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Anyone Looking for Online Players?


Is there anyone out there looking for a humble, retiring, scout to join their online campaign? I play using t20 rules, but also play CT. I prefer the "classic Period" around 1105+, but can adapt...

Don't worry, Im only slightly infamous...

(Raises glass of Reginian cognac)

See you in space, Comrades...
Eclipse, I would be interested in playing, but I have never done a PBeM, just FTF. Could you explain how you play in a PBeM? I have read the storyline so far and the equipment restrictions for beginning characters, and it sounds like it would be fun to play in your campaign.
You can Email me at alexkiss@comcast.net or just post reply here.
Originally posted by Grimjack:
Eclipse, I would be interested in playing, but I have never done a PBeM, just FTF. Could you explain how you play in a PBeM? I have read the storyline so far and the equipment restrictions for beginning characters, and it sounds like it would be fun to play in your campaign.
You can Email me at alexkiss@comcast.net or just post reply here.
There is a link on the page where you can access the stored messages for the game. Reading those would be a good way to get the feel for the method of play.
Allo, I'm playing the ex-barbarian/traveller character and I'm new to PBeM and T20 so you can't do any worse than me. ;)

More than happy to have you along, as long as ye bring your ship along (w/the GM's help) and stay a while.

The Skythian's ready to see the stars again and get some loot in the process! :cool:

Brown Fox finishes his Renfaire and goes back to dancing in style with the ladies at the ball.

Does anyone else happen to have a T20 pbem (or similar) with character openings right now? I'm GMing T20 but would like to take a crack at playing it.
Well! Adventure in the "good old days" what? Most intriguing! I shall have to generate a New Character, unless I can play my own Great Great Great Grandfather! Are Aliens allowed? and if so, the ones described in the T20 book only? or could I be say, a Vegan?

Any suggestions as to what is needed to round out the group?

Since I wont be playing myself, please send all mail to chuckshaw2000@hotmail.com

Thank you!

Originally posted by Baron Saarthuran:
Well! Adventure in the "good old days" what? Most intriguing! I shall have to generate a New Character, unless I can play my own Great Great Great Grandfather! Are Aliens allowed? and if so, the ones described in the T20 book only? or could I be say, a Vegan?
Any suggestions as to what is needed to round out the group?
Since I wont be playing myself, please send all mail to chuckshaw2000@hotmail.com
Thank you!
I've actually got two folks submitting starship pilots, so any character that would otherwise round out the team.

Aliens are fine, but I'd like to stick to one with published T20 stats for now. An Ursa would be fun...I love a good bear joke.
Ok Eclipse, count me in. What character type do you still need for the group? I would like to play either a Engineer type or a Fighter type ground combat specialist. Will play a Pilot though. (that is my usuall char.) Do I make character or you?
Mr. Eclipse...

I have done some preliminary work on my character for the "pulp hunters" campaign I emailed it to the address posted on the site... I am basically writing this in case you didn't get it.

Originally posted by Grimjack:
Ok Eclipse, count me in. What character type do you still need for the group? I would like to play either a Engineer type or a Fighter type ground combat specialist. Will play a Pilot though. (that is my usuall char.) Do I make character or you?
Actually I'm full up now. I'll post again if I lose some players.
Same question as the Admiral. Are there any more vacancies for games online? Would really like to play.
Thank you, Grimjack
Originally posted by Vice-Admiral Vidmar Kulkinski:
Anyone else out there with vacancies?

I'm easy I can do all types from LBB-d20 (I'm a tart)


Admiral and Grim
I am looking for some players for an In-Service adventure, Imperial Marines, Classic traveller with Gurps extensions.
contact me at ldegroff@ix.netcom.com ldegroff@ix.netcom.com or I have started a thread here as well.

Characters desired are Marine ratings or NCO;s or Naval non-officer cutter pilots, engineers or
Naval medic as Marine detachment, Medic.
Ratings/NCO is rank 1 to 3.
Don't muster them out, and consider that about the maximum personal gear is 1 duffel and no fire or pole arms.