duke of that sector has declared the establishment of a “Free Kingdom” of Corridor, independent of the Imperium. According to the crew of the far trader Verrene, which berthed this morning at 0200 hours, Corridor Sector has been closed to Imperial vessels since mid December of last year (20 weeks ago). Far Trader Verrene carried no authentication of this rumor, which the crew attributed to the crew of a subsidized liner in Zeng System (Deneb Sector). The Starport Authority has taken the crew of the Verrene into protective custody, and according to the Starport Authority the crewmembers have not chosen to have any further contact with the media at this time. Imperial news services have been completely silent with respect to this startling news, obviously under a gag order from the Duke. The Duke’s Seneschal did state that the x-boat system has not carried any news of disturbances in Corridor Sector, and that any rumors of such disturbances are categorically untrue.
May 17, 1115, Tobia, 1000 hours. Reacting to rumors of the secession of Corridor Sector from the Third Imperium, at the opening bell of the Planetary Financial Exchange, stock prices plummeted fifteen percent and prices of commodities soared a staggering twenty-two percent. Under long-established regulations, all trading on the exchange has been halted. Traders now nervously await a holovised speech from Duke Quinn, to be delivered at 1100 hours.
May 17, 1115, Tobia, 1430 hours. The Tobian Industrial Zaibatsu today announced that all banks and financial exchanges licensed by the planetary government would suspend activities under 75 TPC 8834, Section 33.234 for an indefinite period of time. The suspension came after a planetwide banking panic sparked by Duke Alexander Quinn’s statements in his speech of 1100 hours this morning. The Duke dismissed the Corridor Secession rumor as “nonsense,” but also noted that Imperial funds would be available to support the Tobian treasury in the event of a run on banks. While this statement was no doubt intended to allay the fears of Tobian citizenry, it appears to have been interpreted as an admission not only that the Corridor Secession rumor had some truth to it, but that the planetary banking system might be in jeopardy. At the present time, all banks are closed and the Zaibatsu has declared a curfew of 2200 hours, beyond which only emergency personnel are to be on the streets.
May 18, 1115, Tobia, 0900 hours. After a night of violence in the streets between Zaibatsu police and gangs of looters breaking into grocery stores and vending machines, the Zaibatsu has declared martial law in several of the planet’s cities. These cities (list follows) are subject, effective immediately, to a total curfew, with only emergency and law enforcement personnel to be outside while troops deploy. Tobian secessionist groups are calling upon Duke Quinn to follow Corridor’s example and sever ties with the Imperium, while the Duke’s public relations adjutant has reiterated that Corridor Sector “has not, repeat not” seceded from the Imperium. Access to Hathuine Imperial Starport has been suspended, with a pass from Starport Administration required to enter or leave the facility. Banks and financial exchanges remain closed across the planet.
Page down a bit if you aren't Bolie
Here's the deal. Beneath this paragraph are several news items my players will encounter, detailing the beginning of a period of social turmoil on a planet called Tobia (it's in the Trojan Reach, Rimward of the Marches). Tobia has a population of 20 billion and is the sector capital. A lot of different groups may use this turmoil to try and further their own agendas. I am starting to lose the forest for the trees, and I'd like some input from others. The groups are:
democratic secessionists
pro-imperial paramilitaries
feudal secessionists
if you were one of the movers and shakers in these groups, what would you be doing? I really appreciate the feedback.
Tobia May 6, 1115 – At 1100 hours today, Duke Alexander Quinn, Marquis of Tobia, announced through his Seneschal that elements of the 204th Fleet have been detached to address the Saurus II tax revolutions. The Duke did not disclose which of the tax rebel systems were targeted by this fleet action, nor did he address the degree of force authorized.
May 15, 1115 Tlaiowaha Subsector. Disturbing news has arrived at Tobia today from Tlaiowaha Subsector (directly to Spinward and Rimward of Tobia). On April 2, 1115 (six weeks ago), Asim System, one of the predominantly human-occupied systems of the border region, was attacked and apparently occupied by Aslan forces. The clan allegiance of the attackers and the motivation for the attack have not yet been ascertained. Duke Alexander Quinn was not available for comment, but his press adjutant noted that “There is not yet enough information for the Duke to make an informed decision with respect to this alleged attack, which may yet prove to be a rumor rather than a fact.”
May 16, 1115. News from Corridor Sector asserts that the Duke of that sector has declared the establishment of a “Free Kingdom” of Corridor, independent of the Imperium. According to the crew of the far trader Verrene, which berthed this morning at 0200 hours, Corridor Sector has been closed to Imperial vessels since mid December of last year (20 weeks ago). Far Trader Verrene carried no authentication of this rumor, which the crew attributed to the crew of a subsidized liner in Zeng System (Deneb Sector). The Starport Authority has taken the crew of the Verrene into protective custody, and according to the Starport Authority the crewmembers have not chosen to have any further contact with the media at this time. Imperial news services have been completely silent with respect to this startling news, obviously under a gag order from the Duke. The Duke’s Seneschal did state that the x-boat system has not carried any news of disturbances in Corridor Sector, and that any rumors of such disturbances are categorically untrue.
May 17, 1115, Tobia, 1000 hours. Reacting to rumors of the secession of Corridor Sector from the Third Imperium, at the opening bell of the Planetary Financial Exchange, stock prices plummeted fifteen percent and prices of commodities soared a staggering twenty-two percent. Under long-established regulations, all trading on the exchange has been halted. Traders now nervously await a holovised speech from Duke Quinn, to be delivered at 1100 hours.
May 17, 1115, Tobia, 1430 hours. The Tobian Industrial Zaibatsu today announced that all banks and financial exchanges licensed by the planetary government would suspend activities under 75 TPC 8834, Section 33.234 for an indefinite period of time. The suspension came after a planetwide banking panic sparked by Duke Alexander Quinn’s statements in his speech of 1100 hours this morning. The Duke dismissed the Corridor Secession rumor as “nonsense,” but also noted that Imperial funds would be available to support the Tobian treasury in the event of a run on banks. While this statement was no doubt intended to allay the fears of Tobian citizenry, it appears to have been interpreted as an admission not only that the Corridor Secession rumor had some truth to it, but that the planetary banking system might be in jeopardy. At the present time, all banks are closed and the Zaibatsu has declared a curfew of 2200 hours, beyond which only emergency personnel are to be on the streets.
May 18, 1115, Tobia, 0900 hours. After a night of violence in the streets between Zaibatsu police and gangs of looters breaking into grocery stores and vending machines, the Zaibatsu has declared martial law in several of the planet’s cities. These cities (list follows) are subject, effective immediately, to a total curfew, with only emergency and law enforcement personnel to be outside while troops deploy. Tobian secessionist groups are calling upon Duke Quinn to follow Corridor’s example and sever ties with the Imperium, while the Duke’s public relations adjutant has reiterated that Corridor Sector “has not, repeat not” seceded from the Imperium. Access to Hathuine Imperial Starport has been suspended, with a pass from Starport Administration required to enter or leave the facility. Banks and financial exchanges remain closed across the planet.