Hey Kerry
This is how we've been rolling up characters.
Roll up to THREE sets of stats, using 4d6 drop the lowest. That seems to be the consensus of all the groups I've run.
You can put the stats in any order you want. Don't roll PSi, unless you want to take the feat natural psi-talent to get that.
If you do, I have the psionic class, the one omitted from the book due to space. Yes, there are some boons when your an ancient. Heh!
I will be running a game on tuesdays and wednesdays.
Right now, tuesdays looks good for having the space. Wednesdays seems to have 5 players, tuesdays only 4.
But, if you want to play on either day, that's cool with me, I'll adjust!
Tuesdays Characaters: Luriani Ace Pilot, Noble Mercenary ships' captain, Engineer/Doctor and a Merchant
Wednesdays Characters: [new class] Ancients Hunter, ex-scout, Ex-belter, TAS field reporter and one undecided.
So, send me an email and we'll make contact voice, that's easy enough...murtagh_@hotmail.com
The Man Behind the Curtain