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Anyone have Aliens or Predator Stats?

Does anyone have aliens, predator or starship trooper stats they use for classic or mega traveller that they have adapted to play with?

Im looking to see if anyone has the following they use or created. I honestly would rather review someone elses before i create my own for a few side quests/adventures.

starship troopers
colonial marines
characters from any of the movies
cargo lifter
Marine drop ship
Marine APC
Marine warship
ST warships
ST infantry dropship
ST fighters
ST bugs (all types)
ST psionics (idea or new powers)

Anything that anyone might have already done is appreciated. I mean I think using the classic or megatraveller rules can be adapted to play in these universes. Its too bad they dont have a license to do so. I am looking ot see if anyone has there own house rules/home brew rules? I would be interested in looking at them using them in a upcoming gaming session with my newbie friends.
There is a JTAS article detailing the Alien (pre-Queen lifecycle, mind you, it was written after Alien but before Aliens).

Also, my Solar Triumvirate Marine Corps were inspired by the Aliens Colonial Marines; just replace the G-Carrier with an APC and the PGMP-12 with a "Smartgun"/LMG and you'll have something VERY similar.

I was thinking about writing Ripley in CT format for some time; this site could be a nice basis for them. My try (btw, what would be the Merchant Prince equivalent of "Warrant Officer"?):

A. J. Dallas
Merchant Captain, 676899, Age 45, 6 Terms
Pilot-3, Admin-2, Leader-2, Ship Gunnery-1, Streetwise-1, Brawling-1, Medic-1, Vacc Suit-1, Computer-1, Flamethrower-0.

Ellen L. Ripley
Merchant Warrant Officer, 789AA7, Age 30, 3 Terms
Pilot-1, Power Loader-2, Law-1, Communications-1, Vacc Suit-1, Brawling-1, Computer-1, Flamethrower-0, Combat Riflewoman-0

Rebecca ("Newt") (I'm working from memory, so it might be inaccurate)
Child, 395747, Age 7
Stealth-1, Survival-1
A warrant officer is a technical Officer position, senior to enlisted persons, but junior to commissioned officers. But they get the same amount of respect as a Full LT or more, since they have been around and earned it.

In the Navy, mostly up from the Chief ranks.

I think they gave her Warrant Officer as rank, because they are this sort of corporation thing setup, and did not want to go with LT, LTJG, etc or it would have felt too much like Star Trek with Marines.

I'd definitely give Ripley Endurance 9, not 8.

Everything else looks within specs, perhaps add in Computer-1 or 2 to both the adults.

Give Newt Scrounging-1, Survival-1, and Screaming-1, heh.
PS, if you really want the flavor, Leading Edge pretty much captured it 99.99% With their Aliens RPG, and excellent boardgame, both rare on ebay, and highly prized. They pop up about once every 6 months.
The 'Alien' was called the Reticulan Parasite in JTAS #4 in the Bestiary.

Not comfortable with posting the stats. Don't want to step on any copyright toes.

Hooray for reprints!
G. W. Kane
Merchant 1st Officer, 6668B8, Age 38, 5 Terms
Pilot-2, Engineering-2, Survey-2, Admin-2, Computer-2, Brawling-1, Medic-1, Xenoarcheology-1, Vacc Suit-1, Flamethrower-0.

J. M. Lambert
Merchant 3nd Officer, 6778A9, Age 28, 2 Terms
Navigation-3, Pilot-1, Communications-1, Vacc Suit-1, Computer-1, Flamethrower-0.

J. T. Parker
Marines (?) Corporal/Merchant 4th Officer, 879886, Age 42, 6 Terms
Mechanical-3, Engineering-2, Streetwise-2, Combat Rifleman-1, Ground Vehicle-1, Ship's Boat-1, Gravitics-1, Electronics-1, Computer-1, Vacc Suit-1, Flamethrower-0.

S. E. Brett
Merchant Able Deckhand, 566784, Age 52, 8 Terms
Engineering-2, Mechanical-2, Grav Vehicle-2, Electronics-1, Gravitics-1, Watercraft-1, Vacc Suit-1, Brawling-0, Flamethrower-0.
Acheron (LV-426, Zeta 2 Reticuli IV): Pre-Terraformation (Alien) UWP X7A6000-0; Post-Terraformation (Aliens) UWP E786211-8.

The Alien Itself
(NOTE: This is my version of the Alien based on Aliens, CT LBB3 and my imagination, and not taken in any way from JTAS).

Egg: 12kg, Hits 6/6, armor as cloth. Has the equivalent of the Telepathic "Life Detection" ability, with an equivalent Psionic Strength of 3. Immobile but will release a Facehugger if it senses a living being of sufficient size (20kg+ I suppose)in its immidiate vicinity. Will also attempt to release it if it suffers damage but is not rendered "unconscious".

Facehugger: 3kg, Hits 4/4, armor as mesh, Speed 4. Can jump up to Short range. If a living being of 20kg+ is within Short or Close range from a Facehugger, it may jump on it and grip its head on a roll of 5+ on two dice. In the subsequent combat turn, the victim can try to break the grip on a roll of 9+ on two dice, DM +2 if STR 8+, DM +Brawling skill. If the victim fails, he or she is impregnated irrecoverably. If he or she succeeds, the Facehugger is thrown aside but is otherwise unharmed and may try to grip again in the next Combat Turn.

Chestburster: 3kg, Hits 3/5, armor as Mesh (but additional DM -4 to hit due to speed and evasivness), May attack with Teeth for 1 Wound, Speed 3. Always flees.

Drone: 50kg, Hits 10/7, armor as Cloth, Speed 2. Attacks: Teeth (8 Wounds), Stinger (2 Wounds and poison [?]) or Claws (5 Wounds).

Queen: 400kg, Hits 24/12, armor as Battledress, Speed 1. Attacks: Teeth (12 Wounds), Stinger (3 Wounds and poison [?]) or "As Broadsword" (her claws, 8 Wounds).

How would I model the "Acid for Blood"? Or pheromone communications?
The Aliens universe (that is, the Human part of it) should probably be mid-late TL9 in most respects, with gravitics at very early TL9 (only shipboard grab-plates) but computers, robotics and probably several fields of biology at TL15-16.

Low Berthes (called "Hypersleep" in that universe) would be almost 100% safe and won't damage or kill their occupants under normal circumstances.

Aliens has very limited FTL communications (Acheron fails to contact Earth), but this can be easily removed and replaced by the standard Traveller Type-S Scout/Couriers.

A Marine would be issued an ACR ("Pulse Rifle", but it's described in the movie as firing slugs and not flechettes, so it isn't Gauss but ACR) with an underbarrel RAM grenade launcher (with an ammo capacity of 4?), a Combat Knife (treat as Blade) and Cloth armor, as well as a miniaturized short-range (?) radio, a shoulder camera and a "biomonitor" of sorts.

how would you handle the Motion Tracker, Smartgun and Hand Welder under Traveller rules?
how would you handle the Motion Tracker, Smartgun and Hand Welder under Traveller rules?
Well the motion tracker might project a radar field in a cone. Whenever an object moves relative to its background minus the movement of the tracker it is shown as a blip on the screen. (Like a TL7 radar gun) Drawback are that it does not image in 3D and makes you light up like a Christmas tree to passive sensors. Range 100 meters.
Considering it seems to be for infantry use I assume that it is easy to use vacuum rated, pressure rated to at least 50+ atmos and waterproof.

Smartgun is best left to the gearheads and military minds. I dunno.

Hand welders could be converted to laser welders with a beltpack battery system.
The smartgun could be constructed as a robot using LBB8.

The motion tracker can be adapted from the sensors given in Grand Survey/Census etc.

I'm sure I've seen a hand held laser welder somewhere...
Nice place for inspiration

Check out a place on the web called "Serena Dawn Spaceport".

There's a free download of a home-brew game called "Alien Fuzion", based on the free Fuzion rules.

Very informative and instructive

Good luck


G. W. Kane
Merchant 1st Officer, 6668B8, Age 38, 5 Terms
Pilot-2, Engineering-2, Survey-2, Admin-2, Computer-2, Brawling-1, Medic-1, Xenoarcheology-1, Vacc Suit-1, Flamethrower-0.

J. M. Lambert
Merchant 3nd Officer, 6778A9, Age 28, 2 Terms
Navigation-3, Pilot-1, Communications-1, Vacc Suit-1, Computer-1, Flamethrower-0.

J. T. Parker
Marines (?) Corporal/Merchant 4th Officer, 879886, Age 42, 6 Terms
Mechanical-3, Engineering-2, Streetwise-2, Combat Rifleman-1, Ground Vehicle-1, Ship's Boat-1, Gravitics-1, Electronics-1, Computer-1, Vacc Suit-1, Flamethrower-0.

S. E. Brett
Merchant Able Deckhand, 566784, Age 52, 8 Terms
Engineering-2, Mechanical-2, Grav Vehicle-2, Electronics-1, Gravitics-1, Watercraft-1, Vacc Suit-1, Brawling-0, Flamethrower-0.

Just came across this old post of yours. Cool! How about Ash? Anyway, thanks for the post!
Use the chassis, powerplant/battery, powered legs and arms rules from Robots for the loader, leaving enough room for the pilot, roll cage and controls. To the extent the loader has robot brains, they should be Cargo Handling-1 at best with a program to prevent accidents.
MgT Cowboys vs. Xenomorphs has stats (in PC format, not Bestiary stats) for basic Predators and all Reticulan Parasite (The Perfect Organism is it's new name) life stages. This means easily adopted to earlier TRAV stats.

The Aliens are Hell on Wheels in CQB.