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Anyone willing to help to convert T4 Central Supply Catalog to T20 ?

Hello all,

I don't have the rulebook yet, but I suppose that some of the gear in CSC from IG has not been converted to D20 ?

If it is the case is anyone interested into helping to convert it to T20 ? Some gear will mostly have only need of a T20 description, or just a list of stats. But putting together a chart of all items in it might actually be helpful.

What do you think ?

Hunter, do you have the permission to convert stuff from older books to D20 and release it as PDFs or has it to be fan-provided from one of our websites ?

Regards, all,
Originally posted by Fu:
Hello all,

I don't have the rulebook yet, but I suppose that some of the gear in CSC from IG has not been converted to D20 ?
I've looked at this. The T20 book has much of the gear the CSC has, just not as many variations. I would look throught the T20 book before embarking on a project like this.