Yup i do like these..... okay i may be a little biased as the Merc Cruiser happens to be my favourite ship anyway... i just love how it looks for some reason. But anyway i digress the rendering is Ace.
i am all flattered out at what you guys can do with my puny ole drawins...wish i were computer literate!
but hey, either i am old fashioned or more likely tecnilogically challenged, i must make do...generally i almost always freehand, withn occasional assit from a staightedge.
geez, i love those clean lines! Beautiful work... between you and Ted Lindsay, it all looks great!
Yea it was not a done CGI when I posted. It still needs work in the details ie. Guns and stuff.
Hey Bryan I might make a living doing graphic work but all artist have their own artistic strengths and weakness. if you asked me to draw like you with a pencil I'd be asking for help! Their are very few complete artist in the world so all endevors in visual communication end up as a team effort. So keep up the good work. I just wish you had more ships to render but I guess I might try doing the ATV. hehe